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Sky-High Sustainability: Unveiling Thailand’s Groundbreaking ‘Green Airport’ Revolution! Are You Ready for an Eco-Friendly Flight?

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Imagine a world where airports no longer run on coal and non-renewable energy resources, but transform to powerhouse seeds of sustainability, utilizing the endless potential of solar energy. This is the magic that Airports of Thailand (AoT) seeks to compound as it embarks on an ambitious mission to unleash the sunshine’s power at Suvarnabhumi Airport. This historic airport, traditionally a hub of travel and transport, now spells a tryst with the green revolution, pioneering Thailand’s first ‘green airport’ blueprint.

The masterminds behind this grand vision, AoT and Kerati Kijmanawat, its insightful Director, have weaved a fascinating tapestry of the future. By the next two years, they envision drawing 20% of electricity at the airport from renewable sources. This cascading wave of change, with Suvarnabhumi Airport at its nucleus, aims to echo across other airports in the country, catalyzing a chain reaction of sustainable practices.

The solar rooftop project, the beating heart of this ‘green airport’ archetype, promises a capacity of 4.4 megawatts as the terminal preens to clad itself in solar technology. More than just an energy resource, the project wears a triple-crown of benefits. The domino effect of embracing solar power spans across thermal, financial, and environmental dimensions. For starters, Kerati puts forth a thrilling revelation – a decrease in the terminal’s temperature by seven degrees Celsius! In other words, the solar panelling system is positioned as a silent savior, banking 2% energy savings on the air conditioning system and creating a pleasant ambiance under the tropical Thai sunshine.

Let’s not forget the financial windfall! Kerati unravels another attractive fringe benefit of the grand scheme – an annual saving of over 11 million baht. The green airport project, therefore, not just acts as a song of sustainability, but also charts an economic high note.

In the age of climate crisis, every organization shoulders the responsibility of minimizing its carbon footprint. The ‘green airport’ initiative holds no exceptions. Kerati brings to light a heartwarming detail: the solar rooftop project’s contribution to reducing carbon emissions. According to estimations, the scheme could potentially curtail more than 3,600 tonnes of carbon emissions annually, an environmental impact equivalent to the absorption prowess of 360,000 trees!

AoT’s vision of an eco-friendly oasis doesn’t just end at the rooftop. The airport’s watery expanses are also being eyed for solar installations, harnessing dual advantages. The airport landscape is being sketched for an energy-efficient future, with solar panels sprinkling their green charm across it. This bigger picture, as noted by the Bangkok Post, highlights AoT’s unyielding commitment to environmental excellence and sustainability.

The green airport’s ambitious goal does not stop at energy efficiency and climate control efforts. Kerati presents a lofty milestone: savings of 20% on the airport’s electricity charges by mounting 50 megawatts of panels by the year 2025. The symphony of sustainable success, as performed by the ‘green airport’ project, brings together the harmonious orchestration of AoT, the District Cooling System and Power Plant Company, Egat, PTT Plc, and the Metropolitan Electricity Authority. This mighty collaboration echoes the project’s spirit of communal effort, paving the way for a sustainable, energy-efficient future.

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