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Unseen Conspiracy Shakes Thailand: Is Imported Pork Crashing Your Local Economy? Shocking Truth Unveiled!

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A stern battle against the illicit import of agricultural products into Thailand has been formally announced by the proficient Agriculture and Cooperatives Minister, Capt Thamanat Prompow. This illicit importation, he states emphatically, is the root cause of the plummeting prices of local products, which is having a detrimental effect on local farmers and the economy at large.

Notably, the illegal import of frozen pig carcasses has had a particularly damaging impact on local pig agriculturalists. These smuggled supplies have dominated the local pork market, causing a significant drop in pork prices. Minister Thamanat believes strong countermeasures are imperative to rectify this repercussion, which is further exacerbating an overarching issue of undervaluation of local farm products.

The Department of Special Investigation (DSI) is concurrently delving into the matter, collaborating with the Customs Department on the appropriate course of action concerning confiscated, illegally imported frozen pig carcasses. These were discovered in 161 shipping containers at Laem Chabang Port.

The DSI director-general, Pol Maj Suriya Singhakamol, revealed that the plan is to transfer the seized carcasses from the port for burial in the Khlong Hat district of Sa Kaeo province between September 25th and 29th. This location is conveniently close to Sa Kaeo’s animal feed research and development centre and lies within a reasonable distance from the port.

To delve further into the issue, a specialist investigation team has been set up and has begun the process of questioning witnesses. Witnesses of interest include representatives from the 19 freight companies implicated in the smuggling of these pig carcasses into Thailand. Furthermore, 11 shipping companies suspected of involvement in the transportation of these illegal products have been subjected to raids.

Capt Thamanat has also responded to the criticisms of the new government’s agricultural policies by promising a clearer roadmap of their implementation. The realization of these plans will unfold as the specifics of their operation and budgetary planning are articulated, he insisted.

Critics have argued that the agricultural policies currently set before parliament appear skeletal and may not aptly address the primary challenges the agricultural sector faces. Capt Thamanat responded, assuring that each ministry will laboriously work on comprehensive plans to be carried out over the next four years.

Interestingly, on Monday, Minister Thamanat received a proposed solution from the Community Rice Centre Association (Thailand), tackling the problem of high production costs and low product prices in the industry. The association’s report states that the competitiveness edge within the agricultural sector is at its lowest in two decades. This, they assert, results from rising production costs coupled with diminishing product yields when compared to other countries.

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