Mallika, a 30-year-old petrol station worker, bravely sought justice by sharing with the public her distressing encounter with sexual harassment by a male patron. In her bold attempt to expose this wrongdoer, she distributed CCTV footage capturing the incident to various news outlets. During a discussion with Channel 3, Mallika revealed the occurrence took place around 3 in the afternoon on the 21st of September at a petrol station based in the eastern province of Trat.
As per her account, three Thai gentleman in a pick up vehicle arrived at the station. She described how the driver initially requested for 500 baht worth of diesel. Moreover, the passenger who was seated near the driver, alighted from the truck and instructed her to fill up a larger quantity, equal to 1,000 baht. Mallika dutifully obliged and took a 1,000 baht note from the person standing outside the truck, intending to do her job as usual.
Regrettably, the situation took a troublesome turn. As she was proceeding towards the cashier to retrieve a receipt for the transaction, he surprise slapped her posterior. An understandably shocked Mallika confronted the man about his sexual misconduct. Instead of an apology, the man retorted arrogantly, challenging her to report him to the authorities. Following this altercation, the party hastily vacated the premises, leaving Mallika without any opportunity to further address the occurrence.
Adding a rather ominous twist, Mallika has reason to believe that all three gentlemen could possibly belong to governmental sectors, given that she spotted the violator donning a vest bearing an emblem, suggestive of a governmental department. However, she has failed to identify the exact department they belong to.
Meanwhile, as a declarative sign of her resilience, Mallika has submitted an official complaint to the local law enforcement at the Baan Taluen Police Station. She offered the incriminating evidence in her possession. The officer in charge made it clear that as yet, the offender had not presented himself at the station.
In an alarming proof that this indicates a prevalent issue in the community, another similar case of a Thai woman being sexually harassed in a public bus from Bangkok to Nakhon Nayok province transpired merely four days prior. A co-passenger accosted her and proceeded to masturbate, causing her much distress.
This sequence of events also points to the disconcerting reality that sexual harassment is not exclusive to women. A male victim from Thailand raised a voice of caution after a person made inappropriate sexual advances, offering to perform fellatio on him in a public restroom at a petrol station located in Chachoengsao province.
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