On the fateful day of October 3, the bustling Siam Paragon shopping center was plunged into chaos when a fourteen-year-old boy shockingly opened fire. The startling event led to the tragically premature demise of two innocent lives, while injuring numerous other shoppers. In these moments of despair and fear, Pol Cap Thanamorn Nunat of Pathumwan Police Station took the reins, displaying courageous leadership that led to the arrest of the child assailant.
A fortnight later, this valorous act was not overlooked. Distinguished Pol Gen Torsak acknowledged the commendable performance by Pol Cap Thanamorn, by reinstituting an age-old tradition: The Knight’s Ring was conferred upon the heroic officer.
The inception of the Knight’s Ring can be traced back to 1957. The then director general of the Royal Thai Police, Pol Gen Phao Siyanon, introduced this tradition to acknowledge those officers who demonstrated unexampled courage, made substantial contribution in crime prevention, thereby contributing significantly to the progress of the police department, may it be at the provincial or city level. The symbol of this recognition was an illustrious gold ring, adorned with the emblem of a police cap, christened The Knight’s Ring.
Adding to the grandeur later that same year, Pol Gen Phao further categorized the Knight’s Ring by enhancing it with diamonds, hence paving the way for the term Diamond Knight’s Ring. This augmentation was a testimony to the officers who willingly endangered their own lives while fearlessly performing their duties under ominously high-risk conditions.
The first 13 officers who received this glorious recognition via the Diamond Knight’s Ring were chosen keeping Pol. Gen. Phao’s reverence for the number 13 in mind. He believed the number harbored auspicious qualities, given the 13th of October was celebrated as Thailand’s Police Day during his tenure.
However, the legacy of The Knight’s Ring was put on hold following Pol. Gen. Phao’s retirement later in 1957. Luckily, this symbol of honor and bravery was refreshed and brought back by Pol. Gen. Torsak on the 17th of October, marking a historical turnaround for the Thai Police fraternity.
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