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Workforce Reboot: Why 75% of Thai Employees May Abandon Ship for New Horizons!

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Ah, the land of smiles, Thailand, bustling with energy and ambition—it seems its workforce is just as dynamic and forward-thinking. A recent survey trailed the professional hopes and aspirations of 570 individuals, from a myriad of industries, painting a picture of an imminent reshuffling of the corporate deck.

Illuminating the findings, a staggering three-quarters of employees are fixing to jump ship in the coming year. Yet, it’s not the siren’s song of a fatter paycheck alone that’s luring them to uncharted waters, oh no! A heftier 44% have set their compasses by the true north of company values when scoping out their next professional berth.

What else is tipping the scales? Well, let’s dive in—bonus schemes are the shiny doubloons attracting a whopping 89%, whilst 74% are weighing anchor for the tranquil waters of private health insurance. Not to be outdone, nearly six in ten crave the freedom to chart a course from distant shores with flexible or remote working arrangements, and for 41%, the promise of generous holiday entitlement is a treasured chest worth unlocking. We mustn’t skim over the 30% that also value their peace of mind with life or critical illness cover.

Our tale takes an intriguing turn as we spy nearly half of our survey’s brave sailors—50% to be exact—poised to batten down the hatches and shore up their technical and soft skills in anticipation of the coming year’s voyages. And 78% of these intrepid explorers are hoisting their sails for the horizon of hybrid working arrangements, discerning the siren call of work-life balance, and the safe harbors of companies offering wellness services.

Steering the conversation, Punyanuch Sirisawadwattana, the esteemed country manager of Robert Walters Thailand, rings the bell loud and clear for companies to chart a course true to the evolving winds of employee preference. “Flexible sails—err, I mean work arrangements, support for mental health, investment in developing skills, and an unwavering commitment to an equitable and diverse workplace culture,” she proclaims, “should be at the helm of recruitment strategies.”

Harmonizing with this tune, Kincentric (Thailand) weighs anchor with its own findings. Surveying the territory of over 100 leading enterprises, they discovered a treasure map where consistent employee experiences X marks the spot for organizational success. Linking these experiences with improved coffers and happier clientele, the evidence is as clear as the crystal waters of the Andaman Sea.

Adisak Chandprapalert, managing director of Kincentric, gazes toward the horizon, urging magnates and tycoons to make hay while the sun shines. “Employee experiences,” he asserts with the conviction of a seasoned captain, “are a competitive advantage waiting to be hoisted atop the mast of business vitality.

Matey Napas Sirivarangkul, Kincentric’s steadfast partner, charts a triad of pivotal elements to navigate these waters:

  • Consistency: Ensuring the crew—er, the employees—experience smooth sailing throughout the vessel of the organization.
  • Connectivity: Linking every member of the ship’s company via an integrated approach that marries their journey with the very spirit of the organization’s culture.
  • Courage from the C-suite: Commanders of the executive fleet committing to steer these experiences toward the coveted treasure of a valued business asset.

She concludes with a rallying cry, “These are the guiding stars that allow an organization not just to navigate but to explore new realms. Thus, leadership can unlock a trove of remarkable outcomes, charting the course to spirited employee engagement, swift and mighty agility, inspirational command, and an unwavering focus on talent.”

So, there you have it, a glimpse into the shifting tides of the Thai workforce—a clear sign that the times, they are a-changin’, and those at the helm would do well to adjust their course accordingly in these ever-evolving waters.

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