The future of cannabis in Thailand is at a crucial juncture as the government prepares to revisit the legal status of the plant next month. A groundswell of public support has rallied behind a petition aimed at maintaining the current legal status of cannabis as a medicinal and economic resource. The petition, organized by the Phuket Cannabis Association (PCA), has already gathered over 2,000 signatures within 24 hours from Thai citizens, businesses, farms, expats, and tourists.
If you believe in the economic, health, and social benefits that cannabis has brought to Thailand since its decriminalization, sign the petition here. Time is of the essence as we have until May 31st to show our collective support. It takes less than two minutes to add your voice to this pivotal cause.

The letter of intent attached to the petition emphasizes the importance of maintaining cannabis’ status as an herbal plant under the Herbal Plant Control Act, A.D. 2019 (B.E. 2562). It argues that moving it back to a narcotic drug status would infringe on the rights of Thai citizens. The intent letter also underlines the international trend of recognizing cannabis’ beneficial properties and asserts the need to regulate it through law rather than outright prohibition.
Cannabis has a long history in Thailand, from its widespread use in culinary traditions and traditional medicine to its application in textile manufacturing. However, influenced by international pressure, the Cannabis Act of 1935 criminalized cannabis for the first time in Thailand’s history.
This changed in 2022 when the Thai government decriminalized cannabis, following a global trend towards more liberal cannabis laws. This move has spurred a significant economic boom, with over 1.1 million Thai citizens registering to grow cannabis and more than 4,600 cannabis-related businesses opening their doors. Decriminalization has also eased the burden on the justice system, destigmatized cannabis use, and opened the path for more research into its medicinal properties.
With the government’s reevaluation of cannabis regulations on the horizon, the Phuket Cannabis Association has been working tirelessly to ensure the continued decriminalization of cannabis. Their work has been instrumental in fostering a sustainable development within the Thai cannabis industry, but they can’t do it alone.
The PCA and the countless individuals and businesses who’ve benefited from decriminalization need your support. Sign the petition here before May 31st to ensure your voice is heard. Remember, it only takes two minutes to make a difference.
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