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Activist Guntouch Pongpaiboonwet Champions 12-Year-Old Rape Victim’s Case in Narathiwat

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Online crusader Guntouch Pongpaiboonwet has leaped into action once again, this time championing the cause of a 12-year-old rape victim. The young girl, who had fled to Nonthaburi to stay with a relative after the horrendous incident in Narathiwat, was brought to the Rattanathibet police station to file a complaint against her attackers. (Photo: Gun Jompalang Facebook)

In a significant turn of events, five out of the 13 suspects involved in the heinous crime surrendered at the Tak Bai police station in Narathiwat on Tuesday. These individuals, aged between 16 and 24, were escorted by their parents to meet with Pol Col Suphachat Yeewangkong Na Phatthalung, the station’s superintendent.

The charges against them are grave: raping a minor under the age of 13, abducting a minor for indecent acts, and taking a minor away from their parents. Due to the severity of the accusations, bail was denied, and the suspects are scheduled to appear in Narathiwat Provincial Court on Wednesday. The underage offenders will be sent to a juvenile detention center.

This shocking case was brought into the public eye by social media activist Guntouch Pongpaiboonwet, also known by his alias, Gun Jompalang. He became involved after being contacted by a woman who revealed that her younger sister had been gang-raped in Narathiwat before fleeing to Nonthaburi to live with her.

Together with Warin Weerasunthorn, head of the Nonthaburi Children and Family Shelter, Mr. Gun accompanied the young victim to file a complaint with the Rattanathibet district police in Nonthaburi on Sunday. The victim disclosed that she had been raped in a village in Tak Bai district in the southern province on five different occasions between May 10 and June 8.

To make matters more appalling, the assault involved 13 men, some of whom were acquaintances of her brother and relatives. According to Mr. Guntouch, one of the perpetrators misled the girl by promising to buy her a treat, only to take her to a hotel where his friends awaited to perpetrate the unspeakable act.

Furthermore, allegations have surfaced that the gang might be involved in narcotics peddling. The victim’s sister indicated that some of the suspects had audaciously posted pictures online, advertising drugs for sale.

In a disturbing twist, Mr. Guntouch revealed that some of the accused had recently contacted the girl’s mother, proposing negotiations only if the victim returned to Tak Bai. The authorities are currently on an intense hunt to track down the remaining eight suspects still at large.

Adding a bitter note to the saga, Mr. Guntouch is preparing to file a complaint against a teacher from Narathiwat who had made insensitive online posts suggesting that the victim might have consented to the sexual acts. Such victim-blaming comments highlight the additional hurdles the girl faces in her fight for justice.

With the brave efforts of activists like Guntouch Pongpaiboonwet and officials determined to pursue justice, there is hope that the perpetrators will be held accountable and that the young victim will find some measure of peace and closure. The community watches intently as the case progresses, a stark reminder of the critical importance of standing against such abhorrent acts and supporting survivors in their journey toward justice.


  1. Alex T August 6, 2024

    It’s absolutely horrifying what happened to that poor girl. I can’t believe people can be so evil.

    • Chris90 August 6, 2024

      Evil is everywhere. It’s about time we had stronger laws against such crimes.

      • Pat L. August 6, 2024

        Even with stronger laws, it’s the enforcement that always seems to fall short. We need more advocates like Guntouch.

      • Sarah M. August 6, 2024

        True, but the community also needs to be more involved. We can’t always rely on the law to solve everything.

      • Alex T August 6, 2024

        Exactly, people need to be more vigilant in their communities. Hats off to Guntouch for stepping up.

  2. user9382 August 6, 2024

    Why isn’t this getting more media coverage? Such cases should be in the spotlight!

    • Jen_W August 6, 2024

      The mainstream media often overlooks these stories unless someone brings them to light. Social media has been crucial here.

      • Tom August 6, 2024

        Sad but true. Social media has its flaws, but it’s a powerful tool for justice.

      • user9382 August 6, 2024

        But it’s frustrating! These kinds of atrocities shouldn’t need influencers to become newsworthy.

    • John M August 7, 2024

      I agree totally. Such a horrific story demands social scrutiny and action for good.

  3. Kayla August 6, 2024

    The saddest part is the possibility that drugs are involved. This gang needs to be dealt with severely.

    • Paul H August 6, 2024

      Absolutely, it’s not just about the assault but the entire criminal network operating behind it.

  4. Mountains_of_Shadows August 6, 2024

    This teacher making insensitive remarks should be fired immediately.

    • Elena August 6, 2024

      Agreed. Victim-blaming is disgusting and should not be tolerated, especially from educators.

    • Kim C August 6, 2024

      The teacher’s comments are a reflection of a larger issue with how society often handles these cases.

  5. Jonas August 6, 2024

    Do we know how the authorities are handling the search for the remaining suspects? They need to be caught ASAP.

    • Hana B August 6, 2024

      Authorities seem to be on it, but there’s no update yet. Hope they speed things up.

    • Jonas August 6, 2024

      Yeah, let’s hope so. The longer they stay free, the worse it is for everyone.

  6. D_FAITH August 6, 2024

    Activists like Guntouch are heroes. We need more people like him to bring justice.

    • Mike L August 6, 2024

      Yes, but what about the systemic change? One man can’t fix a broken system.

    • Sandy August 6, 2024

      Guntouch is raising awareness, which is the first step. Systemic change comes from sustained effort.

    • D_FAITH August 6, 2024

      Agree. It’s a start, and every bit helps in the long run.

    • User920 August 6, 2024

      Guntouch is doing an incredible job, but the justice system needs a complete overhaul.

  7. Frances August 6, 2024

    I feel so sorry for the girl. What kind of world are we living in?

    • Emerson W August 6, 2024

      A world where evil exists, but also a world where people fight back. Keep hope alive.

  8. Carlos M August 6, 2024

    The suspects who surrendered should be treated with utmost severity. No bail, no leniency.

    • Bee August 6, 2024

      I agree. Such crimes deserve the harshest punishment available.

    • Joan Rivers August 6, 2024

      But what about fair trials? Everyone deserves a fair trial even if the crime is heinous.

    • Carlos M August 6, 2024

      Fair trial, yes. But if they’re guilty, throw the book at them.

  9. Cari August 6, 2024

    The involvement of some of the victim’s acquaintances makes this even more unsettling.

    • SunnyD August 6, 2024

      It’s shocking how the people closest to you can betray your trust so horrifically.

  10. Henry F August 6, 2024

    It’s about time we have a public outcry about such crimes. Silence helps the perpetrators.

    • Louise August 6, 2024

      Absolutely, silence is complicity. We need to make more noise.

  11. DoctorJ August 6, 2024

    This case highlights the importance of mental health support for victims. The trauma is immense.

  12. Lucy August 6, 2024

    I hope the authorities also crack down on the drug angle. This could prevent future crimes.

    • Hank August 6, 2024

      Yes, the drug issue might be the root of many such problems.

  13. Todd August 6, 2024

    I hope this young girl gets the justice and support she needs to rebuild her life.

  14. Bella Lover August 6, 2024

    Shocked that this can happen in today’s world. Just praying for justice.

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