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AIT Charts Sustainable Aquaculture Future with Groundbreaking International Conferences

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Imagine a place where the boundaries of aquatic science and conservation dissolve, giving way to innovations that ripple across continents and into the future. The Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) stands as a beacon of such innovation, having recently orchestrated a trifecta of international events that would make any ocean enthusiast’s heart beat faster.

With the AIT’s Aquaculture and Aquatic Resources Management (AARM) at the helm, pioneers from across the globe converged on a conference trilogy that sang the siren song of sustainable aquaculture and fisheries management: the International Fisheries Symposium, the Recent Advances in Tropical Aquaculture training, and the Giant Prawn Conference.

Catalysing Innovation and Collaboration in Aquaculture Education

Let’s rewind to a breezy November 8, when AIT—alongside the Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA)—launched an exhilarating training endeavor. Nestled within the luscious emerald hues of the “Recent Advances in Tropical Aquaculture, Aquaculture Nutrition, and Feed Technology,” attendees from 13 Philippine universities immersed themselves in a sea of knowledge, captained by AIT’s unwavering dedication to educational excellence.

Fostering Global Dialogues for Future-Ready Fisheries

Fast forward to November 22, and the 11th International Fisheries Symposium unfolds its splendid sails. Under the theme “Building Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture for Future Generations,” over 350 delegates from 25 countries navigated discussions teeming with responsibility and innovation. AIT’s symposium shone a spotlight on fisheries and aquaculture coexisting harmoniously with nature and ignited dialogues on nurturing sustainable coastal livelihoods.

Advancing Freshwater Prawn Aquaculture: A Giant Leap for Sustainability

And then, there was the 6th Giant Prawn Conference, a rendezvous orchestrated by AIT, Shanghai Ocean University (SHOU), and the Department of Fisheries, Thailand. A kaleidoscope of 160 experts from 17 countries gathered to weave a tapestry of sustainable freshwater prawn farming strategies. This gathering, dedicated to the magnificent Macrobrachium spp., unfurled innovations as attendees explored the crevices of aquaculture biotechnology, shining a light on Thailand’s striking strides in the sector.

“These sequential events are a testament to AIT’s prowess and have firmly anchored our reputation as a nexus for international knowledge exchange,” declared AIT President Prof. Kazuo Yamamoto. “We are charting courses for responsible blue growth that enriches Thailand and models exemplary global practices in aquaculture and fisheries management.”

The amalgamation of these noteworthy events at AIT marks a buoyant leap towards a future bathed in sustainability and prosperity. Through education, cutting-edge innovation, and worldwide collaboration, AIT continues to steer the aquaculture and fisheries industries towards horizons shimmering with promise.

AIT’s ceaseless voyage of discovery and advocacy confirms its place at the helm of this transformative expedition, continually contributing to the economic and ecological riches of the region.

About the Asian Institute of Technology

Thriving in the north of vibrant Bangkok since 1959, the Asian Institute of Technology stands as a lighthouse for technological and developmental education and research. Famed for its kaleidoscopic academic community and unyielding commitment to sustainable development, AIT proudly operates as a powerhouse advancing aquaculture and transforming the future of the region’s blue economy.

For an immersive dive into AIT’s world-class programs and initiatives in aquaculture and aquatic resources management, one can simply reach out to: [email protected] or navigate their digital waves at

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