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Unveiling Thailand’s Game-Changing Innovation Powerhouse: AIT’s Science and Technology Park Set to Ignite Global Tech Revolution!

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The Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) recently celebrated a groundbreaking development in Thailand’s technological and innovative landscape with the launch of its Science and Technology Park, duly accredited by the Board of Investment (BOI). This initiative earmarked Thailand a key destination for multinational corporations and institutionalized an environment thriving on innovation and pioneering solutions.

AIT’s vision is encompassing, centering around promoting international collaboration, facilitating groundbreaking research, nourishing promising startups, and addressing urgent societal issues through the deployment of innovative solutions. This new tech hub provides all-around support for businesses, aiding their journey from incubation through expansion, offering access to Thailand’s Science Park, Intellectual Property licensing support, and fully furnished workspaces.

This BOI accredited Park serves as a fertile breeding ground for entrepreneurial endeavours and provides an opportunity for entrepreneurs to tap into a diverse network of over 1,500 English-speaking postgraduate students from around 45 countries. Further to these benefits, investors who apply for BOI STP investment promotions for qualifying projects will enjoy certain privileges including additional Corporate Income Tax exemptions for a 10-12 year period, amongst other benefits.

AIT’s President, Prof. Kazuo Yamamoto, emphasized Thailand’s commitment to nurturing an ecosystem fostering academic, research, and industrial collaboration. Echoing these thoughts, he mentioned, “As a BOI-approved Science and Technology Park, AIT seeks to leverage its global reputation to drive foreign investment and develop a pivotal startup culture, aligning with Thailand’s vision to evolve as an innovation hub.”

Sonklin Ploymee, Thailand BOI’s Deputy Secretary General, expressed her delight in endorsing AIT with the Science and Technology Park status. She voiced confidence in AIT’s capability, backed by experience and skilled talent, to fortify the connection between academics, research, and industry, thus kindling advanced innovation which will undoubtedly boost Thailand’s global presence.

Similarly, Prof. Sukit Limpijumnong, at the helm of the National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA), welcomed AIT’s partnership and predicted revolutionary changes across Thailand’s landscape facilitated by the amalgamation of talent and expertise.

The event was marked by an engaging discussion amongst industry leaders exploring business opportunities and the role of innovation in Thailand. This active dialogue highlighted the role of AIT’s Science and Technology Park in fostering cutting-edge innovation by bridging the gap between academia, research, and industry.

Suwit Khunkitti, AIT’s Vice Chair of the Board, has been instrumental in steering the BOI project to reality. His visionary leadership transformed the conceptual into a tangible accomplishment.

Attendees were also treated to an insightful site visit, enabling them to appreciate AIT’s advanced facilities. This visit included a tour of the first BOI-accredited company, CSi Bangkok, acclaimed for its technological innovations and the renowned water lab, acknowledged as a leading facility in the region. The eventful day concluded with a visit to the BOI space, showcasing corporations joining AIT’s vibrant community.

AIT’s launch as BOI-approved Science and Technology Park not only establishes AIT as a beacon of academic and research excellence but also positions Thailand as a nexus of technological innovation and multinational collaborations. It underlines AIT’s commitment to building and reinforcing associations between academia, industry, and governance, designed to propel both economic growth and technological progression. As AIT steps confidently into this new chapter, the impacts are anticipated to ripple across Thailand and resonate globally.

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