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Attempted Rape and Theft: Thitiphong Thongsuk Arrested in Ubon Ratchathani

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Early Saturday morning, Thitiphong Thongsuk, 39, found himself in a precarious position, pointing out his motorcycle after being arrested on an attempted rape charge. (Photo: Warin Chamrap Banhao, Ubon Ratchathani Facebook)

In the heart of Muang district, Ubon Ratchathani, a disturbing incident unfolded. Thitiphong Thongsuk, mounted on his motorcycle, was apprehended by police after being accused of trying to rape a young German teacher who had booked his service through a ride-hailing app. Pol Col Khanongrit Darat, chief of the Muang police station, confirmed that Thitiphong was arrested on a road in tambon Kham Yai at around 1am on Saturday.

The chain of events that led to this dramatic arrest began when a 22-year-old German woman, employed as a language teacher at a public school in Muang district, lodged a harrowing complaint. On Friday evening, around 7pm, she had called for a motorcycle via a ride-hailing application to take her from the Central shopping mall to her school accommodation, just about a kilometer away.

According to her account, once the rider picked her up at the mall, he suspiciously deviated from the intended route. Her unease turned into dread when he stopped the motorcycle, dragged her off, and forced her into a grassy area beside the roadside. As he attempted to rape her, she fought back fiercely, biting his hand in a desperate bid for survival. Infuriated, he punched her multiple times in the face. Her screams for help echoed through the night, causing the assailant to grab her shoulder bag and flee the scene.

Fortune smiled upon her as a kind passerby came to her aid, transporting her to a nearby hospital to treat her injuries. The courageous young woman wasted no time and reported the terrifying ordeal to the police.

The police swiftly got to work, combing through security camera footage along the route. It wasn’t long before their diligence paid off, leading them straight to the suspect, Thitiphong.

Interrogation revealed a chilling confession from Thitiphong. He admitted to the assault, explaining to investigators that he had consumed five speed pills before beginning his work shift. Intoxicated and aroused by the sight of his attractive passenger, he surrendered to his vile impulses.

Further examination confirmed his drug use through a urine test, which returned positive. The gravity of his actions weighed upon him as he faced charges of theft, indecent assault, and illegal drug consumption. The suspect remains in police custody, awaiting the wheels of justice to turn.

As the story unfolds, the German teacher’s courage and swift action set a powerful example. This incident also underscores the importance of vigilance and rapid response from law enforcement. Together, we look forward to seeing justice served and hope that this unsettling episode will ignite further discussions on public safety and the necessary measures to protect individuals from such traumatic experiences.


  1. Emily S. August 24, 2024

    This is horrifying. I can’t imagine the trauma that poor woman went through!

    • Rider82 August 24, 2024

      But does anyone know what kind of precautions she took? Situations like this can sometimes be avoided if people learn about safety measures.

      • Selena August 24, 2024

        Honestly, predators can strike anywhere. Blaming the victim for not taking precautions is not helpful.

      • Emily S. August 24, 2024

        Exactly. The focus should be on the perpetrator and why he felt entitled to attack her.

    • Anna-Louise August 24, 2024

      The real question here is why isn’t there more strict vetting for ride-hailing app drivers? They should have better control over who they let drive.

  2. Simon T. August 24, 2024

    This guy must rot in jail. People like him don’t deserve any leniency.

    • LibertyLover August 24, 2024

      I get the anger, but everyone deserves a fair trial. We can’t jump to conclusions.

      • Justice4all August 24, 2024

        He admitted to the crime! What’s there to debate about fairness?

    • Vera D. August 24, 2024

      Agreed, Simon. But remember, our justice system exists for a reason. Let it take its course.

    • Simon T. August 24, 2024

      Of course, I’m just emphasizing that what he did is beyond forgiveness.

  3. Jessie K. August 24, 2024

    Drug abuse again in the equation. Why do people keep resorting to substances to commit such atrocities?

    • Brian Q. August 24, 2024

      It’s a deeper societal issue. The availability of drugs and lack of mental health support contribute significantly.

    • Channel123 August 24, 2024

      Exactly! We need to tackle the root causes—better drug policies and mental health care.

  4. Tommy B. August 24, 2024

    Thank God she fought back and got help. Shows real courage!

    • Marc04 August 24, 2024

      Yes, her bravery is commendable. But it shouldn’t have come to that. Why don’t we have better protections?

    • Sunny D. August 24, 2024

      True, Marc. We need systemic changes to ensure such incidents are prevented.

  5. L. Harmon August 24, 2024

    Why isn’t there a bigger conversation about the consequences of these apps? They focus on convenience but what about safety?

    • TechSavvy August 24, 2024

      Safety features are improving, but it’s a slow process. Apps are adding things like background checks and emergency buttons.

    • Angie12 August 24, 2024

      Background checks can always be improved. Lives are at stake here!

  6. John August 24, 2024

    Another app villain. Maybe we should just go back to using traditional taxis.

    • Sarah D. August 24, 2024

      Traditional taxis have their own set of issues too. It’s not just about the mode of transport.

  7. Melanie T. August 24, 2024

    I can’t believe he blamed it on ‘speed pills.’ Alcohol, drugs—they are just excuses for people who want to harm others.

    • Harvey99 August 24, 2024

      Excuses? They can impair judgment significantly. It’s criminal but understanding the whole picture is important.

  8. Aaron K. August 24, 2024

    I wonder what kind of psychological help she’ll need after this. That kind of trauma isn’t easy to overcome.

  9. Linda B. August 24, 2024

    After hearing this, I’m getting rid of all e-hailing apps on my phone. Trust is broken.

  10. Zara24 August 24, 2024

    Where was the public when she was screaming? Communities need to be more involved in public safety.

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