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Bangkok Post Adjusts for Songkran: Embracing Festival Spirit While Keeping You Informed

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Imagine the streets bursting with vibrant colors, the air filled with laughter, and a spirit of celebration wrapping around every corner. Yes, you’ve guessed it right – it’s time for the Songkran festival, Thailand’s most anticipated and beloved national holiday. A time when millions come together to celebrate, make merry, and welcome a brand new year with open hearts and splashing water. It’s a festival that beautifully encapsulates the essence of Thai culture and tradition, bringing people from all walks of life together in a joyful communion.

At the Bangkok Post, we’re just as excited about Songkran as you are! We recognize the importance of staying updated with the current state of affairs, whether it’s happening in our own backyard or in far-off lands. That’s why we’ve always been dedicated to delivering top-notch news coverage to our valued readers, making sure you’re always in the loop.

However, as the festival spirit takes over, we notice a gentle shift in the pace of life. The vibrant energy of Songkran gently nudges the hustle and bustle of daily routines to slow down, including the rhythm of both public and private sectors. Offices quiet down, streets fill with revelers, and for a few days, the world seems to take a collective breath and simply enjoy the moment.

In response to this seasonal shift, we at the Bangkok Post are making a few temporary adjustments to our print publication. From April 12 to April 16, we’ll be merging some sections of our newspaper and trimming down the number of pages. This decision is made with the festival’s spirit in mind, ensuring that our team can also partake in the festivities while continuing to provide you with essential news and updates.

But worry not! Our online portal isn’t going anywhere. It will continue to be your go-to destination for comprehensive news coverage, 24/7. Whether you’re interested in catching up on domestic events or keeping an eye on international affairs, our digital platform will have you covered. Think of it as your Songkran companion, keeping you informed while you soak in the joy and fun of the festivities.

We’re profoundly grateful for your continued support and readership. It’s your enthusiasm and engagement that drive us to do better every day. As Songkran approaches, we want to extend our heartfelt wishes for a happy and safe celebration. May this festival bring you joy, prosperity, and an abundance of good fortune. Here’s to making unforgettable memories and embracing the new beginnings that Songkran symbolizes. Happy Songkran, everyone!


  1. SaraJ April 11, 2024

    Reducing the print edition during Songkran makes sense. The festival is about celebration and not everyone is focused on news. Plus, it shows respect for the cultural traditions.

    • MarkT April 11, 2024

      But doesn’t this decision impact those who rely on print news? Not everyone is tech-savvy or has internet access.

      • SaraJ April 11, 2024

        That’s a valid point, MarkT. However, considering the holiday, most of the news would be light-hearted anyway. Critical news can still be accessed online by those who need it.

      • TechGuru88 April 11, 2024

        Exactly, MarkT! The digital divide is real. This move might widen the information gap, making it harder for some populations to stay informed.

    • JoyfulReader April 11, 2024

      The Bangkok Post is being responsible by letting their employees celebrate the festival. It’s just for a few days!

  2. Peter91 April 11, 2024

    I’m glad the online portal will still be active. In today’s world, digital is the way to go, especially during such vibrant festivals.

    • OldSchooler April 11, 2024

      Digital may be convenient, but it lacks the charm and reliability of print. There’s something about holding a newspaper that a screen can’t replace.

      • Peter91 April 11, 2024

        I understand where you’re coming from, OldSchooler, but convenience and immediate access to news have their own benefits, especially for younger generations.

  3. TraditionKeeper April 11, 2024

    Modifying newspaper production for Songkran is a good balance between modern demands and traditional values. It honors the festival’s essence while staying committed to news dissemination.

    • FactChecker101 April 11, 2024

      But is it really honoring traditions, or is it just a cost-saving measure disguised as cultural sensitivity?

  4. AnnaB April 11, 2024

    It’s essential to adapt to changes and embrace the spirit of the times. The Bangkok Post is setting a precedent for how businesses can preserve culture while adapting to new realities. Kudos!

    • SkepticalSue April 11, 2024

      Adaptation or not, the primary role of a newspaper is to inform. Reducing print editions, even temporarily, might detract from that mission.

  5. EcoWarrior22 April 12, 2024

    This should be seen as a positive step towards sustainability. Less print = less paper used. Hopefully, more companies follow suit, especially during festivals and holidays.

    • GreenSkeptic April 12, 2024

      While less paper use is good for the environment, what about the energy consumption from increased online traffic? It’s not all black and white.

  6. TimothyL April 12, 2024

    What about the elderly who look forward to their morning paper? This decision seems to overlook people who may feel isolated during the festivities.

    • CaringNeighbor April 12, 2024

      Why not share your digital news access with those who can’t get online? It could be a new Songkran tradition – sharing news and joy.

  7. FestivalFan April 12, 2024

    It’s only a temporary adjustment. The Bangkok Post is finding a middle ground. Let’s focus on the spirit of Songkran and the joy it brings. Happy Songkran to all!

    • NewsHound April 12, 2024

      Festival or not, news never takes a holiday. It’s critical to have consistent access to news, especially for those in remote areas.

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