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Bangkok Transforms Lang Suan Road: A New Dawn for Pedestrians under Deputy Governor Jakkapan Phiewngam’s Vision

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In the heart of Bangkok, a city celebrated for its vibrant street life and bustling sidewalks, a significant transformation unfolded along Lang Suan Road in the prestigious Pathumwan district. This change was heralded by the presence of a simple yet unequivocal sign installed by diligent workers from the Pathumwan District Office. This sign was not merely a piece of metal with words; it was a declaration of a new era, stating the prohibition of goods’ sale in the public realm, marking the culmination of the street vendors’ saga on this famed Bangkok street.

The Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA), a body known for its stewardship of the city’s evolving landscape, took a decisive step to reclaim the footpaths for pedestrians, clearing the once vendor-lined sidewalks of Lang Suan Road. This mission of revitalization was led by none other than the energetic Bangkok deputy governor, Jakkapan Phiewngam, who, along with the deputy town clerk, Supakrit Boonkhant, made a pivotal visit to the area. Their aim? To oversee the enhancements being made on the footpaths near the bustling Chit Lom intersection, a nexus of urban movement and commercial activity.

Until recently, Lang Suan Road had been a dynamic marketplace, alive from the crack of dawn until mid-afternoon. Fifty-eight street vendors, each with their own unique offerings and stories, were granted the opportunity to showcase and sell their products from 6 am to 3 pm. These vendors, an integral part of the street’s identity, had woven themselves into the fabric of daily life in Pathumwan, bringing color, aroma, and the irresistible taste of Thai street food to locals and tourists alike.

However, the winds of change, guided by the BMA’s vision and regulations, beckoned. Mr. Jakkapan shared that the vendors, in a show of understanding and adaptability, accepted the BMA’s decree. With choices that led some to seek new markets in adjacent lanes and others to journey back to their roots in distant hometowns, the vendors’ departure marked the end of an era. The vacated spaces on the sidewalks didn’t stay empty for long, as workers from the Pathumwan District Office promptly undertook the task of cleaning and repairing the footpaths, a testament to the relentless drive towards improvement and progress in Bangkok’s urban spaces.

But this initiative didn’t stop at Lang Suan Road. The District Office cast its gaze on another area ripe for upgrade—Witthayu Road. Here, the message was clear: the pavements were to be vendor-free zones, with no room for cooking food or displaying goods for sale. Mr. Jakkapan underscored the seriousness of this policy with a mention of a fine—a stern reminder of up to 2,000 baht for those who dared to defy the new order.

As Bangkok strides into the future, its arteries cleared and its sidewalks broadened for the pedestrian, the city navigates the delicate balance between preservation and progress. The tale of Lang Suan Road’s transformation is but a chapter in the ever-evolving story of this metropolis, a narrative of change, resilience, and the undying spirit of its people. It’s a reminder that in Bangkok, every street has a story, and every sign, a new beginning.


  1. ThailandGem April 30, 2024

    Bangkok’s transformation of Lang Suan Road is a step in the right direction. Cities need to be more pedestrian-friendly. This moves shows a commitment to urban planning that prioritizes people over vehicles.

    • MarketLover April 30, 2024

      But what about the street vendors? They’re the soul of Bangkok’s streets. This decision pushes them away, forgetting those who can’t afford to rent a space inside. The city’s charm is fading.

      • ThailandGem April 30, 2024

        While I empathize with the vendors, the sidewalks are for walking. There has to be a middle ground where both can coexist without sidewalks being overtaken by stalls.

      • UrbanPlanner101 April 30, 2024

        There’s evidence from other global cities that integrating pedestrian areas with controlled vending zones works wonders. Bangkok could adopt a similar model without entirely banning vendors.

    • BangkokNative April 30, 2024

      I’ve seen the change firsthand. It’s easier to walk now, but I do miss the bustling energy the vendors brought. There’s got to be a way to keep the culture alive amidst these regulations.

  2. EcoWarrior April 30, 2024

    This initiative is fantastic for pedestrians and for the environment. Reducing clutter and traffic in one fell swoop. Hopefully, this encourages more people to walk or cycle.

    • Skeptical April 30, 2024

      Wishful thinking. Just because the road is clear doesn’t mean people will suddenly start walking everywhere. Bangkok’s heat and pollution aren’t exactly welcoming for pedestrians or cyclists.

      • EcoWarrior April 30, 2024

        It’s a step, though. Every major change begins with small steps. Public awareness and infrastructure improvements can make walking and cycling more appealing over time.

  3. FoodieFrank April 30, 2024

    One of the main reasons tourists flock to Bangkok is for the street food. Removing vendors from Lang Suan Road strips away a piece of the city’s identity. Not a fan of this move.

    • CultureVulture April 30, 2024

      Exactly! There’s a way to keep the streets clean and safe without erasing the cultural heritage that makes Bangkok unique. They need to find a balance.

  4. LocalBizSupporter April 30, 2024

    Spare a thought for the local businesses around Lang Suan Road. They might see a decline in foot traffic without the street vendors drawing people in. It’s a complex issue.

    • OptimistPrime April 30, 2024

      On the contrary, cleaner streets and less congestion could attract a different clientele that prefers a less chaotic shopping environment. It could be a win for those businesses.

  5. SafetyFirst April 30, 2024

    Nobody’s talking about safety. Those sidewalks were accidents waiting to happen with vendors and pedestrians crammed together. This move might actually save lives.

    • RealBangkok April 30, 2024

      True, but safety doesn’t mean sanitizing the city of its character. There are ways to improve safety standards without a complete ban on street vendors.

  6. DigitalNomad April 30, 2024

    As someone who’s traveled extensively, Bangkok’s vibrant street scene was unparalleled. It’s disheartening to hear that it’s being sanitized for the sake of commercialization.

    • AdventurousSoul April 30, 2024

      I get your point, but isn’t it also about making the city more livable for its residents? Tourists come and go, but the locals have to deal with the day-to-day realities.

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