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Better Community Zone at SX 2024: Uniting for a Sustainable Future in Bangkok

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The Better Community Zone at Sustainability Expo 2024 (SX 2024) is a transformative space dedicated to fostering social, environmental, and economic sustainability. Designed to unite individuals, companies, and public organisations from around the globe, this dynamic zone showcases impactful initiatives that have successfully addressed community needs. Over 50 partners from various sectors are participating in this interactive exhibition, which highlights projects that have made meaningful contributions toward building resilient, inclusive, and sustainable communities.

More than just a display of success stories, the Better Community Zone invites visitors to engage with hands-on workshops, thought-provoking discussions, and immersive activities. The zone is divided into four key areas: Learning Society, Caring City, Community Shapers, and Art-Driven City. Each of these zones explores a different facet of how communities can thrive through collaboration, innovation, and creativity.

Visitors are also encouraged to participate in the Gathering Space, a vibrant area for small talks, artistic performances, film screenings, and community-building activities. This space serves as the heart of the Better Community Zone, fostering meaningful connections and facilitating collaboration among participants.

Learning Society — The Learning Society sector champions the idea of cities as hubs for lifelong learning, where education extends beyond formal institutions and is integrated into everyday life. Here, visitors can discover diverse learning opportunities within their communities and see how the development of quality learning resources and infrastructure can empower citizens to be more informed and adaptable.

This sector also emphasises the role of digital tools and local learning centres in making education accessible to all. By fostering a culture of curiosity and intellectual growth, the Learning Society aims to create a more knowledgeable, capable, and resilient population that can tackle technological advancements, social issues, and other modern challenges.

Caring City — The Caring City sector focuses on creating urban spaces that are inclusive, safe, and accessible for all residents, particularly vulnerable groups such as the elderly, people with disabilities, and children. The sector highlights the importance of participatory urban planning, where architects, city planners, and community members collaborate to design environments that promote well-being and social interaction.

Through case studies, the Caring City showcases innovative urban solutions that enhance the quality of public spaces, from improved public transportation systems to wheelchair-accessible parks. The goal is to inspire human-centred design in future urban development, ensuring that cities cater to the diverse needs of their inhabitants.

Community Shapers — The Community Shapers sector celebrates the entrepreneurial spirit of individuals and organisations working to improve their local communities. This space is dedicated to showcasing social enterprises and community-driven initiatives that address social, economic, and environmental challenges while promoting sustainability.

Visitors will learn about innovative projects that champion eco-friendly practices, support local economies, and stimulate social entrepreneurship. Through workshops and discussions, the sector provides practical guidance for starting and scaling community-focused businesses, encouraging attendees to become active participants in shaping their communities.

Art-Driven City — The Art-Driven City sector explores how art and culture can transform urban spaces and foster economic growth. This area highlights the role of the creative industries in revitalising cities, promoting social cohesion, and driving sustainability. Visitors will see how cities around the world are using public art, festivals, and creative workshops to foster a sense of community and environmental awareness.

Moreover, this sector emphasises the power of art to inspire change by showcasing how artists use recycled materials to create works that challenge the status quo and encourage visitors to adopt more sustainable lifestyles.

The Gathering Space — At the centre of the Better Community Zone is the Gathering Space, a dynamic hub for community engagement. Here, visitors can attend intimate discussions, join in hands-on workshops, and enjoy artistic performances in a relaxed, collaborative environment. The community coffee corner serves as a meeting point where participants can share ideas over a cup of locally sourced coffee.

The Gathering Space features a rotating lineup of small talks, short film screenings, and art performances, all designed to spark dialogue on topics like sustainable urban planning, social entrepreneurship, and community resilience. By participating in these activities, visitors can connect with experts, learn from inspiring projects, and contribute their ideas toward building a better society.

Better World Zone: A Journey Through Sustainable Art

In addition to the Better Community Zone, the Better World Zone offers an immersive art experience focused on sustainability. This space features thought-provoking works from artists around the world, with a special emphasis on the Bangkok Art Biennale (BAB) 2024. Highlights include “Our Cycle,” which addresses the global extinction crisis, and “Infinity,” a labyrinth made from recycled materials, encouraging visitors to reflect on the possibilities of reuse and the impact of waste.

The ASEAN SX Photo Contest 2024 and the Trash to Treasure exhibition also feature prominently in this zone, showcasing how artists are using their creativity to raise awareness about biodiversity and inspire action toward a greener future.

The Better Community Zone at SX 2024 is a call to action for individuals, communities, and organisations to come together in the pursuit of a more sustainable, inclusive world. Through its interactive exhibits, engaging workshops, and inspiring case studies, this zone highlights the power of collaboration and creativity in driving social and environmental progress.

At the same time, the Better World Zone demonstrates how art and cultural expression can serve as powerful tools for raising awareness about environmental issues and fostering global cooperation.

Whether you’re passionate about urban design, social entrepreneurship, or sustainable art, the Better Community and Better World Zones offer a wealth of opportunities to learn, connect, and take action. By visiting SX 2024, you become part of a global movement committed to building a better future for all.

Get ready to be inspired at SX 2024! and dive into hands-on activities that make sustainability a part of everyday life. Join us at Queen Sirikit National Convention Center (QSNCC), Bangkok, from September 27 to October 6, 2024.


  1. EcoWarrior56 October 1, 2024

    This sounds like a glorified marketing event. Sustainability is just a buzzword companies use to gloss over their harmful practices.

    • Sara M. October 1, 2024

      I understand your skepticism, but these events can bring real change by promoting awareness and collaboration.

      • Tom R. October 1, 2024

        Awareness is great, but what about concrete actions? We need less talk and more action.

    • Chloe J. October 1, 2024

      At least it’s a step in the right direction. We can’t change everything overnight.

  2. GreenThumb23 October 1, 2024

    I love the idea of the Art-Driven City sector! Art can truly inspire people to think differently about sustainability.

    • Jackie P. October 1, 2024

      Totally agree! Creative approaches make the message stick better than dry facts.

      • ArtLover October 1, 2024

        Plus, it makes the whole event more enjoyable. Who doesn’t like a good piece of art?

    • D. Michaels October 1, 2024

      Art is important, but let’s not forget about the science behind sustainability. Both need to go hand in hand.

  3. Max Influencer October 1, 2024

    I attended a similar event last year, and it was just a lot of talking with no real results. Hope this one proves me wrong.

  4. UrbanPlanner92 October 1, 2024

    The Caring City sector is brilliant! We need to make our cities accessible for everyone, including the elderly and disabled.

    • Emily R. October 1, 2024

      Absolutely! Inclusive urban planning should be a priority for all cities.

    • Ben K. October 1, 2024

      Too bad most cities don’t have the budget to implement these grand ideas.

  5. Stevenson A. October 1, 2024

    The Learning Society concept is nice in theory, but difficult to implement. How many people actually have time for lifelong learning?

  6. Yasmin October 1, 2024

    Looking forward to the hands-on workshops! Practical experiences are always more impactful than lectures.

  7. LocalActivist October 1, 2024

    Finally, an event that focuses on social entrepreneurship! It’s about time community-driven businesses get the spotlight they deserve.

    • James T. October 1, 2024

      Couldn’t agree more. Big corporations get too much attention, while small businesses struggle.

    • Hannah B. October 1, 2024

      Let’s hope they provide real support and not just lip service.

  8. TechGuy October 1, 2024

    Let’s not forget the importance of digital tools in sustainability efforts. Hopefully, the event covers this too.

    • Alex W. October 1, 2024

      The article does mention digital tools in the Learning Society sector. It’s crucial to integrate them.

    • TechSavvy October 1, 2024

      Digital solutions can make a huge difference, but they need proper implementation and continuous updating.

    • TechGuy October 1, 2024

      Absolutely, and they should be made accessible to everyone, not just the tech-savvy.

  9. Jade L. October 1, 2024

    The Gathering Space sounds like a great idea. Creating a platform for open discussions is essential for community building.

    • Linda C. October 1, 2024

      Yes, the small talks and film screenings could foster real connections and spark new ideas.

    • CommunityFirst October 1, 2024

      But it also needs to reach the grassroots level. Sometimes, these discussions stay within elite circles.

  10. Skeptic89 October 1, 2024

    I find it hard to believe that such events can bring about real change. It’s all talk and no action.

    • Rachel S. October 1, 2024

      It’s better than doing nothing. We need to start somewhere.

    • Connor J. October 1, 2024

      These events are just a starting point. The real change happens when people take the ideas back to their communities.

    • Skeptic89 October 1, 2024

      Maybe, but I remain doubtful until I see tangible results.

  11. Sarah K. October 1, 2024

    Excited for the ASEAN SX Photo Contest! Art has a unique way of communicating complex ideas.

  12. OldManRiver October 1, 2024

    I’ve seen many of these initiatives come and go. The key is longevity. Will this just be a flash in the pan?

    • Natalie G. October 1, 2024

      Longevity is crucial, but let’s not dismiss the potential it has to spark lifelong changes.

    • OldManRiver October 1, 2024

      I’ve witnessed enough to remain cautious. Let’s hope this generation does better.

  13. EcoFreak October 1, 2024

    Why focus on art when we should be planting trees? Priorities, people!

  14. CultureVulture October 1, 2024

    Art helps raise awareness and can be a catalyst for more direct actions like tree planting.

  15. Jake L. October 1, 2024

    Can’t wait to participate in the workshops! Practical learning is where you can see real skills being built.

  16. Liz H. October 1, 2024

    The public transportation improvements showcased in the Caring City sector should serve as a model for cities worldwide.

  17. Markus October 1, 2024

    I hope they also address overpopulation and urban sprawl in the Caring City discussions. These are pressing issues.

  18. Jim B. October 1, 2024

    The Gathering Space’s focus on locally sourced coffee? Now that’s a sustainable lifestyle I can get behind!

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