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BMW Driver Thas Causes Chaos on Bangkok’s Sukhaphiban 5 Road: 9 Injured, 7 Vehicles Damaged

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In a dramatic series of events on Thursday night, a man driving a BMW sedan caused chaos on Sukhaphiban 5 Road, colliding with seven vehicles and injuring nine people, with one individual critically injured. The driver, known only as Thas, now faces serious charges for his reckless driving which resulted in injuries and property damage.

The incident unfolded around 8pm, capturing the attention of Pol Gen Rangsan Sonsingh, chief of the Sai Mai police station, who confirmed the unsettling details on Friday. The 46-year-old driver, whose motives remain unclear, was unable to provide coherent testimony when questioned by the police. Authorities suspect that mental illness played a role, as tests ruled out drugs and alcohol as factors in the erratic driving.

In a surprising turn of events, despite the gravity of the charges, Thas has been released without bond, pending further investigation and questioning by the police. This decision has raised eyebrows and sparked conversations about the handling of such cases, especially given the severity of the damages caused.

Authorities reported that the white BMW, bearing Bangkok licence plates, was involved in accidents at four different locations, stretching from Sukhaphiban Soi 86 to Wongsakorn Market—a distance of about one kilometre. The series of unfortunate events culminated with the severely damaged vehicle coming to a halt on the pavement, with the driver still inside.

The scene was one of devastation, as multiple vehicles lay wrecked and emergency services scrambled to assist the injured. Amidst the chaos, onlookers were bewildered, trying to make sense of the situation. “It was like something out of a movie,” remarked one witness who saw the aftermath. “Cars were everywhere, people were panicking; it was a mess.”

As the investigation continues, residents and those affected by the collisions are left grappling with the aftermath and seeking answers. The community is anxiously waiting for developments, hoping that justice will be served and measures will be taken to prevent such incidents in the future.

This incident has also shone a spotlight on the broader issues of mental health and road safety in Bangkok. Discussions are brewing among policymakers and the public alike about how to effectively address and mitigate such risks. The hope is that this troubling event will lead to positive changes and better safeguards to ensure the wellbeing of all road users.

For now, the streets of Sukhaphiban 5 bear the scars of that fateful night, serving as a grim reminder of how fragile safety can be. The damaged vehicles and shaken individuals stand as silent witnesses to the chaos that unfolded. As Thas awaits further questioning and possible legal consequences, the city holds its breath, hoping for answers and some semblance of closure.


  1. Alex July 5, 2024

    This guy should never have been let out without bond. What were the police thinking?

    • Joanna S. July 5, 2024

      I completely agree. The justice system failed big time here.

      • Jacob July 5, 2024

        Maybe they didn’t have enough evidence to hold him? Still seems like a poor decision though.

      • Alex July 5, 2024

        Jacob, he caused massive destruction and harmed people. Isn’t that enough evidence?

    • ThomasP July 5, 2024

      There could be legal reasons based on his mental condition. Perhaps they saw him as not a flight risk.

  2. Samantha July 5, 2024

    If he had mental issues, why was he driving a car in the first place?

    • Alan M. July 5, 2024

      That’s a good point. Maybe there should be stricter evaluations for driving licenses, especially for people with known conditions.

    • grower134 July 5, 2024

      Mental health awareness is so poor. We need better systems to catch these things before they become tragedies.

  3. Ella S. July 5, 2024

    How can anyone explain this level of chaos happening so quickly?

    • Billy July 5, 2024

      People don’t react well to sudden danger. Panic makes things worse.

  4. John July 5, 2024

    It’s scary to think that you’re just going about your day and something like this happens.

    • Claire R. July 5, 2024

      Exactly. Everyday life can be so unpredictable and dangerous.

    • Josiah July 5, 2024

      We need better road safety measures in place to prevent such incidents.

  5. Spencer July 5, 2024

    This is why I avoid driving on busy roads if I can help it. Too many reckless drivers out there.

  6. Natalie July 5, 2024

    I hope the victims get all the help they need. This must have been a traumatic experience for them.

    • Rick J. July 5, 2024

      I read that one person was critically injured. It’s so tragic.

    • Isabel July 5, 2024

      Yeah, I hope they all recover swiftly both physically and mentally.

  7. Amy July 5, 2024

    I’m shocked at the lack of immediate consequences for Thas. This could set a dangerous precedent.

    • Kris July 5, 2024

      Exactly! If people think they can get away with this, it’s only going to encourage reckless behavior.

    • Natalie July 5, 2024

      We really need to take a good look at our laws and ensure they’re strict enough to prevent such outcomes.

    • Amy July 5, 2024

      Right. Hopefully, this case prompts some legal reforms.

  8. Roger Z. July 5, 2024

    We should not jump to conclusions before knowing the full story but it’s hard not to be upset.

  9. Monica P. July 5, 2024

    This incident highlights the importance of thorough mental health evaluations for drivers.

    • Liam July 5, 2024

      Agreed. It’s as important as regular health checks for ensuring everyone’s safety on the roads.

  10. Jake Davis July 5, 2024

    I live near that road. It’s usually quite safe but incidents like this make me anxious every time I’m out.

    • Carla July 5, 2024

      I know the feeling. You never really think about it until something like this happens close to home.

    • Mina July 5, 2024

      It must be terrifying. Stay safe, everyone!

  11. Daniel July 5, 2024

    Police need to conduct more frequent patrols, especially in busy areas.

  12. Emily R. July 5, 2024

    We need stronger enforcement of traffic laws to avoid such chaos on our roads.

  13. AndyT July 5, 2024

    Could infrastructure improvements help prevent these kinds of accidents?

    • Olivia July 5, 2024

      Possibly, but education and stricter laws are probably more effective.

  14. Victoria G. July 5, 2024

    I hope the authorities take this incident seriously and don’t just brush it off after the media attention fades.

    • Jules July 5, 2024

      Agreed. The victims deserve justice.

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