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Brighton College Bangkok Celebrates Record A-Level Success: Top University Admissions

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Brighton College Bangkok is overjoyed to highlight yet another stellar year of academic triumph for its graduating scholars. With an impeccable 100% pass rate at A-Level, the school has truly outdone itself, boasting that a stunning 75% of these grades were at the illustrious A*-B level. Such extraordinary outcomes have paved the way for Brighton College Bangkok alumni to secure coveted spots at some of the globe’s most prestigious universities, including Imperial College London, King’s College London, University of Warwick, University of Durham, and Emory University in the USA.

Head of Senior School Carly Barber shared her delight: “Our pupils have excelled magnificently as they embark on their thrilling next chapters at some of the world’s most venerated universities. We couldn’t be prouder of the remarkable young adults they’ve matured into, and this pride transcends their amazing academic results. We wish them unparalleled success and remind them that Brighton College will always be their home.”

Among the notable triumphs are:

  • T.A. who clinched two A* and two A grades, securing her seat at King’s College London to pursue Philosophy, Politics, and Economics.
  • Pim, who attained A grades in Maths, Computer Science, and Economics, earning his place at the University of Warwick to delve into Accounting and Finance.
  • Alex, whose impressive portfolio and A-Level grades, including two A grades, have secured him admission to ArtEZ University of the Arts Arnhem.
  • Tara, who achieved a stellar three A* grades in her A-Levels, earning her a spot to study Biosciences at the University of Durham.

Exceptional achievements aren’t limited to A-Level students. Brighton College Bangkok is also ecstatic about the successes of its Year 11 pupils on their IGCSE results. These young learners have demonstrated immense dedication to their studies, evolving into well-rounded individuals along the way.

Head Master Nick Gallop expressed his pride: “We are beyond delighted and proud of our former Year 11 pupils who have collectively achieved some of the finest GCSE results in the school’s history. This talented cohort not only shines academically but also excels on stage, in sports teams, and as leaders in numerous areas of College life. Their wholehearted commitment to leveraging the care and support from our exceptional teachers truly mirrors their dedication to becoming the best versions of themselves.”

Special recognition goes to pupils like Freya and Pim, whose exceptional IGCSE results, with each achieving 10 A*/9 grades, exemplify their dedication and hard work, laying a solid foundation for their upcoming A-Level studies.

Brighton College Bangkok cordially invites you to witness the magnificence of its community and explore what the school offers at its forthcoming Open House on September 25th, 2024, at 8:45 AM. This is your opportunity to step into an invigorating environment where academic excellence meets personal growth.

Register now.

About Brighton College Bangkok
Brighton College Bangkok stands as a beacon of international education, presenting a world-class curriculum for students from kindergarten to Year 13. The school prides itself on nurturing a stimulating learning atmosphere that promotes academic brilliance, holistic personal development, and global citizenship. Breakthroughs here aren’t just in the classroom; they are in life.


  1. Sarah T September 13, 2024

    This is incredibly impressive! Kudos to all the students and teachers for such great results! Brighton College Bangkok must be doing something right.

    • Richard September 13, 2024

      It’s a private school, of course they have high results. They’re cherry-picking the best students and have all the resources in the world.

      • Linda W September 13, 2024

        True, but it still takes great teaching and support to consistently get such high grades. It’s not just about the money.

      • Sarah T September 13, 2024

        Exactly, Linda! Money can’t buy dedication and hard work from both teachers and students. It’s a synergy of many factors.

    • Tony H September 13, 2024

      But do these results translate to real-world skills? Academics are fine, but what about critical thinking and creativity?

  2. math_wiz September 13, 2024

    Pim’s achievement in Maths, CompSci, and Economics is stellar! Can’t wait to see what he accomplishes at Warwick.

    • ScienceTeach September 13, 2024

      Agreed! Students like Pim are the future of tech and finance. It’s inspiring!

      • grower134 September 13, 2024

        Hope they can all contribute positively to society and not just chase money.

  3. Joe September 13, 2024

    Why are we celebrating these A-Levels so much? A lot of famous and successful people didn’t even go to college.

    • Mandy L September 13, 2024

      True, but for many these achievements are stepping stones to broader opportunities. Each person has their own path.

    • Skeptic20 September 13, 2024

      Not to mention the networking opportunities at elite universities. It’s not just about the degree.

    • Joe September 13, 2024

      Fair point, Mandy and Skeptic20. But we shouldn’t equate university admissions with ultimate success.

  4. Angela D September 13, 2024

    Alex going to ArtEZ University of the Arts Arnhem is proof that Brighton College cultivates diverse talents. Not everyone is cut out for traditional academia.

    • Pat September 13, 2024

      Yes! Creativity is just as important as academics. We need more well-rounded individuals.

  5. Dr. Edwards September 13, 2024

    Brighton College Bangkok sets a high bar for international schools. These results are a testament to what structured education can achieve.

    • Kari21 September 13, 2024

      If only more schools could have such resources. It’s unfair to compare them to public schools.

    • Dr. Edwards September 13, 2024

      The point is to inspire and aim high regardless of resources. Excellence should always be the goal.

  6. Larry D September 13, 2024

    I wonder if the pressure to perform academically is too high for these students. Are they actually happy?

    • Jessica R September 13, 2024

      That’s a valid concern. Mental health is just as important as academic achievement.

    • Larry D September 13, 2024

      Exactly, Jessica. Balancing well-being with academic success should be a priority.

  7. Tom September 13, 2024

    Shoutout to Freya and Pim for their incredible IGCSE results! They’re laying down a strong foundation for the future.

  8. thinkerbell September 13, 2024

    The achievements are great, but I hope these students also learn compassion and empathy. Those traits are just as important.

  9. Em129 September 13, 2024

    It’s amazing to see such high-level international education in Bangkok. Truly inspiring for local and expat communities alike.

  10. Hannah P September 13, 2024

    I’m curious about the selection process. Do they have scholarships for low-income students or is it mostly kids from affluent families?

    • Mike September 13, 2024

      They do offer scholarships, but it would be interesting to see how diverse the student body actually is.

  11. Joanne September 13, 2024

    A-Level success stories are fantastic, but what extracurricular support do they offer? Balance is key!

    • ClaireB September 13, 2024

      Extracurricular activities are mentioned briefly. I’d assume with such results, their sports and arts programs are top-notch too.

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