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Chatchawan Paettayathai Challenges Royal Thai Air Force Over Inflated Transceiver Costs

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A lawmaker from the opposition Thai Sang Thai Party (TST) has raised the alarm over a proposal by the Royal Thai Air Force (RTAF) to procure digital transceivers, arguing that the quoted price is astronomically high compared to the market rate. Chatchawan Paettayathai, a TST representative for Roi Et, disclosed that he received inside information revealing the Directorate of Communications and Electronics is planning to purchase 40 Jotron TR-7750 digital transceivers at a staggering 956,250 baht per unit, totaling 38.25 million baht.

During a House meeting devoted to the budget for the upcoming fiscal year, Mr. Chatchawan vocalized his concerns, pointing out that a quick online search reveals the actual market price of the same model is significantly lower. According to his findings, the transceivers can be found online for just 367,500 baht per unit. This means the total cost for 40 units should hover around 14.7 million baht, not the inflated figure quoted in the proposal.

Mr. Chatchawan emphasized that if the RTAF buys in bulk, they could potentially lock in an even lower price per unit. “Based on the verified information I have, if this procurement plan gets a green light, our country stands to lose at least 23.55 million baht,” he lamented. “The pressing question is, who will benefit from this inflated price difference?”

The lawmaker also appealed to the RTAF’s top brass, including Commander ACM Punpakdee Pattanakul and other senior officials, urging them to clarify why they chose a vendor with such steep prices. He hinted that this decision flies in the face of the armed forces’ commitment to sourcing weapons and equipment from local manufacturers, in line with the government’s policy.

In a related twist, army spokesman Col Ritcha Suksuwanont responded to a remark by Move Forward Party (MFP) MP Jirat Thongsuwan. The MP had alleged that land overseen by the army, though owned by the Treasury Department, is shrouded in mystery as its usage cannot be transparently verified.

Col Ritcha assured that the army uses these lands strictly for national security and development purposes, always adhering to royal property regulations. He clarified that public access to information about these lands is restricted due to national security and military confidentiality reasons.


  1. Larry Davis June 24, 2024

    This is just another example of government corruption. They’re inflating prices to pocket the difference!

    • grower134 June 24, 2024

      You’re absolutely right! It’s outrageous they think they can get away with this.

      • Joe June 24, 2024

        Tbh, it’s just how things work in politics. Always has, always will.

      • Larry Davis June 24, 2024

        But that’s the problem, Joe. We need to hold them accountable to change this.

    • Samantha June 24, 2024

      What if they have a valid reason for choosing that vendor? Maybe there’s more to the story.

      • grower134 June 24, 2024

        It’s possible, but they should be transparent about it then. We’re talking about huge amounts of taxpayer money!

      • Larry Davis June 24, 2024

        Exactly, Samantha, if there is a valid reason, they should disclose it.

  2. Nina June 24, 2024

    Why aren’t more people talking about the military’s non-transparency regarding land ownership? It’s equally shady.

    • Larry D June 24, 2024

      Agree! The whole secrecy about these lands is very concerning. We deserve to know what’s going on.

    • Savvy_Sue June 24, 2024

      I think it’s the least of our problems right now. The focus should be on stopping the huge financial loss.

      • Nina June 24, 2024

        Both issues are important. Transparency in government spending and military activities should be a priority.

  3. Tommy June 24, 2024

    This whole issue is just a distraction. Bigger problems like economic recovery need more focus.

    • Alexa June 24, 2024

      Distraction or not, how they spend money affects economic recovery too. It’s all connected.

    • Tommy June 24, 2024

      Maybe, but focusing on corruption alone won’t solve our economic problems. We need broader reforms.

      • Zee June 24, 2024

        Totally, Tommy. But uprooting corruption is a start.

  4. Chantelle P June 24, 2024

    It’s a massive price difference. Someone high up is definitely benefiting from this deal.

  5. historian_76 June 24, 2024

    This isn’t the first time such incidents have occurred within the military. History repeats itself, sadly.

  6. Jill June 24, 2024

    I can’t believe we’re still dealing with issues like this. We need more whistleblowers to come forward.

    • Johnny June 24, 2024

      It’s risky for whistleblowers, but we definitely need more brave people to expose these injustices.

    • historian_76 June 24, 2024

      Heroes often face great risks. We should support and protect whistleblowers better.

  7. Greg_M June 24, 2024

    I’m curious, do we have any proof other than Mr. Chatchawan’s claims? Like documents or quotes from vendors?

    • Tina June 25, 2024

      Good point, Greg. It would solidify the argument if we had documented evidence.

    • Greg_M June 25, 2024

      Without the evidence, it’s hard to entirely trust his claims. We need verification.

  8. Ravi June 25, 2024

    This situation illustrates why we need more checks and balances within our procurement processes.

  9. Alex June 25, 2024

    I’m glad someone is speaking up about the misuse of public funds. We need more like Mr. Chatchawan.

  10. Paula_82 June 25, 2024

    We shouldn’t jump to conclusions. Let the authorities investigate first.

  11. Skye June 25, 2024

    The previous acquisitions by the military have always had red flags. This needs to be scrutinized thoroughly.

  12. Athena June 25, 2024

    Maybe the high price covers additional services or extended warranties. It’s worth asking.

  13. Jools June 25, 2024

    I hope this issue gets resolved soon, can’t stand the thought of losing so much money to corruption.

  14. Eddie June 25, 2024

    This case could set a precedent. If we can tackle this, we might see stricter regulations on military spending.

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