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Chiang Rai Infant Murder: Tragic Case of Rejected Advances Ends in Horrific Crime

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Chiang Rai experienced a heart-wrenching tragedy when a man heinously ended the life of a two-month-old baby after the infant’s mother rejected his demand for sex, as confirmed by local police on Monday.

Pol Capt Pichit Chuamuangphan, the deputy chief of investigation at Wiang Kaen police station, recounted how officers swiftly navigated to a residence within Ban Huai Lang village in Tambon Tha Kham upon receiving the distressing call about a child’s murder.

Upon arrival, officers were greeted by a harrowing scene: the lifeless body of a two-month-old girl lay on the ground floor, her tiny form bearing a grave head wound. Nearby, the child’s mother, known as Chanikan, aged 20, was engulfed in inconsolable sobs and piercing grief.

In her statement to investigators, Chanikan outlined the dreadful sequence of events. It was around 2:30 PM on Sunday when she stepped outside to collect some clothes. Suddenly, Lee Sae Yang, a 40-year-old neighbor from across the road, accosted her. According to Chanikan, Lee forcefully grabbed her arm, spewing an unthinkable ultimatum—either she succumbed to his desire for sex, or he would kill her daughter.

Filled with a mother’s desperation, Chanikan fought hard and managed to free herself, racing away from the looming threat. Enraged by her defiance, Lee brazenly entered her home. True to his menacing words, he seized the sleeping infant by her legs and, in a monstrous act of cruelty, slammed her head against the floor, extinguishing her young life instantly. Following this barbaric act, Lee retreated to his house.

Officers wasted no time in apprehending Lee at his residence, immediately escorting him to Wiang Kaen police station for interrogation. During questioning, Lee chillingly confessed to harboring a long-standing infatuation with Chanikan. He divulged that he had perceived the day as an opportunity to impose his twisted desires on her, particularly because her husband was away at work. Consequently, Lee now faces severe charges of premeditated murder.

This tragedy has sent shockwaves through the village, with locals grappling to come to terms with the brutal loss and the relentless evil that befell their community. Such acts of violence spotlight the urgent need for concerted efforts to foster safer environments, where individuals can live free from the shadows of fear and harm.


  1. Emma Johnson July 22, 2024

    This is beyond horrifying. How could someone even think of hurting an innocent baby because of rejection?!

    • Alex Martin July 22, 2024

      It’s a sign of our deeply flawed societal structures. We need better mental health care and stricter laws to prevent such atrocities.

      • shocked2023 July 22, 2024

        Mental health care sure, but let’s not forget the criminal justice system. This guy should never see the light of day again.

    • Anna G July 22, 2024

      I agree, Emma. It’s absolutely soul-crushing. The poor mother! She will live with this trauma forever.

      • Ethan July 22, 2024

        Mothers are always the ones left to pick up the pieces. We need more supportive communities for victims.

  2. James July 22, 2024

    This is why we need the death penalty for these monsters. No mercy for those who harm children.

    • Dr. Lisa Green July 22, 2024

      While the crime is appalling, the death penalty doesn’t deter such acts. Rehabilitation and strict preventive measures should be our focus.

      • ConservativeViewpoint July 22, 2024

        Rehabilitation? For a monster who killed a baby? Some people don’t deserve second chances.

      • James July 22, 2024

        Exactly my point. Some actions are irredeemable, and this is one of them.

  3. Sophia Lee July 22, 2024

    The community needs to come together stronger now. This tragedy also speaks volumes about the lack of support for women in dangerous situations.

    • Michael B. July 22, 2024

      Yes, and education on consent and women’s rights should be enforced from a young age.

      • Leo July 22, 2024

        Education is key, but immediate protective measures are equally important.

  4. Olivia July 22, 2024

    I can’t even imagine the pain the mother is going through. I hope she gets the support she needs.

    • grievingmom99 July 22, 2024

      Support? In a place like this? Society is quick to move on while the victims are left shattered.

  5. NeutralObserver July 22, 2024

    This case brings up many issues, but there’s also a need to address how society views rejection and entitlement. It’s toxic.

    • OpenMind July 22, 2024

      Absolutely, rejection should never lead to violence. This toxic entitlement must be rooted out.

    • Hannah J. July 22, 2024

      Right, society needs a complete overhaul on how we address these psychological issues.

  6. psych_stud July 22, 2024

    We need more research on what drives people to commit such heinous acts. This understanding could help in prevention.

    • science_guy July 22, 2024

      Absolutely, understanding the psychology behind such crimes is essential for creating preventive measures.

  7. Oliver King July 22, 2024

    The slow response of authorities in such cases also needs to be scrutinized. Why wasn’t there more immediate action?

  8. Jessica July 22, 2024

    This incident is a heart-wrenching reminder of the fear that too many women live with every day.

    • Rachel M. July 22, 2024

      It saddens me deeply. We need better systems to protect women and children.

  9. Aaron July 22, 2024

    The man who did this is clearly a psychopath. But what about the role of the community? They should have seen the signs and intervened.

  10. Sarah D. July 22, 2024

    Every time something like this happens, it underscores how vulnerable we are. We need security steps in every neighborhood.

  11. Chris July 22, 2024

    The root cause is a lack of respect for women. Until that’s addressed, tragedies like this will continue to happen.

  12. Aria July 22, 2024

    Policing alone won’t solve this. Education from the ground up is necessary.

  13. Mike W. July 22, 2024

    Desperately sad that we still live in a world where such stories exist. Human nature sometimes shocks me to the core.

    • Jennifer July 22, 2024

      It’s a harsh reality. We need more compassion and less violence.

  14. Hope July 22, 2024

    This story has shaken me. What can be done to prevent such horrific acts?

    • Laura K. July 22, 2024

      We need stronger laws and more community resources for at-risk families.

  15. science_frk July 22, 2024

    Also, technology could play a role. Better surveillance and rapid alert systems might help in preventing such crimes.

  16. Lucas July 22, 2024

    This tragedy demands action. No more talk. We need real changes in how we handle threats and protect victims.

  17. Grace July 22, 2024

    Poor baby girl. I hope justice is swift for that man.

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