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Climate Revolution: Thailand’s Mitr Phol Group Strikes Massive Blow Against Carbon Emissions – Will This Pave the Way to a Greener Future?!

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The Mitr Phol Group, internationally noted for its strides towards sustainability in the food sector, has made considerable progress towards its goal of becoming a zero-carbon establishment. Recognized for this achievement is the Mitr Phol Dan Chang complex situated in the Suphanburi Province—now designated as Thailand’s first Carbon Neutrality Complex. This title, proudly bestowed by the Thailand Greenhouse Gas Management Organisation (Public Organisation) or TGO, acknowledges the facility’s impressive contribution to reducing Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions by a staggering 270,000 tCO2eq. These steps align Mitr Phol Group with reaching their sustainability milestones: a desire for complete carbon neutrality by 2030 and a goal of Net Zero by 2050.

‘Sustainability forms the foundation of our business approach,’ said Mr. Buntoeng Vongkusolkit, Chairman of Mitr Phol Group. ‘Considering our deep involvement in the agricultural and food sector, we understand that sustainability is a shared responsibility. It goes beyond our organisational boundaries and influences many stakeholders directly and indirectly. Our focus is to elevate the agricultural sector’s contributions to global and environmental sustainability. Prioritising renewable energy, for instance, has helped us lessen GHG emissions and reduce our dependence on non-renewable resources thus aiding environmental enrichment.’

‘Our guiding principle is “From Waste to Value Creation”, which accelerates technology integration and innovation-rich production processes transforming sugar production into biomass power generation.’

The Mitr Phol Dan Chang complex, nestled in Suphanburi Province, is an expansive establishment housing seven interconnected plants, initially a sugar factory. Today, it functions as a biomass and bio-based power plant utilizing waste remnants from sugar production. Solar energy harnessed throughout the complex supplements green energy production at a massive scale, reducing GHG emissions by over 270,000 tCO2eq, equivalent to planting 300,000 rai of trees. This approach comprises three key strategies:

  • Green Energy: The complex leverages bagasse or sugarcane leaves from agricultural waste for biomass power, working alongside solar energy. This strategy significantly optimizes overall efficiency, cuts down waste, reduces fossil fuel use, and notably curtails GHG emissions by over 185,000 tCO2eq.
  • Wastewater Management: A cutting-edge activated sludge treatment technology has replaced legacy systems, treating water to a high-quality standard for reuse. This practice has scaled down GHG emissions by over 10,000 tCO2eq.
  • Carbon Offset: Mitr Phol Group has balanced 75,000 tCO2eq through its involvement in the Thailand Voluntary Emission Reduction Program (T-VER).

In its commitment to the environment, Mitr Phol Group has also enforced measures such as sustainable sugarcane farming practices, development of agriculture products guided by BCG principles, and an emphasis on reforestation initiatives.

Striving to instill the carbon neutrality template across all its sites, Mitr Phol Group is resolute in not just achieving their net-zero target but playing an active role in supporting Thailand’s climate change policy.

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