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CP Foods Triumphs with Royal Trophy: ‘Thai Chicken – Mission to Space’ Wins Big at Corporate Excellence Awards!

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Charoen Pokphand Foods Public Company Limited, a renowned beacon in the alimentary landscape, has soared to stellar heights, clinching the Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn Trophy at the Thailand Corporate Excellence Awards 2023. A testament to trailblazing marketing virtuosity, this honor, conferred by the illustrious Thailand Management Association in collaboration with the esteemed Sasin Graduate Institute of Business Administration at Chulalongkorn University, celebrates CP Foods’ masterstroke—the “Thai Chicken – Mission to Space” endeavor. An odyssey of ingenuity, this campaign propelled food safety to cosmic echelons, positioning CP Foods not only as a purveyor of sustenance but also as a guardian of well-being for society, the community, and the nation.

In the realms of innovation and culinary wizardry, CP Foods’ helmsman, Prasit Boondoungprasert, has artfully charted a course towards a utopian vision—the ‘Kitchen of a Sustainable World.’ Here, the fusion of cutting-edge technology and innovation serves delicacies that nourish the human body and cherish our planet. The “Thai Chicken – Mission to Space” is the pièce de résistance, a venture sculpted to elevate the veritable Thai chicken to celestial food safety zeniths.

This astral leap for Thai cuisine was not solitary; it was a synergetic voyage with NANORACKS LLC and mu Space cementing a historical footstone for Thai fare, uplifted to the rigorous scrutiny reserved for space crusaders’ provisions. CP Foods, in this epochal undertaking, has heralded a paradigm shift in food safety and eminence.

Amid reflections on this distinguished laurel, Prasit Boondoungprasert conveyed his impassioned sentiment, “The honor bestowed upon CP Foods fills us with profound pride. It is an emblem of our resolute pursuit of excellence in providing products and services that stand in concert with the stars. Welcoming this distinction, we reaffirm our pledge to uphold stellar safety standards, endowing our patrons with a taste of the cosmos.”

CP Foods, a beacon of nutritious affordability, stands firm on the bedrock of ‘Innovation, Wellness, and Planet.’ The company prances to the pulsating beat of consumer desires, perpetually refining its offerings through innovative research while orchestrating marketing campaigns that echo with modern lifestyle narratives. The end game? A healthier, more culinary conscious Thailand.

The ethics of animal husbandry are sacrosanct at CP Foods, which meticulously selects breeds and upholds a gold standard in flock management and disease aversion. They are culinary alchemists, transmuting probiotics into chicken feed—a marvel drawn from prestigious research institutions—to bolster natural defenses and minimize medical intervention, ensuring every peck is pristine.

Embracing the “Three Benefits to Sustainability Philosophy,” as evangelized by CP Group’s venerable senior chairman Dhanin Chearavanont, CP Foods interlaces its commercial tapestry with the weft and warp of national, people, and corporate gain. In symphony with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, CP Foods serenades a vision of net-zero emissions, augmenting a legacy of sustainable savoire-faire that nourishes both society and the sphere we call home.

Bestowing accolades across nine virtuous realms, the Thailand Corporate Excellence Awards is a coliseum of business distinction, beaconing entities to ascend as paragons. It is a chronicle of excellence, inscribed by the hand of Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn, echoing the wisdom gleaned from the highest echelons of corporate success.


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