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Dataxet Launches DXT360 Essential: Transforming Brand Tracking for Marketers

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Dataxet has just unveiled DXT360 Essential, an ingenious dashboard designed to revolutionize brand tracking. Imagine having real-time insights from TV, radio, print, websites, and social media, all at your fingertips! This breakthrough platform offers marketing professionals a swift and comprehensive way to monitor and analyze brand mentions, turbocharging their strategy planning and decision-making processes in the fast-paced digital era.

Dataxet Limited, renowned for its media intelligence prowess and leading the news agency pack in Thailand, has crafted DXT360 Essential to untangle the often messy web of data collection and analysis. This innovation squarely targets the pain points of marketers and PR experts who juggle multiple media sources.

The allure of DXT360 Essential lies in its all-encompassing 360-degree news tracking capability. On a single, user-friendly dashboard, it collates brand mentions from a wide array of media—both online and offline. This holistic view enables businesses to keep a close watch on evolving narratives with minimal effort. Add to this, an arsenal of crucial marketing metrics like Potential Reach, Share of Voice, and PR Value, and you’ve got a power-packed tool for in-depth data analysis. Users can effortlessly drill down to original data sources with a simple click or download brand news PDFs for print media archives. When it comes to TV and radio, you’ll get the station name and broadcast time, sans the program clips.

“With over two decades of experience in Media Monitoring and Media Insights, combined with our intimate understanding of Thailand’s Media Landscape, we’ve observed that clients often burn through time and budgets to stitch together data from multiple media outlets. This quest for comprehensive information is essential for strategy and business decisions. That’s why we birthed ‘DXT360 Essential,’ to alleviate this exact challenge,” explained Ms. Pannee Yongpiyakul, the savvy Managing Director of Dataxet Limited.

Key Features of “DXT360 Essential”

360-degree News Monitoring: DXT360 Essential tracks brand mentions across the full spectrum of media channels—TV, radio, print, websites, and social media—and displays the results on a unified dashboard.

Near Real-time Updates: In the fast-evolving world of marketing, timing is everything. DXT360 Essential updates in near real-time, ensuring that businesses can stay ahead of trends and monitor ongoing stories without delay.

Marketing Metrics Data: Alongside every article and news snippet, you’ll find essential marketing benchmarks like Potential Reach, Share of Voice (SOV), Share of Media (By Mentions), Top 10 Channels, and PR Value. For those who like to dive deep, there’s a handy function to export data in EXCEL format, perfect for granular analysis.

Direct Links to Original Sources: Want to revisit the original content? No problem! Users can access original sources with a single click or download brand news PDFs for print media. This feature ensures that your analysis remains rooted in authentic data.


  1. Mark Benson September 2, 2024

    This tool sounds like a game-changer for marketers! Real-time data from all media channels is a dream come true.

    • Marketing_Guru September 2, 2024

      Absolutely Mark! But I wonder how accurate the ‘near real-time’ updates really are. Real-time’s a tough promise to keep.

      • Sarah L. September 2, 2024

        Good point, but even if it’s not real-time to the second, having consolidated updates is leagues ahead of piecing data together manually.

  2. John Doe September 2, 2024

    I don’t see how this is any different from tools like Hootsuite or Sprinklr. Marketing buzzwords won’t fool anyone who knows the industry.

    • CX_Expert September 2, 2024

      It’s not just buzzwords, John. Unlike those platforms, this seems to offer a truly integrated dashboard that includes offline media like TV and radio.

      • John Doe September 2, 2024

        Including offline media is noteworthy, but at the end of the day, metrics can be manipulated. It all depends on how transparent their data sources are.

      • Laura J. September 2, 2024

        That’s true, John, but we should at least give it a try. If they are as transparent as they claim, this could be revolutionary.

    • Jim55 September 2, 2024

      The integration of PR Value and Share of Voice metrics alone sets it apart. Sprinklr doesn’t offer those insights as thorough.

  3. ResearchPro123 September 2, 2024

    Dataxet’s experience with Asia’s media landscape is valuable. I bet Western companies will struggle to match their regional insights.

    • Tommy_H September 2, 2024

      Does anyone know if they have plans to expand this outside of Thailand and Southeast Asia?

    • Samantha B. September 2, 2024

      I hope so! Comprehensive media monitoring tools in other regions are sorely lacking nuanced local insights.

  4. Marketing Maven September 2, 2024

    The ability to download brand mentions as PDFs is super helpful for agency work. Easy to show clients tangible results!

    • AnnaLee September 2, 2024

      Totally! Agencies can really benefit from these detailed reports. Finally, no more endless screenshots!

    • StatGeek5 September 2, 2024

      Downloading as PDF is nice, but do they offer API access for deeper integrations into existing workflows?

    • Marketing Maven September 2, 2024

      Good question, StatGeek5. API access would definitely seal the deal for larger enterprises.

  5. NoobMarketer September 2, 2024

    Will newcomers in marketing be able to use this tool effectively? Or is it too complex?

    • AdsQueen September 2, 2024

      If the dashboard is truly user-friendly as claimed, even beginners should be able to navigate it with ease. Learning curve might be minimal.

    • Victor M. September 2, 2024

      Agree, AdsQueen. And having a comprehensive tool early in your career could actually speed up the learning process!

  6. MarTechFan September 2, 2024

    How does this handle negative press or crisis management? Knowing bad news in real-time is crucial.

    • Crisis_Mgr September 2, 2024

      Monitoring share of voice during a crisis could help businesses react promptly. I hope they have alerts for spikes in negative mentions.

  7. JaneSmith September 2, 2024

    Finally, a tool that cuts down hours of manual work! I wonder about the cost though. These things don’t come cheap.

    • PennySaver September 2, 2024

      Good point, Jane. Marketing budgets are tight these days. Hope there’s a cost-effective plan for smaller businesses.

      • JaneSmith September 2, 2024

        Yes, it would be great if they offered tiered pricing. Small businesses shouldn’t miss out because of cost.

  8. Skeptic September 2, 2024

    Sounds like a lot of hype to me. Will it really deliver on these promises?

    • Optimist Marketer September 2, 2024

      Skepticism is healthy, Skeptic. But oftentimes, innovation starts with a bit of hype. Let’s wait and see.

  9. RealTimeMan September 2, 2024

    The near real-time updates are the clincher for me. Hope it lives up to its promise!

    • Cautious_Carol September 2, 2024

      We’ve all been disappointed by ‘real-time’ claims in the past. Let’s hope this isn’t another letdown.

  10. Jason T. September 2, 2024

    Automating the metrics like Share of Voice will allow us to focus more on strategy. Excited to try it out!

    • Analyst_Anne September 2, 2024

      Automation is indeed a huge plus. More time for creativity and actual marketing!

  11. Page8P September 2, 2024

    Sure, this looks great, but what about data privacy? Are we handing all our competitive intel to Dataxet here?

    • John R. September 2, 2024

      Interesting point, Page8P. Data security should definitely be a concern when using such comprehensive tools.

      • DataDefenseDude September 2, 2024

        Exactly. We need clear assurance from Dataxet on how they handle and protect our data.

  12. Will September 2, 2024

    If this can save me from combing through endless social media feeds, I’m sold!

    • NancyD September 2, 2024

      Same here, Will. Time saved on mundane tasks can be put to better use elsewhere.

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