A tragic incident occurred in Sangkhla Buri district of Kanchanaburi province late Wednesday night, when an illegal migrant from Myanmar was killed and 10 others were apprehended following the overturning of a pickup truck smuggling them. A police officer was also injured after being struck by one of the three pickup trucks involved in the smuggling operation.
At around 10pm, a joint team consisting of soldiers, police, and local authorities noticed three suspicious pickup trucks speeding along a local road at Sanehpong village, Moo 3, in tambon Nong Lu. The officers signaled the vehicles to halt for an inspection; however, the drivers chose to accelerate and evade capture instead. During the pursuit, one of the trucks hit Pol Capt Pathiphan Yawan, deputy crime suppression chief at Sangkhla Buri station, resulting in his urgent transportation to Sangkhla Buri Hospital for treatment.
Not long after the initial confrontation, the team was alerted to the news that a pickup truck had toppled over into a roadside ditch near a homestay in Nong Lu. Upon their arrival at the scene, the officers discovered that the vehicle was indeed one of the three trucks participating in the illicit smuggling endeavor. Tragically, a man from Myanmar was found dead inside the wreckage of the overturned truck.
Following a search of the surrounding area, the officers encountered a group of people hiding in a nearby forest. It was confirmed that all of these individuals were illegal migrants hailing from Myanmar, consisting of eight men and two women. The deceased man was later identified as 22-year-old Zaw Leng Gu.
The apprehended migrants were subsequently handed over to the authorities at Sangkhla Buri police station to face legal action. This unfortunate event serves as a stark reminder of the dangers faced by illegal migrants attempting to cross borders, as well as the dedication of law enforcement officers to combat such illicit activities, despite the associated risks.
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