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Decade-Old Alliance Deepens! Thailand-US Unleashes Power-Packed Plan To Dominate Global Trade & Investment – Learn the Inside Story

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Delving into the subject of expanding cooperation in trade and investment was one of the top-line items on last week’s meeting agenda. Thursday’s gathering saw both participants underline their dedication to their deep-rooted alliance and diplomatic relations, according to Busadee Santipitaks, Thailand’s deputy permanent secretary for foreign affairs.

This year is particularly significant as Thailand commemorates the 190-year mark of its diplomatic associations with the United States. The meeting saw representatives from Thailand and the United States sharing insights on critical advancements occurring within the region. One particular area of focus was the topic of the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework (IPEF), a cooperative initiative for which Thailand has the honour of hosting the forthcoming, weeklong fifth negotiation round in Bangkok, scheduled to commence this Sunday.

The deputy permanent secretary went a step further in strengthening relations by urging the congressional delegation to take part in the recently formed US-Thai Alliance Caucus. This new caucus has been set up in the United States Congress and is envisioned as a platform through which the partnership between Thailand and the US can be further bolstered.

At the helm of the congressional delegation’s visit to Thailand, which took place from September 6th to 8th, was Congresswoman Elise Stefanik. As the chair of the House Republican Conference and the representative from the state of New York, Stefanik was accompanied by fellow congressional representatives hailing from South Carolina, California, Kansas, Minnesota, Florida, and Indiana.

According to Thailand’s Foreign Ministry, this visit serves too underline the importance of the alliance and strategic partnership between Thailand and the United States – a partnership fostered on the grounds of common values and mutual benefits. This diplomatic visit served to contribute to ongoing discussions, deepening ties, and enhancing strategic alliances, highlighting the mutual commitment of both nations to their longstanding partnership.

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