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Discover Sustainability at SX 2024: A Family-Friendly Expo in Bangkok

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The Sustainability Expo 2024 (SX 2024), the biggest sustainability showcase in ASEAN, is gearing up to be an epicenter for global sustainability solutions. This event is not just about cutting-edge technologies and stimulating discussions; it’s also about engaging families and children, ensuring that everyone leaves with unforgettable memories. With standout features like the SX Food Festival and the SX Kids Zone, this expo masterfully blends education and entertainment while underscoring the importance of integrating sustainability into our daily lives.

SX FOOD FESTIVAL ZONE: Sustainable Cuisine for the Future

The SX Food Festival offers visitors a tantalizing glimpse into the future of food, emphasizing sustainability every bite of the way. Given that food production and consumption play significant roles in environmental degradation, the festival aims to highlight the imperative of eco-friendly dining and sustainable food systems.

Attendees will embark on a unique culinary journey across seven distinct zones, each one dishing out innovative cuisines and interactive exhibits.

  • Atlantic – Functional Food: Explore the concept of food as medicine, showcasing herbs and health-boosting ingredients that nourish the body and promote wellness.
  • Miami – Healthy: Feast on a variety of health-conscious foods boasting low sugar, sodium, and fat options that prove healthy eating can be delicious.
  • New York – Celebrity Chef & Local Ingredients: Relish dishes crafted by celebrity chefs from renowned cooking shows like MasterChef, Top Chef, Iron Chef, and Hell’s Kitchen. These culinary maestros will highlight the perks of seasonal eating and supporting local farmers with their locally sourced ingredients.
  • Tokyo – Local Ingredients & Clean Energy: Discover the integration of clean energy into food production, using local ingredients in an environmentally responsible manner.
  • Amazon – Vegan & Plant-Based: Indulge in a colorful array of vegan and plant-based dishes, spotlighting the health and environmental benefits of plant-based diets.
  • Sahara – Low Carbon: Learn about low-carbon practices in food production and their impact on reducing environmental footprints.
  • Pyramid – Recycle: Dive into creative recycling methods to minimize waste, both in the kitchen and beyond.

Central to the SX Food Festival’s mission is the reduction of food waste. Breakthrough demonstrations and workshops will teach visitors proper food waste disposal techniques, inventive ways to repurpose leftovers, and how reducing food waste can significantly benefit environmental conservation. Moreover, guests will explore innovations in sustainable farming, urban agriculture, and eco-friendly food packaging. From vertical farming to aquaponics and biodegradable packaging, witness how the future of food production is evolving to address sustainability challenges.

For those with a sweet tooth, the festival won’t disappoint. Expect delectable sustainable desserts made from organic and ethically sourced ingredients. Savor treats like plant-based ice creams, artisanal chocolates, and zero-waste baked goods while learning about their alignment with environmentally responsible practices.

SX KIDS ZONE: A Fun and Educational Experience for Children

The SX Kids Zone bursts with vibrant, interactive spaces designed to impart the essence of sustainability to children in a fun and engaging way. Through hands-on activities, kids will embark on educational adventures that foster environmental responsibility.

One of the main attractions is the Eco Play Lab, where children engage in games and experiments focused on recycling, energy conservation, and pollution reduction. Activities like sorting waste into recycling bins, generating electricity from solar panels, and exploring the water cycle will illustrate how their actions make a difference to the environment.

Also, don’t miss the SX Kids Workshop, where creativity meets sustainability. Children will create birdhouses from recycled wood, craft eco-friendly toys, and design plant pots using repurposed containers, learning the importance of reducing waste and conserving resources in the process.

For adventurous kids, the SX Kids Climbing activity offers a thrilling and safe way to connect with nature. The climbing wall, crafted to mimic natural rock formations, encourages physical engagement and an appreciation for the great outdoors and environmental conservation.

The Eco-Storytelling Corner promises to captivate young minds with stories of environmental heroes, endangered species, and the wonders of nature. Through these engaging tales, professional storytellers aim to inspire a love for our planet and its inhabitants.

In the Kid-Friendly Planting Zone, children will get their hands dirty planting seeds and learning about the plant life cycle. Guided by sustainability educators, they’ll plant trees and nurture small gardens, fostering an understanding of biodiversity and reforestation and nurturing future environmental stewards.

SX 2024: A Multi-Generational Approach to Sustainability

The SX Food Festival and SX Kids Zone illustrate the importance of bridging generations in the quest for sustainability. By offering interactive experiences for both children and adults, the expo creates an environment where families can learn together, share their knowledge, and take collective action for a greener future.

By seamlessly incorporating sustainability into everyday activities—like the food we enjoy and the games we play—SX 2024 showcases how small changes can lead to profound environmental impacts. The goal is to inspire a culture of sustainability that will be sustained across generations, ensuring a healthier planet for years to come.

Don’t miss out on this exciting event! SX 2024 runs from 27th September to 6th October 2024 at the Queen Sirikit National Convention Center (QSNCC).

For more information, please visit:


  1. EcoLover123 October 1, 2024

    This sounds like an awesome event! It’s great that they’re combining sustainability with family-friendly activities. I think we need more events like this to educate kids about the environment.

    • Skeptic Mike October 1, 2024

      It all sounds great on paper, but how much impact can these expos really have? People enjoy the event, then go back to their wasteful habits.

      • Alice B. October 1, 2024

        I disagree, Mike. Events like these can be very influential, especially on kids. Even if a few families adopt sustainable habits, it’s a win!

      • EcoLover123 October 1, 2024

        Exactly, Alice! Plus, the inclusion of big names in the food industry can make a significant impact. If people see their favorite chefs promoting sustainability, they might be more inclined to follow suit.

  2. Libby Davis October 1, 2024

    I’m excited about the SX Food Festival! Sustainable food is the future, but I hope they also address the affordability of these eco-friendly options.

    • GreenBite October 1, 2024

      Totally, Libby! Sustainable food often comes with a higher price tag. The expo should discuss cost-reduction strategies to make green food accessible for all.

    • Tom October 1, 2024

      I think the cost will come down as more people adopt these sustainable practices. It’s an investment in the planet!

  3. MaxSteel October 1, 2024

    The SX Kids Zone seems like a fantastic place for children to learn. Hands-on activities are the best way to teach kids about sustainability.

    • ParentOfTwo October 1, 2024

      Agreed! My kids love interactive learning. It’s so much better than just reading about it.

    • CynicalEmma October 1, 2024

      It’s all fun and games until the kids grow up and face the harsh realities of our consumer-driven society. Is a few hours of eco-crafts really going to change anything?

  4. ChefPatrick October 1, 2024

    Looking forward to the New York zone with celebrity chefs! It’s crucial to show that sustainable food can be delicious and glamorous.

    • FoodieFan88 October 1, 2024

      Same! I can’t wait to taste what they come up with. Plus, knowing the ingredients are locally sourced is a big bonus.

    • Skeptic Mike October 1, 2024

      Celebrity chefs are great for marketing, but let’s be real—how many of their fans will actually change their eating habits long-term?

    • ChefPatrick October 1, 2024

      You’d be surprised, Mike. A lot of people look up to these chefs. If they champion sustainability, it’s a step in the right direction.

  5. NatureFan October 1, 2024

    The planting zone for kids is a brilliant idea! It’s fantastic to get children involved in nature and gardening from a young age.

  6. SustainabilityIsKey October 1, 2024

    I hope the expo also tackles the issue of food waste effectively. It’s one of the biggest problems we face today.

    • EcoConscious October 1, 2024

      With workshops and demonstrations, it seems like they’re putting a big focus on reducing food waste. That’s a great start.

    • Greta’s Advocate October 1, 2024

      It’s high time we got serious about food waste. If expos like this can make people more aware, I’m all for it.

    • Skeptic Mike October 1, 2024

      Awareness is one thing, actual change is another. I doubt these events will have a lasting impact.

    • SustainabilityIsKey October 1, 2024

      Change doesn’t happen overnight, Mike. Every bit of awareness helps.

  7. GreenThumb October 1, 2024

    Now this is the kind of event that should be happening everywhere! Sustainability should be a global priority.

    • WorldTraveler October 1, 2024

      Agreed! I’ve been to similar expos in Europe, and they were also fantastic. It’s great seeing these initiatives span across continents.

  8. Alex J. October 1, 2024

    The climbing wall made to mimic natural rock formations is a nice touch. Kids need to connect more with nature.

  9. CarolB October 1, 2024

    Eco-storytelling can leave a lasting impression on young minds. I hope they have stories that emphasize the importance of protecting endangered species.

    • BookWorm October 1, 2024

      Stories are a powerful tool for education. If kids grow up with these stories, they might be more inclined to act responsibly toward the environment.

    • CynicalEmma October 1, 2024

      That’s a lot of hope placed on fairy tales. Once kids hit reality, those stories might just become distant memories.

  10. EcoGeek October 1, 2024

    The integration of clean energy into food production at the Tokyo zone is fascinating. It’s proof that sustainability can be incorporated into every industry.

    • ScienceDude October 1, 2024

      Absolutely, clean energy solutions are the future. It’s great to see it being emphasized at a large event like this.

    • Tom October 1, 2024

      If only governments would take note and also push for clean energy in more sectors.

  11. FamilyFirst October 1, 2024

    This is perfect for a family day out. Not just fun but educational too. I’m definitely taking my kids.

    • Jane D. October 1, 2024

      Same here! It’s a great way to spend quality time with the family while also learning something valuable.

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