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Douglas L Feagin Unveils Alipay+’s Bold Vision for Thai Economy with 28.4 Billion Baht Boost During 2024 Lunar New Year

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In a whirlwind of festive excitement and digital innovation, Douglas L Feagin, the esteemed president of Alipay+, dropped some tantalizing numbers that are sure to make the Thai economy’s heart beat faster. Picture this: a staggering 28.4 billion baht infusion into Thailand’s coffers, all thanks to travelers during the upcoming 2024 lunar Chinese New Year, which, mark your calendars, falls on the delightful day of February 10th.

Feagin couldn’t hide his enthusiasm as he shared that in anticipation of the holiday, starting February 10, China’s outbound travel bookings have skyrocketed, scaling heights more than tenfold compared to last year. It’s a travel frenzy out there, with travelers setting their sights on locales offering a warm welcome without the bureaucratic tango of visa applications. Countries waving from the top of the travel wishlist include the dazzling triad of Singapore, Thailand, and Malaysia, not forgetting the ever-charismatic duo of Japan and South Korea.

Alipay+, under the banner of Ant International – a beacon of Alibaba Group Holding’s fintech prowess – is taking this travel tidal wave in stride. As a guiding star in the digital cosmos, it’s illuminating paths in cross-border commerce both online and offline. Feagin’s vision for 2024 is nothing short of a digital odyssey, promising Alipay+ as your trusty companion in unlocking treasures of digital innovation.

“Imagine a world where the Chinese New Year isn’t just a time for celebration but a launchpad for groundbreaking partnerships, exhilarating campaigns, and innovation that knows no borders. We’re not just talking about simplifying travel; we’re redefining it, stitching together a tapestry of authentic experiences, fostering business growth from the titans of industry to the corner stores,” Feagin elaborated with palpable excitement.

Spanning 57 markets, Alipay+ is a digital juggernaut, seamlessly connecting over 88 million merchants worldwide to a staggering 1.5 billion accounts across more than 25 leading e-wallets and payment applications. With Alipay+, the globe shrinks, allowing international travelers to navigate payments with the familiarity of their home payment apps, ensuring a journey marked by ease and fortified security.

By January 2024, the family of Alipay+ partners boasts impressive names like Alipay (China), AlipayHK (Hong Kong), GCash (Philippines), TrueMoney (Thailand), Touch ‘n Go eWallet (Malaysia), and OCBC Digital (Singapore). These alliances paint a vivid picture of a world interconnected through commerce and cultural exchange.

In Thailand, the Alipay+ network is a veritable empire, boasting alliances with over 100,000 partner stores. From the high-end allure of King Power and Jim Thompson to the shopping haven that includes Central, Robinson, Siam Paragon, and EmQuartier, Alipay+ is rewriting the script on retail. And let’s not forget its recent expansion into the everyday convenience of 7-Eleven stores, McDonald’s, and Big C supermarkets, ensuring that wherever your adventures may lead, a seamless shopping experience awaits.

Wrapping up, Feagin shared a vision that transcends digital transactions, aiming to anchor international travel as the linchpin of prosperity, not just for Asia but on a global scale. “With Alipay+ at the helm, we’re not just navigating the future; we’re creating it, weaving together communities through the rich tapestry of cross-border travel and commerce.”


  1. TechieTom February 1, 2024

    Enthusiastic to see how Alipay+ plans to revolutionize cross-border payment systems! Integrating so many e-wallets under one banner is a monumental task, but if anyone can do it, it’s them.

    • GlobalGuru February 1, 2024

      Totally agree with you. The convergence of these platforms could make international travel and commerce a breeze. Curious to see the impact on currency exchange and local economies though.

      • TechieTom February 1, 2024

        Good point on currency exchange! With digital payments, the right fintech can leverage favorable rates and make transactions more cost-effective for users. It’s all about implementation now.

    • SkepticalSam February 1, 2024

      But what about the security risks? Centralizing so much data under one platform sounds like a hacker’s buffet.

      • Tech_Watchdog February 1, 2024

        Security is definitely a concern with any digital platform, but considering Alipay+’s track record and the backing of Alibaba, they’re likely taking top-notch measures.

  2. Patriot_P February 1, 2024

    This sounds like foreign businesses making a play to control the Thai market. We should be cautious about letting international giants dominate our local economy.

    • MarketMan February 1, 2024

      I understand the sentiment, but isn’t it also about giving consumers more options? A competitive market is beneficial for innovation and can bring better services to Thailand.

      • LocalLove February 1, 2024

        It’s one thing to provide more options. It’s another to potentially outcompete and overshadow local businesses. There’s a fine line between competition and domination.

    • GlobalGuru February 1, 2024

      The world’s getting more interconnected. It’s not about local vs. international anymore but about how well we can integrate and provide value to each other.

  3. JaneDoe123 February 1, 2024

    I wonder how this will influence local traditions and spending habits during the Lunar New Year. There’s charm in traditional transactions that I hope won’t be lost.

    • CultureVulture February 1, 2024

      That’s a valid concern, Jane. Balancing technology and tradition is tricky, but it’s possible. Hopefully, Alipay+ considers this in their expansion.

    • TechieTom February 1, 2024

      Technological advances are inevitable, Jane. I think it’s about upgrading our experience without losing sight of our roots. Digital payments can coexist with tradition, in my opinion.

  4. Rachel Green February 1, 2024

    Let’s not forget the convenience factor for tourists. This could boost Thailand’s tourism even more by making it easier for travelers to spend their money here.

    • TravelBug February 1, 2024

      Exactly, Rachel! Anything that makes traveling easier and more accessible is a win in my book. Can’t wait for my trip next year!

      • EcoWarrior February 1, 2024

        Hope this convenience doesn’t lead to over-tourism, though. We need to find a balance to protect our beautiful destinations.

  5. FinanceFelix February 1, 2024

    28.4 billion baht is a massive injection into the Thai economy. Curious about the ripple effects on local businesses, especially small vendors.

    • SmallBizOwner February 1, 2024

      As a small business owner, I’m cautiously optimistic. More spending is great, but adapting to accept digital payments is a hurdle not all of us can afford.

      • TechSavvy February 1, 2024

        The key might be in partnerships and subsidies. There could be programs to support small businesses in upgrading their digital payment systems.

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