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Dr. Sombat Kitjalaksana Leads BEM’s Grand Ceremony Honoring King Maha Vajiralongkorn’s 6th Cycle Anniversary

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Bangkok Expressway and Metro (BEM), under the visionary leadership of Dr. Sombat Kitjalaksana, recently orchestrated a grand blessing ceremony to mark a momentous occasion – the 6th cycle anniversary of His Majesty King Maha Vajiralongkorn Phra Vajiraklaochaoyuhua. This auspicious event took place on July 28, 2024, at the prestigious Rama IX office.

With a spirit of reverence and national pride, Dr. Sombat led the ceremony, embodying the collective tribute of an entire organization towards their revered monarch. The event was crafted to perfection, intricately weaving cultural traditions with modern-day elegance, creating an atmosphere that was both solemn and celebratory.

As dawn broke, the Rama IX office was adorned with resplendent decor featuring vibrant flowers and majestic flags that captured the country’s rich heritage. Employees dressed in formal attire, their faces glowing with admiration and respect, gathered to pay homage to their King.

The room buzzed with anticipation as monks, draped in saffron robes, entered the hall, their serene presence commanding a sense of peace and unity. Dr. Sombat, taking center stage, offered heartfelt prayers for the King’s health, longevity, and continued prosperity of the nation. The air was thick with a sense of devotion as chants filled the room, resonating with those in attendance.

Dr. Sombat’s eloquent speech further amplified the significance of the day, highlighting the King’s unwavering contributions to the country. He spoke of the monarch’s steadfast commitment to the welfare of the people and the nation’s development, emphasizing the deep bond between the throne and its subjects.

Following the formalities, the ceremony transitioned into a more interactive segment. Employees were invited to participate in traditional activities symbolizing good fortune and unity. Laughter and camaraderie filled the air as games and cultural performances brought everyone together, creating joyous memories.

The highlight of the event was undoubtedly the release of lanterns, symbolizing hope and aspirations for the future. As each lantern ascended into the evening sky, it carried with it the dreams and prayers of those present, creating a breathtaking spectacle of light and unity.

The blessing ceremony concluded with a sumptuous feast, a celebration of the community and the collective spirit of the organization. Delicacies from various regions of Thailand were served, inviting attendees to savor the diverse culinary heritage of the nation.

This tribute to His Majesty King Maha Vajiralongkorn Phra Vajiraklaochaoyuhua wasn’t merely an event; it was a heartfelt expression of loyalty, gratitude, and national pride. The ceremony reflected BEM’s commitment not just to infrastructural development but to cultural and spiritual enrichment as well.

In an era where traditions often fade away in the hustle of modernity, BEM’s dedication to celebrating this landmark anniversary stands as a testament to the enduring respect and love for the monarchy that continues to thrive in the hearts of the Thai people.

As the night drew to a close, the feeling of unity and shared purpose was palpable. Dr. Sombat and his team had not just organized an event; they had enriched the soul of an organization and, in turn, honored the spirit of a nation.


  1. Jane_Doe August 2, 2024

    This was such a beautiful tribute. It’s inspiring to see such dedication to cultural traditions even in a corporate event.

    • John Smith August 2, 2024

      I agree! We need more of these events that bring people together and remind us of our shared heritage.

      • Jenny T August 2, 2024

        Totally with you, John, but it’s also important that companies like BEM focus on addressing current societal needs too, not just cultural ceremonies.

      • Jane_Doe August 2, 2024

        That’s a fair point, Jenny. Balance is key in maintaining traditions while also advancing modern societal goals.

  2. patriot_777 August 2, 2024

    I wonder how much money was spent on this ‘grand’ ceremony instead of investing in infrastructure or supporting the poor.

    • Peter Wong August 2, 2024

      Investing in cultural ceremonies is also important for national pride and unity. It’s not just about money.

      • patriot_777 August 2, 2024

        Sure, but perhaps that money could be better spent directly on the well-being of citizens. National pride doesn’t fill empty stomachs.

    • Kim L. August 2, 2024

      While I get your point, these events also create a sense of community and belonging, which is valuable in its own right.

  3. NarutoFTW August 2, 2024

    Why all this fuss over a king? What has he even done to deserve such glorification?

    • Suriya Phanom August 2, 2024

      The king has been very instrumental in various charitable activities and national development projects.

      • NarutoFTW August 2, 2024

        I still don’t see how that justifies such excessive ceremonies. Can’t we honor him in more modest ways?

    • Linda M. August 2, 2024

      Ceremony and pageantry are part of the tradition. It’s not just about the person, but what they represent culturally and historically.

  4. Sally J August 2, 2024

    I think it was a wonderful event, a perfect blend of modern and traditional elements.

    • grower134 August 2, 2024

      Agreed, it looked like an amazing celebration. I loved the lantern release; that must have been a breathtaking sight!

  5. Ravi August 2, 2024

    Monarchy in the modern world seems outdated. How long will countries keep clinging to these old traditions?

    • Maria Zhang August 2, 2024

      Traditions give people a sense of identity and continuity. It’s not just about the monarchy, but cultural heritage.

      • Ravi August 2, 2024

        I’m all for cultural heritage, but we should differentiate between useful traditions and those that no longer serve us.

      • Phat August 2, 2024

        Every nation has the right to celebrate its traditions, new or old. That’s what makes the world interesting.

    • Paul August 2, 2024

      Ravi, many people see value in the symbolism and stability monarchy provides. It’s not something that should be discarded lightly.

  6. BEM_employee August 2, 2024

    As someone who attended the ceremony, I can say it was an honor to be a part of such a meaningful event. It really brought us closer as a team.

  7. Patricia O. August 2, 2024

    This kind of event should be livestreamed for those who can’t attend. It would really help involve more people in these important moments.

    • Luis August 2, 2024

      Livestreaming would be great! It would allow more people to experience the beauty and significance of the ceremony.

    • Anita August 2, 2024

      But would livestreams take away from the sacredness and intimacy of the event? Some things are better experienced in person.

  8. Larry D August 2, 2024

    I loved the part about traditional activities. It’s great to see employees being part of the celebration and not just spectators.

    • timelessheart August 2, 2024

      Yes! Inclusion and participation elevate the experience for everyone involved. It’s practical wisdom in fostering unity.

  9. Wanda August 2, 2024

    Corporate-led events like these sometimes feel more like PR stunts than genuine tributes. Just saying.

    • Ken T August 2, 2024

      I see where you’re coming from, but even if there’s some PR involved, the outcome is still a positive one for community spirit.

  10. James August 2, 2024

    The King’s contributions are indeed significant, from promoting health initiatives to supporting rural development. This ceremony is well-deserved.

    • Larry D August 2, 2024

      Exactly. Recognizing the work of such leaders helps inspire more actions in the community.

  11. Thomas K. August 2, 2024

    I wonder if younger generations feel connected to these traditions? The world is changing so fast, and priorities are shifting.

    • Kimberly S August 2, 2024

      Great question, Thomas. There’s a growing debate among youth about the relevance of such traditions in modern society.

      • Thomas K. August 2, 2024

        Indeed. Maybe we need new ways to honor our past while addressing contemporary values and issues.

  12. Maddie August 2, 2024

    The blend of cultural and festive activities was a wonderful idea. It must have been a real joy for all the participants.

    • TommyH August 2, 2024

      Right? Events like these not only honor tradition but also provide a fun and engaging experience for everyone.

  13. Helen G. August 2, 2024

    This kind of elaborate ceremony can sometimes overshadow urgent issues that need corporate attention, like environmental sustainability.

    • GOgreen August 2, 2024

      Totally agree! Companies should balance cultural celebrations with sustainable practices. Both are essential.

  14. Siripong August 2, 2024

    I’m proud to be Thai. This ceremony reminded me how important our traditions are.

  15. Kevin B. August 2, 2024

    While it’s important to celebrate such events, I hope BEM also focuses on improving public transport services.

    • Monica August 2, 2024

      Good point. Celebrations shouldn’t distract from the primary goals of the organization.

  16. Jay August 2, 2024

    Events like these keep the cultural spirit alive and give a break from mundane office routines. Thumbs up!

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