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Elderly Woman’s Tragic Sauna Death in Pak Kret Shopping Mall: Investigation Underway

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The peaceful evening in Pak Kret’s bustling shopping mall took a grim turn when authorities were notified about an elderly woman’s unusual death in a sauna. The scene of the tragic discovery was nestled behind a fitness club in tambon Bang Talad, within Nonthaburi’s buzzing district. The incident occurred around 6 PM, and the victim was identified only as Thanchanok, a 68-year-old regular at the club.

Thanchanok was known for her routine visits to the fitness facility, often arriving as early as 8 AM. According to the fitness club staff, she had indeed checked in that Monday morning, with no indication that the day would end so tragically. By 11 AM, there was no sign of her, and the staff assumed she had completed her daily regimen and left. Little did they know, she had endured a far more harrowing fate.

It wasn’t until 6 PM when an employee made the alarming discovery. Thanchanok was found lying lifeless inside the sauna. The scene was distressing—parts of her face, arms, and chest were severely burnt, and her skin had started to peel away. The cause of this tragic incident remained a mystery, prompting a thorough investigation by the local authorities.

Relatives of Thanchanok, along with the fitness club employees, were summoned to Pak Kret police station for questioning. Thanchanok’s daughter-in-law provided some insights into her routine and health. She revealed that Thanchanok typically stayed at the fitness club from 7 AM until 2 PM and had no known underlying health conditions. This revelation suggested she might have passed away hours before being discovered.

The local police are now on edge, seeking to understand the exact cause of this unfortunate event. They are awaiting detailed autopsy results from the Central Institute of Forensic Science, which might hold crucial information. The uncertainty surrounding Thanchanok’s death has left the community and her loved ones searching for answers, hoping to make sense of this bewildering tragedy.

This incident not only highlights the potential perils associated with fitness routines and facilities but also underlines the importance of vigilance and regular checks by fitness club staff. While the investigation continues, the residents of Pak Kret and patrons of the mall can only await explanations and hope to prevent such harrowing incidents in the future.


  1. Sarah J. June 11, 2024

    This is such a tragic event. How on earth did no one notice she was missing for so long?

    • MikeD June 11, 2024

      I agree, Sarah! It’s mind-boggling that the staff didn’t check on her sooner.

      • LisaM June 11, 2024

        You’d think a fitness club would have better safety protocols in place. People can faint or worse in saunas quite easily.

      • Sarah J. June 11, 2024

        Exactly, Lisa. It makes you question the club’s management and their commitment to customer safety.

    • Tim June 11, 2024

      Saunas need more supervision, especially for elderly patrons. The poor woman must have suffered terribly.

      • KevinT June 11, 2024

        It’s awful to think about. They really should have safety alarms or emergency buttons in saunas.

      • Sarah J. June 11, 2024

        Good point, Kevin. It’s a simple measure that could save lives.

  2. Amit June 11, 2024

    Why wasn’t there a regular check on the sauna? This seems like gross negligence to me.

    • GymRat99 June 11, 2024

      Totally agreed, Amit. Negligence at its worst!

      • fitness_freak June 11, 2024

        Yes, but don’t forget, accidents can happen anytime. We don’t know the full story yet.

      • Amit June 11, 2024

        I’m just saying regular checks could’ve prevented this. Better safe than sorry.

  3. DoctorSam June 11, 2024

    It’s important to understand that elderly individuals can have sudden health changes. This may have been one such incident.

    • JoyceL June 11, 2024

      That’s a good point, DoctorSam. Still, monitoring is crucial.

    • Ron_in_TN June 11, 2024

      Exactly, Joyce. We can’t ignore the fact that proper supervision is essential.

    • Tim June 11, 2024

      We also need more awareness on how to use saunas safely, especially for older people.

  4. Kayla June 11, 2024

    My heart goes out to her family. Can’t imagine going through this.

    • JohnDoe June 11, 2024

      Same here, Kayla. No one should have to endure such pain.

  5. Ben June 11, 2024

    Why did it take the staff so long to find her? This is unacceptable.

    • AnnaB June 11, 2024

      Indeed. Don’t they have a system to check up on members occasionally?

    • SarahB June 11, 2024

      Exactly, Anna. This is beyond poor management, it’s pure neglect.

    • Ben June 11, 2024

      When safety falls through the cracks, it’s the patrons who suffer. Truly tragic.

  6. Mark T. June 11, 2024

    I think there’s more to this story. How could she have been alone for so long?

    • Lena June 11, 2024

      Exactly, Mark. It feels like there might be some cover-up or misinformation.

    • Just_a_Guy June 11, 2024

      It’s too early to make assumptions, but the club definitely has some explaining to do.

  7. Amy June 11, 2024

    This is horrifying, but also a wakeup call for fitness centers to improve their safety measures.

  8. Gina R. June 11, 2024

    Absolutely heart-wrenching. This kind of negligence should be legally punishable.

    • _Concerned_Citizen_ June 11, 2024

      Agreed, Gina. There should be accountability for such gross neglect.

  9. BrianS June 11, 2024

    This incident sheds light on the potential dangers of these ‘relaxing’ facilities if not properly managed.

  10. OlderGent June 11, 2024

    As someone who frequents a sauna, this news is genuinely terrifying. Could have been any one of us.

    • LindaF June 11, 2024

      Stay safe, OlderGent. Discuss safety protocols with your gym right away.

  11. FitLife June 11, 2024

    Maybe her age had a role in this. Elderly people should always take extra precautions in places like saunas.

  12. JakeP June 11, 2024

    Instead of blaming, we should wait for the investigation results before jumping to conclusions.

    • IloveScience June 11, 2024

      Finally, a voice of reason. Let’s see what the forensic results say.

  13. Nancy June 11, 2024

    This kind of accident highlights the importance of having emergency systems in place in fitness centers.

  14. TommyG June 11, 2024

    I’m shocked this could happen in a public place. Where was everyone?

    • BillR June 11, 2024

      I know, it makes you wonder about the gym’s occupancy and management.

    • TommyG June 11, 2024

      If I were them, I’d be worried about a major lawsuit.

  15. CtrlAltDel June 11, 2024

    Places like saunas should mandate regular check-ins to prevent such tragedies.

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