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Election Bombshell: Urgent Vote Recount Ordered at 47 Polling Stations – Will This Change Thailand’s Political Landscape?

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Out of the total 47 stations, the authorities have mandated 16 of them to conduct a recount of the constituency MP ballots, while the remaining 31 stations are required to recount the party-list MP ballots. In the May 14 general election, there were approximately 95,000 polling stations.

It is important to note that higher voter turnout may occasionally surpass the vote count, especially if a voter arrives at the polling booth, decides not to cast a ballot for any reason, and subsequently departs the polling station without handing in the ballot.

The election watchdog has ultimately chosen to order this recount as they believe the discrepancies could have a significant impact on the final results, the rankings of MP candidates, as well as the overall votes that each party obtained.

However, the EC has refrained from disclosing the names of the 47 stations and the provinces they are situated in, according to the source. It has been suggested that the order is in the process of being proposed to EC chairman Ittiporn Boonprakong, who will sign it and forward it to the EC’s provincial offices.

The recount is anticipated to occur on Sunday, June 11, and the updated results are expected to be announced before the end of the month.

The law stipulates that the EC is required to announce official election results within a 60-day timeframe following election day.

Last week, Ittiporn disclosed that the EC had received almost 280 complaints related to irregularities during the general election. The EC is working rapidly and diligently to investigate these claims.

Ittiporn also revealed that nearly 20 of these complaints were lodged by MP candidates who finished in second place.

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