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Ex-Move Forward Leader Pita Limjaroenrat Vows to Reform Thailand Amid Political Turmoil

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Pita Limjaroenrat waves to supporters as he walks into the Constitutional Court to hear its ruling, which led to the Move Forward Party being dissolved, on Aug 7. (Photo: Reuters)

Politicians in Thailand must reform the judiciary to prevent interventions that have the country “going around in circles,” says former Move Forward Party chief adviser Pita Limjaroenrat, after two major rulings that dissolved his party and dismissed a prime minister. Mr. Pita, whose now-defunct party was blocked from forming a government last year, said a 10-year political ban would not weaken his resolve to lead Thailand and start major reforms, including stopping independent institutions from being politicized.

Thailand has been trapped in a tumultuous two-decade cycle of coups and court rulings that have toppled multiple governments, as part of a power struggle between popularly elected parties and an influential establishment with powerful connections in the military and key institutions.

“It’s back to square one, and nothing has been achieved for the people,” Mr. Pita told Reuters, reflecting on the upheaval that resulted in Move Forward dissolved and Srettha Thavisin dismissed as premier in the space of a week, both by the same court.

“We confuse movement with progress,” he said. “It’s almost like we’re going around in circles and we’re thinking we’re going somewhere but actually we’re going nowhere.”

His remarks came as 134 Thai academics and legal experts in a statement criticized the court, which they said overstepped its jurisdiction and damaged the public’s trust in legal and democratic systems.

Pita will return to Harvard University as a democracy fellow following his ban over his party’s plan to amend the law that punishes royal insults with up to 15 years in jail, a campaign the court said undermined the constitutional monarchy.

His predicament provides a snapshot of Thailand’s cutthroat politics, with Mr. Pita hugely popular yet forced onto the sidelines, despite leading Move Forward to a surprise election victory that gave a ringing public endorsement of its progressive, anti-establishment platform.

Mr. Pita, 43, has polled consistently as the most preferred prime minister choice in Thailand, long after army-appointed senators thwarted his bid to become premier.

‘Waiting for my time’

He and 43 colleagues could still face lifetime political bans, as the National Anti-Corruption Commission is weighing whether they committed ethical violations by signing a document proposing to amend the lese-majeste law. It could ask the Constitutional Court to approve lifetime bans.

Mr. Pita said the issue shows elected politicians need to reform institutions such as the commission and courts to guarantee their independence and accountability to the public.

“Penalize someone because of differing ethical standards or morality standards—that’s a bit too much for our democracy,” he said.

Though the two rulings shook Thai politics and sparked concerns about the outlook for the stagnating economy, the status quo remains after casualties of both cases quickly regrouped within two days of the decisions.

Move Forward formed a new vehicle, the People’s Party, while the Pheu Thai Party-led coalition rallied behind Mr. Srettha’s replacement, Paetongtarn Shinawatra, who won the overwhelming backing of parliament on Friday, followed by royal endorsement on Sunday.

Paetongtarn is the daughter of divisive political heavyweight and billionaire Thaksin Shinawatra, whose populist parties have been worst hit by Thailand’s tumult over the past two decades. He is also facing a lese-majeste charge related to a 2015 newspaper interview, but witness testimony will not start until July 2025.

Mr. Pita is planning a memoir of his roller-coaster ride and to give speeches and seminars on Southeast Asian affairs, hoping to return to politics stronger.

“I’ll be waiting for my time, you know I still very much want to bring about change in Thailand,” he said.

“I’ll be accumulating knowledge and experiences so when I return to be the leader of the country I’ll be a better person then.”


  1. Anna B August 20, 2024

    Pita getting blocked from politics after winning the election is ridiculous. The military and courts shouldn’t have so much power.

    • Tommy_J August 20, 2024

      But the courts are just doing their job! Maybe if Pita wasn’t trying to change the lese-majeste law, he wouldn’t be in this mess.

      • Anna B August 20, 2024

        The lese-majeste law is outdated and draconian. Silencing politicians this way sets democracy back.

      • Sophia August 20, 2024

        Tommy, do you really think jailing people for ‘insulting’ the monarchy is modern or fair? Pita’s trying to bring Thailand into the 21st century.

    • David W August 20, 2024

      It’s not just about the lese-majeste law. The military and judiciary are too intertwined with politics, and that’s the real problem Pita is pointing out.

  2. Mina_L August 20, 2024

    Pita goes to Harvard while the country’s in chaos? Seems pretty convenient to me.

    • Timothy August 20, 2024

      Going to Harvard could give him more international support and perspective. It’s not like he’s abandoning the country for good.

      • Mina_L August 20, 2024

        Timothy, sounds like you’re just making excuses. He should be here, fighting for change.

      • Gary K August 20, 2024

        International perspective is crucial. Plus, gathering knowledge can help him lead better in the future.

  3. MarcusD August 20, 2024

    Thai politics are like a soap opera. Every time someone steps up to make real changes, they get sidelined.

  4. Lily Q August 20, 2024

    It’s depressing how the people voted for change, but the establishment just crushes it.

    • Ralph August 20, 2024

      Democracy is messy. Maybe the system needs to be more stable before any big changes can happen.

  5. Arman123 August 20, 2024

    Why is Pita so popular anyway? Just because he promises change doesn’t mean he can deliver.

  6. Jess_k August 20, 2024

    He’s popular because he stands against the status quo. People are tired of the same old corrupt leaders.

    • Nina August 20, 2024

      It’s the status quo that has kept Thailand stable. Radical changes can lead to chaos.

    • RobertM August 20, 2024

      Status quo has not resolved anything for two decades. Maybe it’s time for those radical changes.

  7. Samuel T August 20, 2024

    The idea of lifetime political bans is heavy-handed. How about more transparent and fairer legal processes instead?

    • Amy P August 20, 2024

      Totally agree. How can you ban someone for life just because of a proposed amendment?

    • MichaelN August 20, 2024

      It keeps corrupt politicians from returning to power, but yeah, it can be abused too.

  8. Evergreen August 20, 2024

    How are Thai people responding to Pita’s ban? Are they protesting or just accepting it?

    • Leo D August 20, 2024

      There have been some protests, but not on a massive scale. Many are disillusioned.

    • William R August 20, 2024

      That disillusionment is dangerous. When people feel like their votes don’t matter, it undermines democracy.

  9. Justice J August 20, 2024

    This shows that no matter how progressive a party is, old systems with deep roots will always resist change.

    • Ella August 20, 2024

      True, but every attempt at change weakens the old systems, slowly but surely.

    • Mary K August 20, 2024

      Or it just makes the establishment dig its heels in deeper.

  10. Karen L August 20, 2024

    Thailand’s future seems bleak if they keep shooting down every new leader.

  11. Sunshine_123 August 20, 2024

    If Pita comes back stronger, it might finally break the cycle. We can only hope.

  12. Joe Does August 20, 2024

    You are ridiculous & stupid to show a woman in your AI image when Pita is a man (& well known) .. you quote “Photo: Reuters” yet you break copyright rules copying Reuters & BP text… and dishonestly inventing bot comments, including criticising Thai law courts .. Your site will probably head into legal problems.

  13. Joe Does August 20, 2024

    & you show false non Thai flags, again, too … so disrespectful

  14. Danielle G August 20, 2024

    Why are we so concerned about Thailand when other countries face similar or worse political issues?

  15. Lara B August 20, 2024

    Because Thailand’s struggle is reflective of broader challenges in balancing democracy and old power structures.

  16. Charlie August 20, 2024

    What happened to the People’s Party after the Move Forward was dissolved? Are they making any headway?

    • Tommy_J August 20, 2024

      They are still building momentum, but it’s an uphill battle with the same opposition strategies.

  17. Yasmine August 20, 2024

    Political bans and dissolutions just feel like tools to maintain control, rather than protect the country.

    • Cameron H August 20, 2024

      When you undermine democratic choices, people start to lose faith in the system entirely.

  18. Jayden T August 20, 2024

    Never ending cycle of turmoil in Thai politics is so frustrating. People want change, the system resists, repeat.

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