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Exposed! An Unbelievable Thai Health Scam Worth Over 40 Million Baht: Unmasking the Hoax You Thought Was Too Good to Be True!

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In an impressive sweep operation, Thai health authorities have successfully apprehended a colossal stash of counterfeit health products, amounting to an astonishing 43,411 units across 23 product types. The total value of this haul spirals over 40 million baht. The veritable cornucopia of deceptive health aids promises marvels, each more delightful than the previous.

Prompted by this audacious proliferation of fraudulent health items, the Department of Health has deemed it imperative to warn consumers. Don’t fall for the siren call of extravagant health benefits or be ensnared in the trap of cheap prices, they urge, laying the bait of false promise bare.

Here’s a quick run-through of big ‘no-nos’ in this league of dubious products:

Ovisure Gold is embellished with tantalizing claims of alleviating pain in your joints, averting osteoarthritis, and wrestling down a range of bone-related diseases, all within just seven magical days.

Digo Sure, isn’t short of lofty assurances either. It’s proclaimed to cure a host of illnesses ranging from diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, to alleviating joint and shoulder discomfort. It also piques interest with assertions of rejuvenating and fortifying bones and joints.

Got a degenerative spin and joint conditions, or wrangling with unsettling symptoms of hemiplegia or partial paralysis? Zextra Sure would have you believe it’s your ultimate remedy.

Via Sure Calcium is paraded as the wonder-cure for joint and bone pain and purportedly enhances bone flexibility.

If you are seeking a magic bullet for diabetes complications like blindness and kidney failure, Hevisure Gold comes with heartening words of promise.

GluOats and Gluzextra Gold ride on the coattails of this trend, with assertions of treating wayward blood sugar levels and averting heart-wrenching complications like heart failure and liver infection.

HIUP Complete and Sica Sure Canxi Wemee have been flagged too. Both of these claim to make your little ones taller by an impressive 3 to 5 centimetres in three months, adding on a promise of benefits multiplying tenfold as compared to conventional products.

Pro Up is another contestant in this spurious ring with a claim to enhance immunity, gift you with deep sleep, and pump up your weight by 10 kilos within a month.

Finally, the Hevifood Body Fit spins an enchanting yarn, promising a weight loss of 3 to 4 kilos in just a fortnight, with no need to cut any corners on your diet.

In conclusion, as enticing as these deceptive product claims may seem, it’s always advised to fact-check before committing your hard-earned cash and, more importantly, your health.


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