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Flood Alert: Travelers Warned to Avoid Kanchanaburi’s Road 323 Amid Severe Weather

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In the picturesque district of Sangkhla Buri within Kanchanaburi province, a pickup truck braves the swollen waters of Road 323, meticulously guided by dedicated workers. The scene, captured on Thursday, vividly underscores the uncertainties of navigating flood-prone areas. (Photo: Piyarat Chongcharoen)

KANCHANABURI: Travelers are urged to steer clear of the vital road connecting Sangkhla Buri and Thong Pha Phum districts, or at the very least, to check the weather conditions beforehand. This advisory, issued by the provincial office of the Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation on Thursday, comes in response to significant flooding on Road 323 in Thong Pha Phum. With floodwaters stretching over a two-kilometer expanse and reaching depths of up to 50 centimeters, small vehicles find the route impassable.

Road 323 is the lifeline to Thong Pha Phum, a magnet for visitors—especially during long weekends like the imminent one. Torrential rains on Wednesday night set the stage for the flash floods now bedeviling the area. The deluge was exacerbated by an overflowing U-long stream, transforming the road into a mini-river.

Chakrit Tanpirun, the industrious Thong Pha Phum district chief, detailed the responsive measures being taken. Workers and volunteers are on the ground, expertly directing traffic and installing conspicuous signs to caution drivers of the impending risks.

Brace yourselves, for Kanchanaburi is on high alert. Meteorologists have issued warnings that persistent downpours could unleash flash floods and landslides through until next Tuesday. This prospect has residents and travelers alike watching the skies with anxious anticipation.

A vivid tweet accompanied by a real-time photo updates citizens: “At 8:30 AM, a flash flood surged across the Thong Pha Phum-Sangkhla Buri road, particularly near the No. 11 camp in Tha Khanun subdistrict, Thong Pha Phum, Kanchanaburi. This necessitates a detour via village roads for those heading towards Sangkhla Buri. The flash flood spans approximately 1 km…”—@NNTHotnews, July 25, 2024

The resilience of the local populace is palpable. Even amidst chaos, there’s an air of camaraderie, a spirit of community support, and a shared mission: to weather the storm together. In the face of natural adversities, the people of Kanchanaburi stand undeterred, reminding us all of the strength inherent in unity.


  1. Brian G. July 25, 2024

    This is exactly why I avoid traveling during the rainy season. It’s not worth the risk!

    • Amy Stevens July 25, 2024

      But sometimes you have no choice! People have lives and commitments. What should they do?

      • Brian G. July 25, 2024

        True, Amy. But safety should always come first. Maybe more substantial infrastructure could prevent these issues.

      • Jessica July 25, 2024

        Brian, better infrastructure would help but nature is unpredictable. Can’t totally control it!

  2. nature_lover29 July 25, 2024

    Despite the floods, Kanchanaburi is still breathtaking! I think the risks are worth it. Look at the community spirit!

    • TravelBuff July 25, 2024

      I love your optimism, but what about the safety concerns? Lives are more important than beauty.

      • nature_lover29 July 25, 2024

        Of course safety is paramount, but sometimes adversity brings people together in beautiful ways.

      • Sam H. July 25, 2024

        That’s a lovely thought. Community resilience can be heartwarming amidst chaos.

  3. Jake T. July 25, 2024

    This is why governments need to invest more in disaster prevention and infrastructure!

    • Lea_Wong July 25, 2024

      Totally! How many more disasters before we see some action?

      • Jake T. July 25, 2024

        Exactly. The reactive approach is not sustainable. Proactive measures are crucial.

      • SkepticalGuy July 25, 2024

        Sounds good, but where’s the money coming from? Governments are already stretched thin.

    • GovernmentCritic July 25, 2024

      Yeah, but they’ll probably just waste the funds on something else as usual.

  4. Tommy89 July 25, 2024

    Is it just me, or does this sound like a yearly occurrence? Fix the root cause already!

    • Emily R. July 25, 2024

      It does seem like that! Climate change is making things worse. More frequent and severe.

    • ClimateRealist July 25, 2024

      You can’t blame everything on climate change! Poor planning and deforestation are equally to blame.

  5. Intl_Traveler July 25, 2024

    I’ve experienced floods on Road 323 before. The local authorities were very helpful, but it was still terrifying.

    • Backpacker Dave July 25, 2024

      Totally agree. The locals are always amazing in these situations. True heroes.

    • TravelerJoe July 25, 2024

      But doesn’t this make you question traveling there in the first place?

  6. Karen July 25, 2024

    The authorities should shut the road down until it’s safe, period.

    • John P. July 25, 2024

      Not that simple. That road is crucial for many people. Shutting it down isn’t feasible.

    • Alex Wayne July 25, 2024

      Perhaps a middle ground? Close it temporarily and improve safety measures.

  7. Silvia July 25, 2024

    How about people just learn to respect nature and change their plans? We aren’t invincible.

    • RileySmith July 25, 2024

      I agree, Silvia. Priorities are often skewed towards convenience over safety.

    • AdventureFan July 25, 2024

      But Silvia, do we stop living our lives because of natural events? Balance is key.

  8. Lucas T. July 25, 2024

    More people need to take these warnings seriously. I see too many daredevils out there.

    • MaxB July 25, 2024

      Yeah, people think they’re invincible until something happens.

      • Lucas T. July 25, 2024

        Absolutely. Experience should teach caution, but it often doesn’t.

  9. Travel_Junkie July 25, 2024

    This article is a good reminder to always check weather updates. Thank you!

  10. Maggie L. July 25, 2024

    Hope everyone stays safe in Kanchanaburi! Community spirit is so heartwarming.

  11. Ella1 July 25, 2024

    Why do people even go there during flood season? Makes no sense to me.

    • Kris J. July 25, 2024

      Some travel schedules can’t be adjusted. Work, family, etc.

  12. Andrew W. July 25, 2024

    Tourism benefits the local economy greatly. Shutting down isn’t really an option, is it?

    • Brooke July 25, 2024

      Exactly. Tourism sustains many livelihoods there. It’s a tough call!

  13. Wonder_Woman July 25, 2024

    A strong community can overcome anything. Kudos to the locals for their resilience!

  14. Ben July 25, 2024

    I think there should be more prominent warning signs or maybe digital alerts to help people avoid danger.

    • TechSavvy July 25, 2024

      Digital alerts would be effective. Almost everyone has a smartphone these days.

  15. Kim L. July 25, 2024

    Floods are scary! I can’t imagine being stuck on that road.

  16. Explorer78 July 25, 2024

    I’ve visited Sangkhla Buri. It’s beautiful but tricky during rains. Pick your seasons wisely.

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