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From Pandemic Despair to Songkran Joy: The Shocking Transformation of Thailand Under Prayut’s Leadership!

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Overcoming Challenges: How Prayut’s Leadership Led Thailand Out of the Covid-19 Crisis

In a 1.09-minute video clip shared on the United Thai Nation Party (UTNP)’s official Facebook page, viewers are taken on a journey from the dark times of the global Covid-19 pandemic to the vibrant and restriction-free Songkran celebrations happening this week. The video ( highlights the tremendous progress Thailand has made under General Prayut’s leadership, who is credited with the country’s successful handling of the pandemic and the impressive economic recovery that has followed.

Young People Desperate for Change

The video begins with scenes from three years earlier, showcasing the frustration and disappointment of young people who were forced to remain at home due to Covid-19 restrictions. With vaccine acquisitions moving at a slow pace, the “stupid leader” and “lousy country” are blamed for their predicament. These somber scenes stand in stark contrast to the jubilant Songkran water-splashing parties happening now, which are taking place without Covid-19 restrictions for the first time since the pandemic.

Effective Management Brings Positive Change

In the video, Prayut’s leadership is lauded for bringing crucial changes that led to over 6 million tourist arrivals in the first quarter of 2022, the full reopening of businesses, and a blossoming economy. The UTNP shared the video as part of their campaign materials leading up to the May 14th general election, and they hold it up as evidence of the prime minister’s accomplishments during his eight years in power.

Prayut’s Notable Achievements

During his time in power, General Prayut has tackled many chronic problems faced by the country, developed vital infrastructure for the future, and successfully navigated Thailand through the unprecedented crisis of the Covid-19 pandemic. As a result, the UTNP, which was established in March 2021, has nominated Prayut as their top prime minister candidate. The second candidate is party leader Pirapan Salirathavibhaga, who also serves as one of Prayut’s advisers.

Prayut’s Journey to the UTNP

In the March 2019 general election, Prayut was the sole PM candidate for the ruling Palang Pracharath Party but held no executive posts within the party and was not even a member. However, in December, he announced his decision to join the UTNP, illustrating his commitment to the party’s vision and goals.

In conclusion, the UTNP’s latest video serves as a powerful reminder of the progress Thailand has made under Prayut’s leadership. With the upcoming general election, it will ultimately be up to the people of Thailand to decide if they believe General Prayut should continue leading their country forward.

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