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Jaturon Phakdeewanit Elevates Thailand’s Tourism Standards: Key Achievements in ASEAN Training Programs

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ASEAN tourism statistics from 2023 reveal that Thailand welcomed the highest number of foreign tourists among ASEAN countries, recording a whopping 28.09 million visitors. This remarkable figure is anticipated to rise steadily each year. To bolster this growth, the Department of Tourism is on a mission to elevate the standards and capabilities of personnel in the tourism and service industries, ensuring they meet ASEAN’s stringent competency benchmarks.

To achieve these ambitious goals, the Department orchestrated the ASEAN Master Trainer (MT) course from August 19 to August 29, 2024, and the ASEAN Master Assessors (MA) course from July 29 to August 9, 2024. These courses form a crucial part of the ASEAN Mutual Recognition Arrangement on Tourism Professionals (MRA on TP) for the 2024 fiscal year.

Jaturon Phakdeewanit, the Director-General of the Department of Tourism, elaborated that the Department’s Tourism Professional Development Division meticulously selected 12 participants each for the ASEAN Master Trainer and ASEAN Master Assessor courses. These participants were chosen from a diverse pool of candidates across the tourism sector and educational institutions nationwide.

The comprehensive curriculum covered six key labour divisions: Housekeeping (HK), Front Office (FO), Food Production (FP), Food and Beverage Services (FB), Travel Agencies (TA), and Tour Operations (TO). Graduates of these intensive training programs are now well-equipped to disseminate their acquired knowledge and skills to future ASEAN Master Trainers (MT), ASEAN Master Assessors (MA), National Master Trainers (NT), and National Assessors (NA). Moreover, ASEAN Master Trainers (MT) and ASEAN Master Assessors (MA) can leverage their newfound expertise in the training and assessment of ASEAN Tourism Professionals (ATP). This ensures that Thailand’s tourism industry not only meets but exceeds international standards, thereby addressing the evolving needs of the industry.

This groundbreaking initiative also paves the way for the smoother movement of tourism professionals across ASEAN member countries that have signed the ASEAN Mutual Recognition Arrangement on Tourism Professionals (MRA on TP). The vision is clear: to create a unified and superior standard of service excellence across the region, making ASEAN a globally recognized hub for exceptional tourism experiences.

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