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Jit Arsa Volunteers: Thailand’s Heartfelt Tribute to His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej

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In a heartfelt tribute to His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej The Great and Her Majesty Queen Sirikit The Queen Mother, His Majesty the King initiated the Jit Arsa (spirit of volunteering) project. This commendable effort, also known as Jit Arsa 904 Wor Por Ror, strives to cultivate unity and happiness among the people while bolstering the stability of Thailand. The seeds of this noble initiative were sown on June 21, 2017, at Sukhothai School in Bangkok’s Dusit District. It started small but, like a tree, soon spread its branches to cover other parts of the country.

At the heart of this initiative is the Jit Arsa operations centre, established in Sanam Sueapa. The Internal Security Operations Command (Isoc) plays a pivotal role as the project’s coordinator, setting up regional coordination centres across the Central Plains, Northeast, North, and South. Each province, under the guidance of its governor who also heads the provincial Isoc office, has its own Jit Arsa coordination centre. These centres tirelessly work to coordinate activities and inspire more citizens to become certified volunteers.

Becoming a Jit Arsa volunteer is not just a casual endeavor. It requires a background check, and once certified, volunteers are ushered into a formal ceremony where they receive a blue cap, a yellow scarf, and a Jit Arsa identification card, all in front of a portrait of His Majesty the King. This ceremony is a rite of passage that ushers volunteers into a community dedicated to the public good, adhering strictly to the project’s regulations.

The volunteers of Jit Arsa are categorized into three groups: “Development Volunteers,” “Disaster Relief Volunteers,” and “Ad Hoc Volunteers.” The Development Volunteers focus on improving the quality of life through activities like environmental conservation, enhancement of public amenities, and health improvement. Disaster Relief Volunteers are the vigilant sentinels, ready to provide aid during crises. Lastly, Ad Hoc Volunteers are the dynamic force at ceremonial events and royal visits, working in tandem with government units to ensure smooth public participation and event organization.

In March and April 2018, His Majesty the King sponsored the first training round of 384 Jit Arsa volunteers. These pioneers were trained to be the torchbearers, equipped with knowledge about mental and physical fitness, and skills relevant to their activities such as woodworking and cooking. They also learned about the enduring philosophy of King Rama IX. Each year, the ranks of Jit Arsa 904 volunteers swell, reflecting a growing spirit of volunteerism across the nation.

July 2019 witnessed a spectacular event at Vachirabenjatas Park. Despite the cloudy skies, the park shimmered with the yellow hues of volunteers’ shirts and their radiant smiles, all gathered to celebrate His Majesty the King’s 67th birthday through the “We do good by heart” tree-planting event. Presided over by Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha, this event saw a mosaic of participants from various companies, the National Council on Social Welfare of Thailand, celebrities, actors, and students.

This vibrant crowd shared a common purpose—to perform good deeds as a tribute to His Majesty the King. Yellow star trees, the King’s symbolic tree, were planted in the park, their blossoms promising to bathe the area in golden splendor every July. Additionally, over 1,000 trees, generously donated by associated organizations, were planted. The volunteers, undeterred by the hard work, wore bright smiles as they dug and planted.

An officer from the Don Muang district office shared her enthusiasm, “I signed up as soon as I saw the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration’s announcement. My friends and I always enjoy volunteer work.” The sense of pride volunteers feel after such projects is palpable, knowing they’ve contributed significantly to society.

The inclusiveness of the “We do good by heart” event was apparent when disabled students from Chon Buri’s Chaleo-Pavana Memorial School joined in. A teacher from the school expressed her joy, saying, “The kids were thrilled to participate. Despite the challenges, they managed to plant their own trees and returned with delightful smiles.” This participation not only brought them joy but also inspired them to share their experiences with classmates, igniting a chain of inspiration for future volunteer events.

Volunteers also had the option to contribute in ways other than planting trees. Tasks like managing the registration table or distributing snacks were available, as shared by Chatramongkol Pinthong, a 24-year-old volunteer at the registration point. During his college years at Chulalongkorn University, Chatramongkol actively participated in volunteer projects, driven by a desire to make society more livable. He encourages others to follow suit, believing that a more beautiful and livable country starts with good deeds.

“If our dream is to see our country, which is our home, become more beautiful and livable, then we should be the ones who do good deeds to make that dream come true,” said Chatramongkol, embodying the spirit of Jit Arsa in every word.


  1. Preeti July 11, 2024

    An incredible initiative to honor King Bhumibol Adulyadej! Volunteering is such a noble way to bring people together.

    • Vikram Patel July 11, 2024

      I agree, but I can’t help but feel that this is also a PR stunt by the monarchy to stay relevant in modern times.

      • Somsak C. July 11, 2024

        Regardless of the intentions, the results are beneficial to society. Isn’t that what matters most?

        • Preeti July 11, 2024

          Absolutely, the good that comes out of this initiative is undeniable. Many communities thrive because of these efforts.

  2. Jackson_M July 11, 2024

    This sounds similar to mandatory government programs in other countries. Is it truly ‘volunteering’ if it’s heavily regulated?

    • Khun Yai July 11, 2024

      That’s a point, but people still sign up willingly and are proud to participate. Plus, regulations ensure safety and efficacy.

      • Maya July 12, 2024

        It’s about balancing regulation with genuine volunteerism. As long as people feel they’re making a positive impact, it’s worthwhile.

  3. Siriporn July 11, 2024

    I love that this project includes people from all parts of society, even students with disabilities! Truly inspiring.

    • CharlieSingh July 11, 2024

      It’s great for inclusivity, but are there enough resources to support everyone involved effectively?

      • Siriporn July 11, 2024

        From what I’ve read, they’re doing their best. It’s not perfect, but progress is being made.

  4. grower134 July 11, 2024

    Planting trees is good, but what about other pressing issues like pollution or traffic congestion?

  5. Aey W. July 11, 2024

    There are different groups within Jit Arsa focusing on various aspects of society. They’re not just about planting trees.

    • EcoWatcher July 11, 2024

      True, but sometimes it feels like these initiatives are more symbolic than addressing root causes.

  6. Joe July 12, 2024

    I became a Jit Arsa volunteer last year, and it’s been an incredibly rewarding experience. Highly recommend it!

    • Bee July 12, 2024

      That’s awesome! Can you share more about what you do specifically?

  7. global_thinker July 12, 2024

    This initiative sounds commendable, but what about regional disparities? Do rural areas get the same attention as urban ones?

    • Nina July 12, 2024

      Actually, there are regional coordination centers specifically set up for that purpose, to ensure equal opportunities for participation.

      • rural_voice July 12, 2024

        I’m from a rural village, and we have seen significant benefits from Jit Arsa. It’s not just an urban-centric program.

  8. Chai July 12, 2024

    Ceremonies and uniforms might seem excessive to some, but they do help in building a sense of unity and pride.

  9. Sudarat July 12, 2024

    I agree. There’s something about these structured ceremonies that helps solidify commitment and community spirit.

  10. Larry D July 12, 2024

    Maybe so, but how much of this is sustainable in the long term? Will the enthusiasm last?

    • Thanya July 12, 2024

      Sustainability is a valid concern. Continuing education and engagement will be key to maintaining momentum.

  11. Hana July 12, 2024

    It’s amazing to see how deeply rooted the spirit of volunteerism is in Thai culture. It truly reflects the humility and kindness of the people.

  12. chula_grad July 12, 2024

    Programs like these are essential for national unity. They’re not just about helping others but also about healing and improving ourselves.

  13. tech_geek July 12, 2024

    Couldn’t agree more! Volunteering fosters empathy and understanding, which are crucial for societal harmony.

  14. Niramon July 12, 2024

    I’m curious how they handle coordination during disasters. It must be a massive effort.

    • Pon July 12, 2024

      Coordinating disaster relief is complex, but Isoc and local volunteers play vital roles. It’s impressive how organized they are.

  15. Ariya July 12, 2024

    I feel proud that we have such initiatives. It feels like a way to give back to the King who has done so much for our country.

    • Fan_of_ThaiKing July 12, 2024

      Indeed. His contributions have been immense, and it’s only fitting we continue his legacy through these deeds.

  16. Manoj July 12, 2024

    Are there any similar programs in other countries? It would be interesting to see how volunteerism is fostered globally.

  17. Sri July 12, 2024

    I think many countries have national service or volunteer programs, but Jit Arsa seems uniquely integrated into Thai culture and monarchy.

  18. Larry Davis July 12, 2024

    I hope these projects continue to grow and thrive. The spirit of volunteerism is something every nation could use more of.

  19. Nok July 12, 2024

    It’s true. The sense of community and mutual aid promoted by Jit Arsa is something truly special.

  20. leela July 12, 2024

    Let’s just hope it doesn’t turn into a tool for political manipulation down the road. Keeping it non-political is key.

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