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Kaeng Krachan National Park Faces Threat: Local Community Rallies Against Proposed Dolomite Mine

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In the serene surroundings of Kaeng Krachan National Park in Phetchaburi, a storm is brewing among the locals. The cause? A proposed private dolomite mine set to open on a 540-rai plot of land, merely a kilometer away from the lush embrace of the national park. The very idea has ignited a flurry of concerns among residents who fear for their way of life and the pristine environment of the park.

Recently, Somchet Chantana, the vigilant director of the Phetchaburi Office of the Department of National Parks, Wildlife and Plant Conservation (DNP), made his way to the contested land. In tow were officials from the World Heritage Committee and the ever-watchful park rangers, ready to scrutinize the proposed mining site.

Mr. Somchet laid out three major worries regarding the dolomite mine. Foremost among them is the looming disapproval from the World Heritage Committee. The mine’s projected location within the buffer zone of the Kaeng Krachan Forest Complex—an esteemed World Heritage Site—stretches into conservation areas spanning three national parks and a wildlife sanctuary across Ratchaburi, Phetchaburi, and Prachuap Khiri Khan. Such a position could raise international eyebrows and endanger the site’s prestigious status.

Next on the worry list is the inevitable intrusion of noise and air pollution. The quiet symphony of nature, punctuated by the rustle of leaves and songs of birds, might be drowned out by the relentless clamor of mining activities. Dust clouds could smother the skies, tainting the air that sustains the park’s flora and fauna.

Then there’s the issue of tourism. Kaeng Krachan National Park is a magnet for nature lovers, adventurers, and tourists seeking solace in its verdant expanse. The introduction of a mining operation could cast a pall over the scenic splendor, deterring visitors and harming the local economy that thrives on eco-tourism.

The tension came to a head on Monday when villagers from Kaeng Krachan district lodged a formal complaint with the authorities. The bone of contention? A private company that had recently scoped out the prospective mining site, a scant kilometer from the national park’s embrace. The thought of industrial machines tearing through their tranquil hamlet has stirred the villagers into action.

According to details shared by the company, the planned mine would operate in Moo 4 and Moo 8 villages within tambon Song Pee Nong of Kaeng Krachan district. The proposed 540-rai site boasts a bamboo forest and stately trees, a green sanctum poised for upheaval.

A counter-map crafted by Phetchaburi’s DNP office reveals a telling detail: the disputed land nestles within the buffer zone, precisely 1.14 kilometers from the national park’s border. Buffer zones act as protective barriers, softening the impact of human activities on the core conservation areas. This proximity raises crucial conservation concerns.

Atita Klinsuwan, a conscientious official from an Industry Ministry office in Phetchaburi, acknowledged the mine request is under careful consideration. She stressed, however, that the final say lies with the local community. If the villagers stand united against the mine, the project could be shelved.

Interestingly, this isn’t the first time the specter of a dolomite mine has loomed over this picturesque place. Back in 2008, a different company proposed a similar venture in the same locale. The villagers, echoing their current stance, vociferously opposed the proposal, and the mine never saw the light of day.

As the debate continues, the fate of this tranquil haven hangs in balance. Will the villagers’ voices echo through the corridors of power, preserving their way of life and the untouched beauty of Kaeng Krachan National Park? Only time will tell, but one thing is certain—the spirit of the community and their commitment to conservation will be the true testaments to this unfolding saga.


  1. Patricia W. July 9, 2024

    This is just typical corporate greed without any regard for nature or local communities. These mining companies don’t care about anything except making a profit.

    • SunnyBear July 9, 2024

      You need to understand that development and economic growth are just as important. The mine could provide jobs and boost the local economy.

      • EcoWarrior99 July 9, 2024

        Jobs at what cost? The destruction of a World Heritage Site and people’s livelihoods? There are better ways to boost the economy than destroying nature.

    • Patricia W. July 9, 2024

      Exactly, EcoWarrior99! The long-term environmental damage and loss of tourism income far outweigh any short-term economic gains from mining.

  2. Ian G. July 9, 2024

    I think compromises can be made. Maybe they can use environmentally friendly mining techniques and proper waste management to minimize damage.

    • Sara L. July 9, 2024

      Do we really believe that? Big corporations often promise that they will be environmentally conscious, but how often do they actually deliver?

    • Ian G. July 9, 2024

      Fair point, Sara. There need to be strict regulations and constant monitoring if the project ever gets greenlit.

  3. JohnDoe456 July 9, 2024

    Why not find another place to mine? There must be other spots that aren’t so close to a national park.

    • FlowerChild July 9, 2024

      Exactly! The world is big enough. Why do they have to pick such a precious and beautiful area?

    • Jake K. July 9, 2024

      It’s probably about cost and convenience. This location might be ideal for them logistically.

    • JohnDoe456 July 9, 2024

      Convenience shouldn’t trump preservation and the will of the local community. They need to find a solution that respects both.

  4. Samantha T. July 9, 2024

    It’s so disheartening to see this happen again. The villagers have already been through this in 2008. Why can’t their voices be respected?

  5. Michael A. July 9, 2024

    The wildlife will suffer the most. Noise and air pollution could have devastating effects on the flora and fauna of the park.

    • BirdWatcher July 9, 2024

      Absolutely, Michael A! Birds and other wildlife might abandon the area altogether, losing a crucial habitat.

  6. LocalResident123 July 9, 2024

    As someone who lives in the district, I can tell you that most of us are against the mine. We cherish our natural environment too much to just watch it get destroyed.

    • Tourist July 9, 2024

      Thank you for sharing your perspective. As someone who visits the park often, I stand with you.

    • Mike H. July 9, 2024

      But what if it brings significant improvements like better roads and infrastructure? Sometimes, sacrifices need to be made for progress.

    • LocalResident123 July 10, 2024

      Improving the roads and infrastructure can be done without a damaging project. We need sustainable development.

  7. NatureLover July 10, 2024

    If this mine goes ahead, it will set a terrible precedent for other World Heritage Sites. They could all be at risk.

  8. TruthSeeker July 10, 2024

    Conservation is essential, but sometimes people forget that economic needs can’t be ignored.

  9. Jane Grey July 10, 2024

    What’s the point of a World Heritage designation if it’s not respected? This should be shut down immediately to protect the park.

    • RationalGuy July 10, 2024

      Designations are important, but they shouldn’t be an absolute barrier to development. There should be a balanced approach.

  10. Carlos M. July 10, 2024

    The tourism industry is at stake too. A lot of livelihoods depend on the natural beauty of the park.

    • Beth K. July 10, 2024

      Yes! The local economy would suffer greatly if tourists no longer wish to visit because of the mine.

    • Perry July 10, 2024

      But isn’t the mine supposed to provide new jobs? Maybe some of those impacted by the tourism decline can work there instead?

  11. sam87 July 10, 2024

    They should just leave the land alone. Mining is nothing but a short-term gain with long-term damage.

  12. Larry Davis July 10, 2024

    The environmental impact assessment will be key here. If it’s conducted objectively, it should make clear whether this project is viable or not.

    • CynicalMe July 10, 2024

      If only it were that simple, Larry. These assessments can be manipulated to favor certain outcomes.

    • Larry Davis July 10, 2024

      That’s true, CynicalMe. Public transparency and community involvement will be crucial.

  13. Greta S. July 10, 2024

    Why does profit always come before people and planet? It’s 2023; we should be way past this kind of exploitation by now.

    • Skeptic42 July 10, 2024

      Because reality isn’t as simple as activism slogans, Greta. The world relies on resources, and sometimes tough decisions must be made.

    • Greta S. July 10, 2024

      Skeptic42, toughness should involve innovative solutions, not outdated methods of plundering nature.

  14. Bob July 10, 2024

    What about using this opportunity to push for better environmental laws and tougher penalties for violations?

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