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Krungsri’s Mingkwan Pattanawong Celebrates Major Wins for ‘Make Life Simple’ Campaign at ABF Awards

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Ms. Mingkwan Pattanawong, central figure and Krungsri’s Executive Vice President, Head of Corporate Branding and Marketing Division, alongside her stellar executive team, basked in the glory of two prestigious awards that celebrate their groundbreaking “Make Life Simple” brand campaign. This dynamic campaign earned the Marketing & Brand Initiative of the Year – Thailand award at the ABF Retail Banking Awards 2024, hosted by Asian Banking & Finance (ABF) in the vibrant city of Singapore. But Krungsri didn’t stop there; they also clinched the IMC – Multiple Platforms Award (Bronze level) from the MAAT Media Awards 2024, an esteemed event orchestrated by the Media Agency Association of Thailand (MAAT).

These accolades represent a magnificent milestone for Krungsri’s branding journey. In 2023, Krungsri underwent a transformative brand refresh, heralding a new brand promise: “Make Life Simple”. This refreshing slogan seamlessly aligns with contemporary trends and lays the groundwork for a robust, continuous brand communication strategy. Through an array of strategic communication tools, Krungsri adeptly zeroed in on their target audiences, fostering engagement and bringing the brand closer to the heart of consumers.

Particularly noteworthy is Krungsri’s deliberate focus on activities that resonate with the younger crowd, prominently those with a penchant for entertainment and the arts. To capture their attention, the company cleverly introduced “Krungsri Banana,” a beloved social media sensation turned brand ambassador, tasked with spreading daily joy and the serene simplicity inherent in Krungsri’s philosophy.

The brand’s cohesive and modern image strategy didn’t just seek recognition—it achieved it, validating Krungsri’s efforts in making their brand not just relevant, but a cornerstone of consumer life. These awards are not just trophies; they’re symbols of Krungsri’s unwavering dedication to a brand ethos designed to connect, engage, and delight.


  1. John Doe August 8, 2024

    These awards Krungsri received are well-deserved. Their ‘Make Life Simple’ campaign really hits the mark!

    • Maya Singh August 8, 2024

      But do you really think a marketing campaign can genuinely improve consumer lives? It’s just corporate showboating if you ask me.

      • Elliot August 8, 2024

        Maya Singh definitely has a point. Companies spend millions to convince us they’re on our side, when really it’s all about the bottom line.

      • John Doe August 8, 2024

        I get where you’re coming from, but Krungsri seems to genuinely care about their target audience by focusing on simplicity. Sometimes effective marketing can also mean better user experiences.

      • Maya Singh August 8, 2024

        Good user experience is fine, but we should be cautious about praising companies too much for doing the bare minimum.

  2. Lara B. August 8, 2024

    Krungsri Banana as a brand ambassador is genius! It’s a perfect example of connecting with the younger generation.

    • Tom_77 August 8, 2024

      Really? A banana? I think it’s too childish. Banking should be taken seriously.

      • Sarah Lin August 8, 2024

        It’s about relatability and breaking down barriers. People see financial institutions as unapproachable; something like Krungsri Banana makes them seem more human.

      • Lara B. August 8, 2024

        Exactly! If it gets younger people interested in managing their finances, what’s wrong with that?

      • Tom_77 August 8, 2024

        Perhaps, but don’t you think it undermines the credibility of the bank? Financial literacy isn’t a joke.

      • Lara B. August 8, 2024

        Financial literacy is crucial, but there’s room for both fun and serious approaches in education.

  3. Olivia P. August 8, 2024

    Their repeated focus on younger people just shows they’re trying to get lifelong customers early on.

    • MJackson August 8, 2024

      Isn’t that smart business? Every company wants loyal customers from a young age and it’s not inherently bad.

      • Olivia P. August 8, 2024

        True, but the consumer should stay critical and not just follow because it’s trendy.

  4. Sam K. August 8, 2024

    It’s refreshing to see a company that’s modernizing without losing touch with its core message.

  5. Jennifer W August 8, 2024

    Awards ceremonies are just echo chambers. Do these ‘accolades’ translate to consumer trust?

    • Ben Anderson August 8, 2024

      Such events help bolster a company’s reputation. Whether that translates to consumer trust remains a more complex issue.

  6. Anthony August 8, 2024

    Any company can win awards if they spend enough. It’s more about PR than genuine achievement.

    • Nina August 8, 2024

      That’s pretty cynical! Hard work and creativity should be recognized, don’t you think?

      • Anthony August 8, 2024

        I agree on recognizing hard work, but awards can be misleading about a company’s true impact.

  7. Oliver August 8, 2024

    What exactly did Krungsri do differently this time? Awards are fine, but I’d like to know specifics.

    • Aaron M. August 8, 2024

      Agree, specifics would help. ‘Make Life Simple’ sounds vague without examples.

    • Susan_40 August 8, 2024

      It’s about making financial services accessible and less complicated. Seems straightforward to me.

  8. Anna Smith August 8, 2024

    Campaigns like these set a high bar for other banks. Kudos to Krungsri for innovation!

  9. Henry T August 8, 2024

    So many awards, yet customer service remains mediocre. Focus on improving that first.

    • Katelyn August 8, 2024

      Customer service is indeed crucial, but marketing and branding shouldn’t be overlooked.

    • Henry T August 8, 2024

      Marketing is useless if customers are left frustrated by poor service.

  10. Bob C August 8, 2024

    It’s impressive how they integrated multiple platforms. Winning the IMC award was no small feat.

  11. Ella August 8, 2024

    Is anyone else bothered by the incessant marketing? Sometimes it feels like an invasion of my space.

  12. Mark P. August 8, 2024

    I’m skeptical about brands using pop culture icons to appeal to younger audiences. Seems manipulative.

  13. Kelly Green August 8, 2024

    Krungsri setting new standards in the banking sector shows how important branding has become.

    • George August 8, 2024

      Branding is crucial, but let’s not forget about the core product. Banking should first be about trust and reliability.

    • Kelly Green August 8, 2024

      Absolutely, but branding and reliability shouldn’t be mutually exclusive.

  14. 4567User August 8, 2024

    What happens if the next trend changes? Will Krungsri’s strategy hold up?

  15. Happy123 August 8, 2024

    Seems like Krungsri is just riding the wave of current trends. Let’s see how sustainable this is.

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