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Phichin Aphiwantanaporn Leads IRPC to Six Wins at 14th Asian Excellence Awards 2024

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IRPC celebrated a major triumph as it bagged not one, not two, but six prestigious awards at the 14th Asian Excellence Award 2024, a glittering event hosted by Corporate Governance Asia. Representing IRPC at this momentous occasion were the stalwarts Phichin Aphiwantanaporn, the Senior Executive Vice President of Corporate Accounting & Finance, and Athita Anantaturakarn, the Senior Manager of Finance, Accounting, and Investor Relations. The dynamic duo, along with an assembly of executive board members and dedicated staff, witnessed their relentless efforts being accoladed in spectacular fashion.

With an array of achievements spanning the categories, the awards came much to the delight of everyone involved. The coveted accolades included titles such as Asia’s Best CEO, Asia’s Best CFO, Best Investor Relations Professional, double wins in the Best Investor Relations Company category, and the prestigious recognition for Best Environmental Responsibility. The air was filled with jubilation and an overwhelming sense of achievement as IRPC solidified its standing as a paragon of leadership and corporate responsibility in the Asian market.

The Asian Excellence Award, orchestrated by Corporate Governance Asia—a finance magazine revered for its in-depth analysis of Hong Kong and Asia’s economic landscape—stands as a bastion of excellence in recognising remarkable feats in leadership, governance, financial stewardship, investor relations, and societal contributions. These awards are not just shiny trinkets for a trophy cabinet but symbolize the adherence to and propagation of international standards within the corporate ethos.

How does one clinch such revered honors, you ask? The answer lies in a rigorous selection process where organization profiles are meticulously scrutinized alongside surveys from a discerning panel of investors, analysts, and eminent personalities across Asia. It’s a process as stringent as it is revealing, identifying the crème de la crème of the industry—those who are redefining benchmarks of excellence.

The IRPC team, under the astute leadership of Phichin Aphiwantanaporn and Athita Anantaturakarn, have truly epitomized visionary leadership and impeccable corporate governance. Phichin Aphiwantanaporn’s sterling leadership has been nothing short of legendary, displaying strategic foresight and a knack for steering the corporate ship through tumultuous waters with unparalleled finesse. On the other hand, Athita Anantaturakarn’s managerial acumen in finance, accounting, and investor relations has been the cornerstone of IRPC’s resonance with stakeholders, fortifying investor confidence and nurturing symbiotic relationships.

The Best Environmental Responsibility award, in particular, holds special significance in today’s climate-conscious corporate environment. IRPC’s strategic initiatives aimed at sustainable practices and environment-friendly policies underscore their commitment not just to fiscal prosperity but also to ecological stewardship. This recognition speaks volumes about the company’s dedication to creating a harmonious balance between industrial success and environmental preservation.

It’s no small feat to be acknowledged by Corporate Governance Asia, given their reputation for setting high standards in recognizing excellence. Each award IRPC garnered is a testament to the relentless passion, unyielding dedication, and visionary strategies that characterize the company. It is a harmonious symphony of efforts from every echelon within the organization, reflecting a culture that tirelessly works towards setting new paradigms of success.

The ripple effect of such commendations goes beyond mere recognition; it sets a benchmark for other corporates aspiring to climb the ladder of excellence. IRPC’s win is not just a milestone; it’s a beacon—guiding others in the industry towards adopting best practices in governance, financial management, and social responsibility, ultimately contributing to a more robust, transparent, and conscientious business ecosystem in Asia.

The gala at the 14th Asian Excellence Awards 2024 might have concluded, but for IRPC, the journey of continual growth, innovation, and excellence marches on. With a renewed vigor and a quiver full of accolades, the company is poised to scale even greater heights, inspiring a generation of corporations to tread the path of sustainable and inclusive growth.


  1. Joe June 6, 2024

    Congrats to IRPC! It’s heartening to see a company being recognized for not just financial excellence but also environmental responsibility.

    • Sarah T. June 6, 2024

      True, but I wonder how much of this is just corporate greenwashing to look good on paper.

      • Joe June 6, 2024

        That’s a fair point, Sarah. Hopefully, their actions speak louder than awards.

      • environmental97 June 6, 2024

        Sadly, many companies do this. I’d like to see real evidence of their environmental projects.

  2. Alex K. June 6, 2024

    IRPC winning six awards is impressive. Shows how strong leadership can make a difference.

  3. Maggie June 6, 2024

    Phichin Aphiwantanaporn is a genius! His leadership is unparalleled. Others should take a page from his book.

    • Danny O. June 6, 2024

      A genius? Aren’t we exaggerating a tad? Good leader, sure, but genius is pushing it.

    • Maggie June 6, 2024

      Can you name many leaders who have achieved what he has? Recognition across financial and environmental sectors is no small feat.

    • Maggie June 6, 2024

      Also, let’s not forget Athita Anantaturakarn’s contribution. It’s a team effort, after all.

  4. Ravi Singh June 6, 2024

    This seems like a huge PR stunt. These awards are self-congratulatory at best.

    • FinanceGuru99 June 6, 2024

      Ravi, while I see your skepticism, these awards do hold weight in the industry. They’re not easy to clinch.

      • Ravi Singh June 6, 2024

        Maybe, but until I see transparent practices, I remain unconvinced.

      • Mark P. June 6, 2024

        It’s this recognition that attracts investors and fuels market confidence. There’s a tangible impact.

  5. Tanya L. June 6, 2024

    Their Investor Relations department must be exceptional. Double wins in that category!

    • Charlie June 6, 2024

      Investor Relations is the backbone of any successful company. Kudos to Athita and her team!

      • Henry W. June 6, 2024

        Investor relations can make or break a company. It’s good to see them excel in this area.

  6. GeekyGuy June 6, 2024

    IRPC should focus more on technological innovations. That’s where the future lies.

    • Mandy June 6, 2024

      Agree. Environmental responsibility is great, but they must innovate to stay ahead.

    • GeekyGuy June 6, 2024

      Exactly! Integrating cutting-edge technology with their environmental initiatives would be a game-changer.

  7. Johanna P. June 6, 2024

    It’s refreshing to see an Asian company getting such international recognition. Asian markets are stepping up their game.

  8. TechieTom June 6, 2024

    Winning awards is all well and good, but how does this benefit the average consumer? The focus should be on real-world impact.

    • Anita June 6, 2024

      Good question, Tom. If they translate these accolades into better products and services, then it’s beneficial.

    • Lori S. June 6, 2024

      The average consumer benefits from companies prioritizing sustainability and governance. It’s a ripple effect.

  9. EconInvestor June 6, 2024

    These wins will likely boost IRPC’s stock value. Great news for shareholders.

  10. PurelyLogical June 6, 2024

    While awards are nice, the real measure of a company is its long-term sustainability and ethical practices.

  11. Petar June 6, 2024

    I hope IRPC plans to continue these initiatives and not just rest on their laurels post-award.

  12. TheRealHustler June 6, 2024

    All these corporate awards are overrated. True success is measured by profits and market dominance.

    • Ben W. June 6, 2024

      That’s a narrow view. Balance between profit, sustainability, and ethics is key for long-term success.

    • TheRealHustler June 6, 2024

      Agree to disagree. Profits are the lifeblood of any business.

    • Paul S. June 6, 2024

      A company can have both profits and ethical practices. It’s not mutually exclusive.

  13. Ella June 6, 2024

    Can these awards drive real change in other corporations? They set a high standard for excellence.

    • Jayden R. June 6, 2024

      Absolutely. When leaders are recognized, others follow. It inspires better practices across the board.

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