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Lamphun Student Paramet and Uncovering A Disturbing Network of Abuse and Trafficking

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In a startling turn of events, a third-year university student has found himself at the center of a deeply disturbing scandal in Lamphun. The young man, identified only as Paramet, 20, allegedly preyed on and sexually assaulted at least 15 underage girls. As if the heinous acts weren’t enough, he is also accused of recording these abhorrent crimes and selling the sordid footage online.

The arrest took place in a seemingly quiet residence in Lamphun, where police officers seized a crucial piece of evidence – Paramet’s mobile phone. Assistant national police chief Pol Lt Gen Prachuap Wongsuk revealed that this device, now in police custody, is believed to contain the reprehensible videos of the young victims. These innocent girls are as young as 12, lured into a nightmarish trap by Paramet.

The investigation has unearthed a digital labyrinth, where Paramet’s deplorable actions were broadcasted through an online chatroom. Alarmingly, the members of this chatroom reportedly include state officials, academics, and even monks. The scope of the investigation is expanding as authorities probe into this unsettling network, eyeing two additional suspects who might be involved.

Highlighting the severity of the situation, Pol Lt Gen Prachuap issued a stern warning on Monday: anyone found downloading or possessing child sexual abuse content will face stern legal consequences. It’s a stark reminder of the law’s reach in combating such vile activities.

Paramet’s list of charges is long and damning. He stands accused of possessing and intending to distribute pornographic materials, importing explicit content into the computer systems accessible to the public, human trafficking, sexually abusing minors, depriving minors of parental care, and facilitating their abuse. Each charge adds to the gravity of his alleged actions, painting a harrowing picture of exploitation and misery.

As police investigators delve deeper into this case, they have uncovered links between Paramet and six separate human trafficking investigations. The revelations are chilling, underscoring a pervasive and sinister undercurrent within what should be safe and trustworthy sectors of society.

This case serves as a grim reminder of the ever-present dangers lurking within both the physical and digital realms. It’s a call to vigilance for parents, educators, and law enforcement to safeguard the most vulnerable among us. What’s more, it’s an urgent prompt for the community to support and rehabilitate victims who have endured such trauma.

In the midst of this disconcerting news, what stands out is the tireless work of the officers and investigators committed to bringing justice for the victims. While the judicial process will take its course, the hope is that through these collective efforts, one less predator is free to harm, and one step closer, society moves towards a safer world for our children.

As this story continues to unfold, the focus remains on unraveling the full extent of the network involved, ensuring every individual complicit in this atrocity faces the consequences of their actions. The quest for justice persists, driven by the unwavering resolve to protect the innocent and dismantle the shadows of exploitation wherever they may lurk.


  1. Anna August 5, 2024

    This is just horrifying. How can someone be so sick and twisted?

    • Jake83 August 5, 2024

      It’s not just him. The fact that state officials and monks are involved makes it way worse.

      • Emma L August 5, 2024

        Absolutely! This shows how deep the corruption goes. Those meant to protect are often the ones exploiting.

      • Riley12 August 5, 2024

        But really, how do we know all these accusations are true? Jumping to conclusions without evidence?

    • Lauren V August 5, 2024

      Yeah, and those girls can never get their innocence back. The trauma will last a lifetime.

  2. Mike August 5, 2024

    Personally, I think the priorities are getting skewed. There are bigger problems than this.

    • Zoe4Justice August 5, 2024

      Excuse me? What could be more important than stopping child exploitation?

      • John K August 5, 2024

        That’s a horrendous take, Mike. Kids’ safety should always be top priority.

    • Mason J August 5, 2024

      Mike, do you really think there are bigger problems than human trafficking and child abuse? SMH.

    • Mike August 5, 2024

      Just saying, we have to address root societal issues to prevent these things. Otherwise, it’s just putting out fires.

  3. Sophia_G August 5, 2024

    The scariest part is how they use technology. Makes you wonder what other horrifying things are happening online.

    • TechSavvy_Joe August 5, 2024

      Right? Online platforms need to step up their game and help law enforcement. Enough is enough.

      • Nina August 5, 2024

        But don’t you think this could lead to more surveillance and loss of privacy for all of us?

      • Sophia_G August 5, 2024

        Maybe, but isn’t a bit more surveillance worth it if it protects kids from monsters like this?

    • Roger P August 5, 2024

      Absolutely, these sickos hide behind anonymity. Tech companies must do more.

  4. Charlie D August 5, 2024

    I think it’s time for the community to come together and support the victims. They need our help now more than ever.

    • Olivia M August 5, 2024

      That’s true, but how? Any concrete steps we can follow?

    • Charlie D August 5, 2024

      Donations to credible organizations, volunteering, or even simple awareness campaigns can make a difference.

  5. Nathan G August 5, 2024

    I feel like these issues are only going to get worse. It’s a battle we don’t seem to be winning.

    • Lily R August 5, 2024

      Negativity isn’t going to help. We need to believe that we can make a change, even if it’s slow.

  6. Priya K August 5, 2024

    This highlights the importance of teaching children about internet safety from a young age.

    • Sunil August 5, 2024

      Indeed, but public awareness also needs to improve. Many parents are clueless about what their kids are exposed to online.

    • Priya K August 5, 2024

      Agreed. Schools should have mandatory courses on this topic.

    • Erik A August 5, 2024

      Problem is, not every parent or school will take it seriously until something bad happens.

  7. Kelly W August 5, 2024

    This makes me sick to my stomach. How could anyone condone this behavior?

    • Jacob L August 5, 2024

      Unfortunately, the world is full of twisted individuals. All we can do is stay vigilant.

  8. Ethan August 5, 2024

    It’s disturbing, but I’m glad they’re finally being caught. There’s hope in that.

  9. Cameron Z August 5, 2024

    We need much harsher penalties for these crimes. It’s the only way to deter others.

  10. Jessica23 August 5, 2024

    Imagine finding out someone you trust is involved in this. It’s mind-blowing.

    • Hailey B August 5, 2024

      Trust is so fragile. Cases like this shatter it completely.

    • Lucas August 5, 2024

      This case might be shocking but such betrayal isn’t new. We’ve seen trusted figures fall before.

  11. Danielle H August 5, 2024

    The psychological impact on these victims can’t be stressed enough. Therapy and support must be provided.

  12. Henry August 5, 2024

    Justice system needs to be swift and merciless in cases like this. No delaying due to technicalities.

  13. Isabelle Q August 5, 2024

    Thank goodness for the law enforcement officers and investigators. Their work is invaluable.

  14. Vincent August 5, 2024

    In times like these, restoring faith in humanity feels like an impossible task, but we must try.

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