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Lamphun Student Paramet Arrested for Alleged Sexual Abuse and Human Trafficking

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In a shocking turn of events, a third-year university student from Lamphun has been apprehended under alarming charges linked to the sexual abuse of underage girls, numbering at least fifteen. The 20-year-old suspect, known as Paramet, was intercepted at a local residence where the authorities seized a mobile device laden with incriminating evidence.

According to Assistant National Police Chief Pol Lt Gen Prachuap Wongsuk, the heinous acts committed by Paramet preyed upon the vulnerabilities of girls as young as twelve. The twisted scheme involved coercing these minors into sexual acts, which Paramet brazenly recorded. Even more disturbing, the videos were then sold through an online chatroom teeming with a disconcerting mix of users, including state officials, academics, and even monks.

The investigation, now fully mobilized, has already led to the identification of two additional suspects, hinting at the broader and more insidious nature of this vile operation. Lt Gen Prachuap underscored the seriousness of the matter, warning that anyone caught downloading these abhorrent videos would face the full brunt of legal consequences.

Paramet stands accused on multiple fronts with charges that paint a harrowing picture of criminal depravity: possession of pornographic materials with an intent to distribute, importing such content into a publicly accessible computer system, human trafficking, sexually abusing minors, depriving minors of parental care, and facilitating their exploitation, among others.

It’s a spine-chilling revelation for a community that once saw Paramet as just another student trying to carve out a future. Instead, he faces allegations tied not only to human trafficking but to a systemic abuse that has left an indelible scar on numerous young lives. As the police continue to unravel the full extent of Paramet’s network, the entire country – and indeed the world – watches with bated breath, hoping for swift justice and stringent measures to prevent such atrocities from ever occurring again.


  1. Joe August 5, 2024

    I can’t believe something like this happened in Lamphun. What’s this world coming to?

    • Samantha August 5, 2024

      It’s horrifying. We need stricter laws and better monitoring!

    • Kevin1985 August 5, 2024

      Stricter laws? How about better parenting and education? This is a societal failure, not just a legal one.

      • Joe August 5, 2024

        I agree with you, Kevin. But laws are a part of the solution too. We need to tackle this issue on all fronts.

        • Samantha August 5, 2024

          Absolutely. It’s about time our legal system sends a strong message. But we can’t ignore the role of parents and schools either.

      • Nicole T August 5, 2024

        Can we focus on the victims here for a moment? These girls need support, therapy, and justice.

  2. Grower134 August 5, 2024

    How does someone hide something this atrocious for so long? Makes me lose faith in humanity.

    • Amina P. August 5, 2024

      Hiding it isn’t the hard part. It’s the complicity and silence of those who knew but didn’t speak up.

    • Max August 5, 2024

      Exactly, Amina. There’s a whole network here. This wasn’t just one evil guy.

      • GoGreen August 5, 2024

        Networks like these thrive on silence and fear. The community needs to come together to root these out.

  3. Anna L August 5, 2024

    What kind of punishment can truly fit such a crime? Can justice ever be enough for the victims?

    • Eduardo August 5, 2024

      The only fitting punishment is life in prison with no parole. Protect society from monsters like this.

      • Max August 5, 2024

        Life in prison might not be enough. He irrevocably damaged so many lives!

    • Grower134 August 5, 2024

      I think the focus should be on rehabilitation for the victims. Justice for them might be more than just locking him away.

  4. Zara Z. August 5, 2024

    Makes you wonder who else is involved. If officials and monks are part of this… How deep does this rabbit hole go?

    • Eduardo August 5, 2024

      Corruption is everywhere. No surprise it’s in such high places too.

    • Lawson24 August 5, 2024

      It’s terrifying to think people we trust to protect us might be involved. The investigation needs to go deeper.

    • ReaderGal August 5, 2024

      Agreed, there needs to be a full and transparent investigation. No one should be above the law.

  5. 2smart2ignor August 5, 2024

    This monster exploited the most vulnerable. It’s unforgivable. Our updates on this should focus on helping others identify similar threats.

    • Shay August 5, 2024

      Yes! Awareness is key. We need to make sure this doesn’t happen again.

      • Julie D August 5, 2024

        Agreed, but how do we effectively raise awareness? This isn’t a subject people are comfortable discussing.

        • 2smart2ignor August 5, 2024

          Through education programs in schools, community workshops, and robust online awareness campaigns. People need to be informed.

    • Peter K August 5, 2024

      Educational awareness can do a lot. Ignorance is what these predators rely on.

  6. Mike99 August 5, 2024

    We’ve got to start taking these kinds of crimes more seriously. The justice system often fails to be harsh enough.

  7. Lydia C. August 5, 2024

    I read that similar cases have happened globally. It’s a universal problem that needs a global solution.

    • Shay August 5, 2024

      Too true. But global cooperation is easier said than done.

  8. Proff Leo August 5, 2024

    Seeing academics and monks involved is deeply disturbing. These institutions are supposed to uphold moral standards.

    • Eduardo August 5, 2024

      Sometimes the facade of morality hides the darkest secrets. We need to be more vigilant.

      • Zara Z. August 5, 2024

        Which is why transparency and accountability in these institutions are crucial.

  9. LittleJohn August 5, 2024

    I’m just glad he got caught. Hope they throw the book at him.

    • Proff Leo August 5, 2024

      Indeed. But let’s hope they also dismantle his entire network.

  10. Karl August 5, 2024

    Let’s not ignore that some people in authority likely knew about this and turned a blind eye.

    • Lawson24 August 5, 2024

      If that’s the case, they should face justice too. No one should be above the law.

      • Joe August 5, 2024

        Right! Those complicit should be pursued with just as much vigor.

  11. Lucas B August 5, 2024

    Those poor girls… I hope they get all the support they need to recover from this.

  12. JustMe August 5, 2024

    This is every parent’s nightmare. We must remain vigilant and supportive of our children.

  13. Sophie R August 5, 2024

    The online platforms used for this trade need to be held accountable too. They can’t just claim ignorance.

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