The unraveling of this water tale began nearly four weeks ago, with June 14 marking the day when health officials from Chatuchak district stumbled upon a disturbing discovery. News filtered in that 90 inhabitants of the condominium were battling eye inflammation, a plight that has only worsened since, as confirmed by BMA’s spokesperson, Ekwaranyu Amrapan.
Interestingly, while the condominium’s name remains under wraps, it is known to be nestled in Lat Phrao—where buying a unit would set you back a cool 10 million baht. A hefty price tag for what has paradoxically morphed into a liquid nightmare.
The Metropolitan Waterworks Authority sprang into action, testing the water tanks and realizing that they harbored no trace of residual free chlorine—a glaring oversight for a residential building’s tap water system, according to Mr. Ekwaranyu. This residual chlorine, minuscule as it may seem, serves as a critical sentinel against microbial invaders post-water treatment.
In an urgent advisory, officials coaxed the condominium management to administer appropriate chlorination levels. They went a step further, slapping a ban on the condominium’s swimming pool—a move that likely left fitness enthusiasts and leisurely swimmers alike high and dry.
Roll forward to June 21, district officials demanded a stringent overhaul of the water quality measures. The following day saw the condo managers wading into action, chlorinating the water tanks.
Fast forward to June 25, another inspection revealed a microscopic menace—acanthamoeba—a parasite notorious for eye infections, lurking in the tap water drawn from subterranean tanks and five condominiums. In a flurry of activity, the management purified the tanks and dosed them with chlorine.
But the saga didn’t end there. By June 26, BMA health officials were fielding reports of up to 200 victims of eye inflammation in the building. As the calendar turned to July 1 and 2, a flurry of complaints poured into the Ministry of Public Health and the BMA, signifying residents’ dwindling patience.
On July 3, another team of officials from the BMA and the ministry descended upon the building, only to find that three water tanks had been blissfully neglected—neither cleansed nor treated with the necessary chlorine shock. This negligence brazenly flouted the safety code for water in towering edifices, with residual free chlorine again conspicuously absent in tap water samples.
The Chatuchak district office ratcheted up the pressure on July 4 with a formal recommendation letter demanding water quality improvements at the building.
Mr. Ekwaranyu announced plans for officials to revisit the building on Thursday, underscoring that failure to comply with water safety standards would put the condo management in a legal chokehold, courtesy of the BMA.
As residents await a resolution, it’s clear that the luxury condominium has become a cautionary tale of overlooking basic sanitation—a situation that contrasts starkly with the opulence suggested by its price tag. Will the condo managers rise to the occasion and restore their residents’ trust one chlorine dose at a time? Only time, and perhaps another layer of chlorinated action, will tell.
How can a place charging 10 million baht be this careless? I expected better!
It’s a complete embarrassment. Luxury shouldn’t mean negligence.
You’d think for that price, basic sanitation would be a given. They need to fix this NOW.
Absolutely! And it’s not like chlorination is rocket science.
Exactly! The management should face legal consequences if they don’t improve the water quality.
Just shows how even ‘luxury’ developments can cut corners to save costs.
Wonder where else they cut corners. Scary thought!
If they’re skimping on chlorination, what about other essential maintenance?
Good point! Could be structural issues next.
Why aren’t we hearing more about legal cases against the condo management?
Maybe the residents are too scared to speak up?
It’s likely. Luxury condos have a way of silencing bad press.
I would pack my bags and move out immediately. This is unforgivable.
This highlights a bigger issue with water safety in urban areas. Is it being monitored adequately?
Exactly! And it’s not limited to just this condo. Urban water safety needs more scrutiny.
Yes, municipal water systems need stricter regulations and regular audits.
Acanthamoeba is no joke. That’s some seriously dangerous stuff to have in drinking water.
Agreed. It can cause severe eye infections and even blindness in rare cases.
Exactly, and residents should be compensated for the suffering!
Why can’t they just get the chlorination right? It’s basic science.
It baffles me too. Maybe they don’t have the right expertise?
This is why I never trust these so-called luxury condos. They just put lipstick on a pig.
You got that right! They sell an image but don’t deliver on safety.
I’ve been considering moving to Lat Phrao, but now, I’m not so sure.
As a resident of the condo, it’s been hell. We pay so much for this?
You should definitely push for legal action. Get a lawyer involved!
Some of us are discussing that route, but it’s slow going.
I hope this serves as a wake-up call to all luxury housing communities.
What is the local government doing about this? They should step up enforcement.
BMA did a good job in raising an alarm, but they need to follow through with strict actions.
If this condo is this negligent, imagine the state of lower-income buildings.
True, if ‘luxury’ is like this, what’s happening elsewhere?
Exactly. This could be just the tip of the iceberg.
This is a health disaster! Authorities should intervene immediately.
The health department needs to take stronger action. The current measures seem ineffective.
Exactly, they need to ensure such incidents don’t occur again.
I just cannot fathom how careless the condo management has been. They must be held accountable.
Will the BMA actually follow through with threats of legal action? Only time will tell.
People pay for a luxury experience and get bacterial infections instead. Ridiculous!
Yeah, it’s mind-boggling how they could let it get this bad.
I hope the residents file a collective lawsuit. The management needs a wake-up call!
This condo should lose its luxury status. Health and safety should be paramount.