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Majestic Giants of the Gulf: Thailand’s Surprise Encounter with Nine Bryde’s Whales!

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Embarking on an aquatic odyssey across the shimmering waters of the upper Gulf, the dedicated team from the department swept the coast, whisking past the serene provinces of Chachoengsao, Samut Prakan, Samut Sakhon, Phetchaburi, and the buzzing metropolis of Bangkok. From November 27 through the 30th, their eyes – laser-focused on the bounty of the brine – bore witness to the majestic dance of marine wildlife that call these waters home.

The air buzzed with excitement on Thursday when the team unveiled their exhilarating discovery: nine enigmatic Bryde’s whales had graced the Gulf with their presence, much to the delight of marine enthusiasts and ecologists alike.

Among these gentle giants, six were familiar fins, already stars in the department’s marine mammal menagerie. These included the affable Sakhon and her sprightly calf Salee; the graceful Kanya, trailing her spunky offspring Mali; the astute Meesub; and the robust Singha. Each name carries a tale as vast as the ocean itself, a testament to their continuing saga in Thai waters.

However, the winds of change blew in three novel visitors to this aquatic theatre. As newcomers to the stage, they await their names and stories to be woven into the fabric of the department’s records, signaling a fresh chapter in the Gulf’s natural history.

The tale takes a more pensive turn as the department’s veterinarians, aquatic doctors with a nurturing touch, confirmed that the majority of these whales were the picture of oceanic vigor. Yet, the wrinkles of concern creased their brows as two of the ocean’s troubadours, Sakhon and Meesub, were spotted with the tell-tale markings of tattoo skin disease (TSD). Even more heart-tugging were the scars Salee and a new arrival bore, etched on their back fins – grim souvenirs from an unwelcome encounter with the fibrous snares of fishing gear.

But the Bryde’s whales are no strangers to resilience. These leviathans frequently grace the waters 10-15 kilometers from the coasts of Samut Sakhon and Phetchaburi, their breaches and blows a ballet against the canvas of sea and sky. Here, they propel themselves with a zest that is both a celebration of life and a defiant dance against the challenges they face in their salty realm.

Indeed, the story of these magnificent cetaceans is woven into the very essence of the Gulf of Thailand, a narrative of beauty, survival, and the echoes of an ancient call that resonates through the depths. The department’s odyssey continues, as they chronicle these tales and strive to safeguard the theater of the deep for the Bryde’s whales and the myriad of marine marvels that join them in this liquid tapestry.


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