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Mr. Suriya Jungrungreangkit Launches Transport Ministry’s Tribute for King’s 72nd Birthday

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Mr. Suriya Jungrungreangkit, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Transport, proudly heralded a grand initiative to commemorate His Majesty the King’s 72nd birthday on 28 July 2024. In a heartwarming and inspiring move, officials and staff from the Ministry of Transport’s 22 agencies have united under the banner of the “Transport Ministry’s 100 Hearts to Honour the King” project. This project encompasses a tapestry of royal blessings, pledges of civil servant excellence, and a formidable goal of amassing 2 million CCs of blood donations for His Majesty. Additionally, a noteworthy 172 scholarships will be bestowed upon students in schools near Bangkok Port, elevating educational opportunities and morale, fundamental pillars for societal and national progression.

Mr. Suriya highlighted the immense pride and dedication of the Ministry of Transport’s executives and employees as they converge to express their unwavering loyalty. They hold profound gratitude for His Majesty the King’s relentless benevolence, which has set a gold standard for dedication and service. Through years of tireless royal duties, His Majesty has consistently exemplified the virtues civil servants should embody. The Ministry’s staff is steadfast in their resolve to mirror His Majesty’s dedication, pledging to achieve their objectives with unwavering allegiance.

Adding to this, Mr. Chayatan Phromsorn, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Transport, elaborated on the collaborative efforts behind the “Transport Ministry’s 100 Hearts to Honour the King” project. On 24 July 2024, a gathering of 7,200 individuals—comprising executives, civil servants, employees, representatives from both government and private sectors, shipping operators, and local community members—convened at the OB Building Riverside Plaza, Bangkok Port. This event was a poignant display of loyalty and gratitude towards His Majesty the King. Simultaneously, the Ministry’s regional agencies across the nation echoed this sentiment through parallel participatory events.

During the momentous occasion, Mr. Suriya presented commemorative flags to the heads of government agencies and state enterprises, distributing 72 flags to regional entities. Furthermore, 172 scholarships were granted to students from six local schools, namely Chumchon Mooban Pattana School, Wat Khlong Toei School, Wat Saphan School, Samakkhi Songkraw School, Thai Prasit School, and Suan Ruam Namjai School, fortifying educational prospects for Thai youth.

In keeping with His Majesty’s royal aspirations, the Ministry of Transport has embarked on a life-saving blood donation project, targeting an impressive 2 million CCs for the year 2024. As of January 2024, the Ministry’s executives and personnel have collectively contributed over 1.4 million CCs of blood. A declaration plaque was ceremoniously presented to the National Blood Service Center, symbolizing the Ministry’s unyielding commitment to reach the 2 million CCs target by year-end. This noble endeavor not only honors His Majesty the King but also significantly aids patients in dire need of blood nationwide.

Mr. Kriengkrai Chaisiriwongsuk, Director General of the Port Authority of Thailand (PAT), the host agency of the event, expressed immense honor in facilitating the gathering at the OB Building Riverside Plaza. He emphasized that this event stands as a landmark in PAT’s illustrious history. In this auspicious year, PAT has undertaken numerous projects inspired by His Majesty’s vision, focusing on environmental development and enhancing community quality of life. The initiatives span across education, religion, health, and environment, with the overarching goal of fostering communal well-being. Key projects include the procurement of mobile gynecological cancer screening units, valued at 36,720,400 baht, the “Transport Ministry’s Tree Planting for the King’s Honour” project, the “Port Loves Community” scholarship initiative, establishing breast cancer screening units in collaboration with the Kanjanabaramee Foundation, and distributing flu vaccines to the public. Each project is a stride towards creating broader opportunities and nurturing a more prosperous society, in alignment with the government’s and Ministry of Transport’s policies, paving the path for sustainable growth.


  1. grower134 July 25, 2024

    While this is a commendable initiative, wouldn’t it make more sense to address some of the pressing issues in the transportation sector first?

    • Lucy L. July 25, 2024

      But can’t we appreciate good deeds and still work on current issues? It’s not mutually exclusive.

      • Martin Y. July 25, 2024

        Exactly, honoring the King does not negate the need to address existing problems.

    • Joe July 25, 2024

      You’re right, but public morale is important too. These initiatives can inspire more cooperation and effort.

      • grower134 July 25, 2024

        I get that, Joe, but shouldn’t they also provide transparency on current projects and issues?

      • Lara Davis July 25, 2024

        Transparency and accountability need to go hand in hand with these celebratory projects.

  2. Sam July 25, 2024

    2 million CCs of blood is an impressive target! I hope they achieve it.

    • Maya July 25, 2024

      It’s ambitious, but think of how many lives it could save!

    • grower134 July 25, 2024

      Ambitious, indeed. Let’s hope it’s not just a PR stunt.

      • Rob_the_Builder July 25, 2024

        Would they risk public trust over a stunt like that? It seems genuine.

  3. Patty July 25, 2024

    The scholarships for students are a great initiative. Education is key to progress.

    • ninth_wave July 25, 2024

      True, but are scholarships enough to make a long-term impact?

    • Bruce Wayne July 25, 2024

      Every bit helps. Scholarships can change lives one student at a time.

      • Patty July 25, 2024

        I agree, Bruce. It’s a step in the right direction, even if it’s just the beginning.

  4. Lara Davis July 25, 2024

    Why aren’t there more efforts focused on systemic infrastructure improvements?

    • johnny_b_good July 25, 2024

      Infrastructure takes time and money. Maybe this is bridging the gap meanwhile.

    • Lara Davis July 25, 2024

      Fair point, Johnny, but planning for the future should be a priority too.

  5. PORTSAvenger July 25, 2024

    Tributes are nice and all, but real loyalty is shown through actions that solve real problems.

  6. Mary Lou July 25, 2024

    I’m glad to see government and private sectors working together. More collaborations like this could bring about much-needed change.

  7. Alan July 25, 2024

    It’s fantastic that they’re involving the community. These events can bring people closer and build a sense of unity.

  8. Lara Davis July 25, 2024

    Did they really need to spend so much on mobile gynecological cancer screening units? Priorities seem a bit skewed.

    • Henry T. July 25, 2024

      Preventative health measures are critical, especially in underserved communities.

    • Lara Davis July 25, 2024

      True, but couldn’t the funds have been allocated to more pressing needs?

  9. Victor K. July 25, 2024

    Projects like these are great for PR, but do they really make a long-term impact on society?

    • Anna Lee July 25, 2024

      Long-term impact is always tough to gauge, but these projects are a start.

    • Lara Davis July 25, 2024

      Exactly, Anna. But it’s important to evaluate how these initiatives align with larger goals.

  10. king_worshipper July 25, 2024

    All hail the King! Such projects show our unwavering dedication.

    • LibertyLover July 25, 2024

      It’s good to honor leaders but let’s not forget to question and hold authority accountable.

    • king_worshipper July 25, 2024

      Respect and loyalty come first. Accountability can follow.

  11. transport_Fan July 25, 2024

    I love seeing the Ministry of Transport take the lead in community projects. More branches of government should follow their example.

    • grower134 July 25, 2024

      They should lead by fixing transportation issues too, not just through charity.

  12. Sam July 25, 2024

    Isn’t it amazing how many people came together for the event? 7,200 is a considerable number.

  13. Eveline July 25, 2024

    I hope the enthusiasm for this project doesn’t die out soon. Consistency is key to making these initiatives successful.

  14. NatureLover July 25, 2024

    Planting trees for the King’s honour is an excellent idea. We need more green spaces.

    • TriggerMike July 25, 2024

      If only the focus on the environment extended beyond commemorative events…

    • Lucy L. July 25, 2024

      Every action counts, Mike, even small ones.

  15. Paul July 25, 2024

    Hope this event wasn’t a one-time thing. Continuous community engagement is where the real benefit lies.

    • johnny_b_good July 25, 2024

      Agreed, Paul. Initiatives should become a regular part of their agenda.

  16. Anna Lee July 25, 2024

    I think the scholarships will create great opportunities for students!

    • LibertyLover July 25, 2024

      Yes, but what happens after they graduate? We also need job opportunities.

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