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One Bangkok: Leading Thailand’s Real Estate Future with Double Platinum Certifications and LEED Platinum

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One Bangkok stands tall as the epitome of futuristic real estate, setting a benchmark that others can only aspire to reach. Nestled in the bustling heart of Thailand’s capital, this colossal district is a brainchild of TCC Assets (Thailand) and Frasers Property Holdings (Thailand) Company Limited. It proudly holds the distinguished honor of being the first real estate project in Thailand to snag double Platinum certifications from WiredScore and SmartScore for its commercial office spaces—a testament to its unwavering commitment to excellence.

But what do these badges of honor really symbolize? WiredScore certification is essentially the gold standard for digitally connected buildings. It’s a global rating system that acknowledges buildings with top-notch digital infrastructure. On the flip side, SmartScore certification celebrates buildings that push the boundaries of technological advancement. Combining both these accolades puts One Bangkok in the elite top 1% of certified buildings worldwide, underscoring its superiority in digital connectivity and smart building standards.

Imagine stepping into a workspace where every corner sings the praises of technology. That’s One Bangkok for you. It’s a digital utopia with more than 250,000 smart sensors and 5,000 CCTV cameras vigilantly keeping an eye on things. Real-time monitoring and data recording are the order of the day, significantly elevating security and streamlining traffic control. And it doesn’t end there. The district is dotted with smart poles that not only illuminate the area but also provide blazing-fast Wi-Fi connectivity. Tenants can rest easy, knowing that their workspace optimizes internet and mobile connectivity to the hilt.

Lim Hua Tiong, the dynamic CEO of One Bangkok, couldn’t be prouder. “These certifications are not just accolades; they represent our dedication to creating buildings equipped for today’s technological demands and future-proof for tomorrow’s advancements. As we celebrate this milestone, we reaffirm our promise to deliver an exceptional experience to our tenants with a sustainable, efficient, and connected future for all. This achievement reflects our position at the forefront of the smart building revolution in Thailand, setting a benchmark to which others can aspire,” he enthused.

With such a stellar setup, it’s no wonder that One Bangkok has become the darling of leading global firms. From legal giants like Baker McKenzie Ltd. and financial powerhouses like KGI Securities (Thailand) Public Company Limited, to lifestyle brands such as Estee Lauder Companies and tech influencers like LINE MAN Wongnai, the clientele reads like a who’s-who of industry leaders. Even BMW Group Thailand has driven into this high-tech haven.

As if double Platinum certifications weren’t enough, One Bangkok reaches for the stars with yet another feather in its cap. It’s the first in Thailand to clinch the highest LEED Platinum certification for Neighborhood Development. Talk about going the extra mile! The district also aims to achieve the WELL Platinum Building Standard, placing a premium on the health and well-being of its occupants.

In essence, One Bangkok isn’t just a real estate development; it’s a vision turned reality. It offers a sneak peek into a future where workspaces aren’t just functional but are havens of connectivity, efficiency, and sustainability. This is more than just a milestone for One Bangkok; it’s a beacon that illuminates the path forward in the real estate landscape of Thailand and beyond.


  1. Joe August 14, 2024

    Wow! One Bangkok sounds like an amazing place to work. Those double Platinum certifications are impressive.

    • Sarah Lee August 14, 2024

      But do we really need that many smart sensors and CCTVs? Feels like an invasion of privacy to me.

      • Joe August 14, 2024

        Good point, Sarah. I guess it’s a trade-off between security and privacy. I’m still intrigued by the tech advancements though.

      • techman88 August 14, 2024

        Privacy concerns are valid, but the security benefits are immense. It’s the future of smart buildings.

  2. Grower134 August 14, 2024

    I wonder how affordable this place is? Usually, all these certifications come with a hefty price tag.

    • Linda D. August 14, 2024

      Good question! With global firms renting spaces there, probably not cheap. Exclusivity seems like the name of the game.

    • Ben August 14, 2024

      Affordability is relative. For top companies like BMW or Baker McKenzie, the benefits might outweigh the costs.

  3. Alan August 14, 2024

    This feels like a gimmick. Certifications don’t guarantee the actual performance of the building.

    • Tanya42 August 14, 2024

      I disagree. Certifications like LEED and WiredScore are thorough and ensure some level of quality and efficiency.

    • Alan August 14, 2024

      Sure, but they also have loopholes. It’s all about marketing.

    • EngineerMike August 14, 2024

      As an engineer, I’ve seen the rigorous process behind these certifications. They definitely aren’t just marketing.

  4. Hannah Wilson August 14, 2024

    250,000 smart sensors? Overkill much? What happens when the system fails?

    • JJ August 14, 2024

      Exactly! Relying too much on technology can be risky. Backup systems better be robust.

    • TechGuru August 14, 2024

      Redundant systems are typically in place in such buildings. Failure isn’t welcomed but often accounted for.

  5. Samuel August 14, 2024

    The future of real estate is here, folks. Adapt or get left behind.

    • Linda D. August 14, 2024

      True, Samuel. But let’s hope it’s inclusive and not just for the elite.

    • Samuel August 14, 2024

      Agreed, inclusivity should be a priority.

  6. Anita August 14, 2024

    I think this sets an excellent example for sustainable development in Asia.

    • Tommy August 14, 2024

      Totally! Asia needs more initiatives like this to lead the way in smart and sustainable buildings.

  7. green_life August 14, 2024

    LEED Platinum for Neighborhood Development is huge! It’s great that they’re focusing on well-being and sustainability.

  8. John August 14, 2024

    Environmental certifications are nice, but let’s see if tenants really benefit from all these features.

    • EnviroGeek August 14, 2024

      Honestly, tenants usually do. Reduced utility costs and healthier environments are just a few perks.

  9. Melanie August 14, 2024

    Seems like a double-edged sword. All this tech can provide security, but what about human interaction?

    • Redbird August 14, 2024

      Great point, Melanie. Tech should complement, not replace, human interaction.

  10. Mark S. August 14, 2024

    I’d be concerned about data security with all those sensors and CCTV cameras gathering information.

  11. Olivia August 14, 2024

    One Bangkok is redefining the standards. Kudos to them!

  12. Roger August 14, 2024

    Just another example of corporations creating exclusive spaces. Not impressed.

  13. Jessica L. August 14, 2024

    How energy efficient is One Bangkok? Hope they’re not trading in green energy for all that tech.

  14. EcoWarrior August 14, 2024

    LEED Platinum certification typically means high energy efficiency. It’s a part of the criteria.

  15. Tim Roy August 14, 2024

    I’ve seen too many projects like this fail. Over-hyped and under-delivered.

    • Bianca August 14, 2024

      Why so pessimistic, Tim? It looks promising to me. We need more developments like this.

    • Tim Roy August 14, 2024

      Experience, Bianca. I’ve seen these projects from the inside and they often don’t meet their lofty claims.

  16. Chris89 August 14, 2024

    Looks like One Bangkok is setting a new global standard. Can’t wait to see more such projects.

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