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Pattaya Tourism Soars: 12 Million Visitors in First Half of 2023, Record-Breaking Year Anticipated

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Experiencing Pattaya City from the vantage point of Phra Tamnak Hill in Chon Buri’s Bang Lamung district is nothing short of breathtaking! (Photo by Pattanapong Hirunard)

Pattaya has emerged as an unparalleled magnet for tourists, alluring more than 12 million visitors in the first half of this year—surpassing last year’s count by a cool million, as reported by the local Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) office. Urai Mukpradabtong, the dynamic director of TAT Pattaya, highlighted that Chon Buri province experienced a superb 9.32% uptick in tourists, rising from the previous year’s 11.61 million during the same timeframe.

Among the 12.69 million who flocked to Chon Buri and Pattaya City from January to June, Thai nationals led the charge, numbering a remarkable 7.2 million, with the remaining 5.49 million being globe-trotting foreigners, according to Ms. Urai.

The TAT is optimistic about adding another million visitors to Pattaya in the latter half of the year, aiming for a record-breaking 25 million visitors for the whole year—up from last year’s impressive 23 million. Ms. Urai envisions this as a stellar opportunity for tourism operators to enhance their efforts by leveraging the province’s myriad attractions.

“The quick trip from Bangkok and the robust network between private and public sectors in promoting tourism events are major draws,” she said enthusiastically.

The province has been bustling with a cascade of events to enchant and captivate visitors. Recently, the Pattaya Marathon and the Vijitr Chonburi Light Festival graced Koh Loy in Si Racha district, mesmerizing attendees. Not to be outdone, the Amazing Music Festival is set to rock the stage from Aug 31 to Sept 1.

And hold your breath for the grandest spectacle yet: the Pattaya International Firework Festival scheduled for Nov 29-30! It’s going to be dazzling.

The TAT’s local office is on a mission to keep the tourism buzz alive with monthly promotional events in Pattaya and across Chon Buri, particularly during what would traditionally be considered the low season. In a stroke of genius, they’ve teamed up with U-Tapao Airport operators and Lion Air to launch a sweepstake that has taken visitor numbers to new heights even during the rainy season.

Get ready, because Pattaya refuses to slow down, continuously enchanting travelers from around the globe with its endless events, stunning vistas, and unbeatable charm!


  1. Alex T. August 16, 2024

    Wow, 12 million visitors in half a year is incredible! Pattaya must be doing something right.

    • TravelGuru88 August 16, 2024

      Not just something, but many things right! The events and festivals are always top-notch.

      • Sam August 16, 2024

        I agree, the fireworks festival is one of my favorite events ever.

      • Alex T. August 16, 2024

        True, but I hope the city can handle the congestion and environmental strain.

      • TravelGuru88 August 16, 2024

        That’s a valid point. Sustainable tourism should definitely be a priority.

  2. Jessica W. August 16, 2024

    Pattaya wasn’t that amazing when I visited last year. Overcrowded and too commercialized.

    • Richard August 16, 2024

      Totally agree. The charm is lost amid the throngs of tourists.

    • Patty Explorer August 16, 2024

      But isn’t it a good sign that so many people want to visit? It brings in more revenue for local businesses.

      • Jessica W. August 16, 2024

        More tourists also mean more pollution and strain on local resources.

      • Richard August 16, 2024

        Pattaya needs better infrastructure to handle this influx. Otherwise, it’s just chaos.

    • RainyDay August 16, 2024

      I think it’s all about finding the right balance. Can’t please everyone.

  3. Michael D. August 16, 2024

    I’ve heard that Pattaya has a growing problem with tourist scams. Is that true?

    • LocalJane August 16, 2024

      Unfortunately, yes. Scams are pretty common, especially in tourist-heavy areas.

      • TravelTon August 16, 2024

        It’s not just Pattaya; many popular destinations face similar issues.

      • Michael D. August 16, 2024

        That sucks. It makes it hard to enjoy the trip when you’re constantly on your guard.

  4. Anna H. August 16, 2024

    The tourism boom is great, but what about the locals? Are they benefiting from this surge?

    • SunnyDays August 16, 2024

      Many locals are employed in the tourism sector, but it’s not all sunshine and rainbows. Wage disparity is an issue.

      • Anna H. August 17, 2024

        That’s concerning. Hope the authorities take action to ensure fair wages.

      • EconomistJohn August 17, 2024

        Wage disparity isn’t unique to Pattaya. It’s a global issue in any booming tourist spot.

    • PattayaFan2023 August 17, 2024

      Some locals also complain about the rising cost of living due to the influx of tourists.

  5. Tom R. August 16, 2024

    Imagine the environmental impact of all these visitors. Pattaya needs strict regulations.

  6. EcoWarrior88 August 16, 2024

    Totally! They should implement more sustainable practices to protect the environment.

    • BeachLover August 17, 2024

      I’ve noticed more recycling bins and eco-friendly initiatives lately, but there’s still a long way to go.

    • Tom R. August 17, 2024

      It’s good to see some effort, but it’s nowhere near enough.

  7. Max August 17, 2024

    The more, the merrier! Pattaya is the perfect spot for a relaxing vacation.

  8. Catherine August 17, 2024

    It’s also becoming too expensive. I remember when it was a budget-friendly destination.

    • BudgetTraveler August 17, 2024

      Right? It’s becoming harder to find affordable places to stay now.

    • Max August 17, 2024

      It’s the price of popularity. But there are still some hidden gems if you know where to look.

    • Catherine August 17, 2024

      True, I’ll need to explore more next time.

  9. John P. August 17, 2024

    With so many events lined up, Pattaya’s calendar is packed! Wish I could attend the fireworks festival.

  10. Lucy August 17, 2024

    Attended the Pattaya Marathon, and it was phenomenal! The city truly knows how to host events.

    • MarathonMan August 17, 2024

      I competed there too! The atmosphere was electric.

      • Lucy August 17, 2024

        Absolutely, can’t wait for next year’s marathon.

  11. SoloTraveler August 17, 2024

    What about safety in Pattaya? Is it okay for solo travelers?

    • Nina L. August 17, 2024

      I went solo, and it was fine. Just be cautious, like in any other tourist spot.

      • SoloTraveler August 17, 2024

        Thanks for the heads-up. Will definitely keep my guard up.

  12. Andy B. August 17, 2024

    Does anyone know if the sweepstake with U-Tapao and Lion Air is worth participating in?

    • FlyHigh August 17, 2024

      It’s definitely worth it. I won last year, and it was a fantastic experience.

    • CuriousCat August 17, 2024

      What was the prize?

    • FlyHigh August 17, 2024

      I got a free round-trip ticket and hotel stay. Pretty sweet deal!

  13. DarkKnight August 17, 2024

    I hope Pattaya doesn’t lose its charm with all this commercialization. It’s becoming too mainstream.

  14. HappyC. August 17, 2024

    As someone living in Pattaya, I can tell you it’s a mixed bag. The growth is good for business but stressful for daily life.

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