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**Phatcharavat Wongsuwan Excited for “Jurassic World 4” in Southern Thailand’s National Parks, Emphasizes Conservation**

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Natural Resources and Environment Minister Phatcharavat Wongsuwan is thrilled about the upcoming production of “Jurassic World 4” in the picturesque national parks of southern Thailand. However, he emphasized the importance of preserving the environment during the filming process.

“I am elated that Thailand’s breathtaking national parks have been chosen as locations for a globally admired movie,” Pol Gen Phatcharavat beamed. “This decision not only highlights the invaluable beauty of our parks but also promises to uplift tourism and bring prosperity to our local communities.”

Yet, the minister made it clear that strict environmental regulations are in place to ensure the filming process does not harm the natural resources or the pristine environment. The production team must implement eco-friendly practices to minimize their carbon footprint, he added.

Athapol Charoenshunsa, the director-general of the Department of Natural Resources, Wildlife and Plant Conservation (DNP), shared that the Department of Tourism has officially approved the movie’s filming schedule, which spans from June 13 to July 16. The scenic locations chosen for the shoot include Bangkok, Phangnga, Krabi, Phuket, and Trang.

Peston Film Co Ltd, the coordinating company for the production, has applied to film in three national parks. These include:

– Sunset Beach on Koh Kradan in Hat Chao Mai National Park, Trang (5 days)
– Huai To Waterfall in Khao Phanom Bencha National Park, Krabi (3 days)
– Khao Tapu, Koh Song Phi Nong, and Koh Nakaya in Ao Phang Nga National Park, Phangnga (5 days)

The majestic Huai To Waterfall will serve as the backdrop for a pivotal scene, where its ancient-looking trees will transform the area into a prehistoric paradise.

To secure these locations, required permits and a damage deposit of two million baht have already been settled. The daily filming fee in the national parks is set at 3,500 baht. The film review committee has scrutinized the content, ensuring it aligns with environmental standards.

Authorities have stressed that filming in these delicate ecosystems must not disrupt other visitors or compromise the parks’ natural beauty. Noise pollution, technical equipment, and safety measures will be meticulously managed to protect the area’s flora and fauna, Mr. Athapol assured.

Moreover, park visitors will still be able to enjoy these natural wonders without hindrance during the filming period. National park chiefs will oversee the entire process to enforce regulations strictly.

Addressing concerns about potential harm to the environment, Mr. Athapol noted that most scenes would either be filmed in a controlled studio environment or utilize advanced computer graphics technology. The authorities have been apprised of the props to be used, such as faux rocks, guaranteeing that the real landscape will remain untouched.

“We have learned valuable lessons from previous experiences, such as the filming of ‘The Beach’ at Maya Bay back in 2000,” he explained. “This time, we will ensure everything is diligently supervised.”

As Thailand prepares to host the production of “Jurassic World 4,” the blend of Hollywood magic and commitment to environmental conservation promises an enterprise where cinema and nature gracefully coexist. The world eagerly awaits the cinematic splendor that will undoubtedly highlight the country’s untouched beauty, securing its place on the silver screen and in the hearts of globetrotters around the globe.


  1. EcoWarrior88 June 5, 2024

    I’m thrilled to see Thailand featured in Jurassic World 4! But I worry about what might happen if they don’t take conservation seriously.

    • FilmBuff101 June 5, 2024

      Movies like this can bring much-needed attention to beautiful places like Thailand. They usually have strict environmental guidelines.

      • EcoWarrior88 June 5, 2024

        I hope you’re right! The last thing we need is another Maya Bay disaster.

  2. Phangnga_Native June 5, 2024

    Can’t wait to see Huai To Waterfall on the big screen! Let’s hope they respect our land.

    • Sara Q June 5, 2024

      Being a local, do you think the filming will disturb daily life there?

      • Phangnga_Native June 5, 2024

        Depends on how they manage it. If they stick to their promises, it should be fine.

  3. Matt J June 5, 2024

    Filming fees are so low! They should charge way more to make sure the parks get the funds needed for conservation.

    • EllaGreen June 5, 2024

      I agree! Parks need more funding, especially if they’re taking on the risk of hosting a big production.

      • John S. June 5, 2024

        Charging them more might discourage future projects. Besides, the visibility and tourism boost are priceless.

      • EllaGreen June 6, 2024

        True, but long-term benefits should outweigh short-term gains. We need to think about sustainability.

  4. Alan Turing June 5, 2024

    Advanced CGI should minimize the environmental impact. Why not film more in studios?

    • NatureBuff12 June 5, 2024

      Real locations add authenticity that studios can’t replicate.

      • PhatcharavatFan June 5, 2024

        Exactly! A real waterfall beats a CGI one any day!

  5. Tanya B June 5, 2024

    It’s fantastic that they are taking such stringent measures to protect the environment. Other productions should follow suit.

    • SkepticalSue June 5, 2024

      I’ll believe it when I see it. Companies often make promises they don’t keep.

      • Tanya B June 5, 2024

        True, but let’s stay optimistic.

  6. Explorer_X39 June 5, 2024

    Hopefully filming won’t ruin these natural wonders. It’s a tightrope walk between exposure and exploitation.

  7. Juice93 June 6, 2024

    Can’t they just film in a less sensitive area? The parks should be off-limits!

    • Leonardo N June 6, 2024

      But then they’d lose the authenticity. Tourism can be good for those areas too.

  8. KrabiKid June 6, 2024

    Glad they’re using faux rocks and CGI. Realism shouldn’t come at the cost of our environment.

    • PeterP June 6, 2024

      Movies today have the tech to create places like this without harming real sites.

  9. Priya G June 6, 2024

    The tourism boost will open up a lot of job opportunities for locals. Win-win!

  10. Hermes June 6, 2024

    No matter what they promise, there’s always some level of disruption. Filmmaking isn’t exactly quiet.

    • ChloeM June 6, 2024

      But they are supposed to manage noise and other disruptions carefully. It’s regulated.

  11. Billy_Bob June 6, 2024

    I just want to see some dinosaurs! Who cares where it’s filmed?

    • Sean M June 6, 2024

      It’s people like you who don’t see the big picture.

  12. Lisa H. June 6, 2024

    The balance between promoting a country’s beauty and preserving it is delicate. I hope Thailand handles it well.

  13. Daniel L June 6, 2024

    With proper planning, filming can coexist with conserving nature. It’s all in the execution.

    • EcoMind June 6, 2024

      Planning is essential, but so is follow-through. Let’s hold them accountable.

  14. TravelBug123 June 6, 2024

    Can’t believe they’re charging so little for filming in national parks. Seems like a missed opportunity for more funding.

  15. Liam June 6, 2024

    Remember what happened with ‘The Beach’? Let’s hope they’ve learned their lesson.

  16. Natasha Y June 6, 2024

    Tourism from a big movie can do wonders for the economy. Just need to make sure it’s sustainable.

  17. MooMoo52 June 6, 2024

    I think it’s amazing an international film is highlighting Thailand. Proud moment!

  18. GreenPeace_Girl June 6, 2024

    If they can show the world Thailand’s beauty and maintain strict environmental standards, this could be fantastic.

  19. EcoWarrior88 June 6, 2024

    Let’s keep pressure on them to stick to their promises. Our environment is too precious to risk.

  20. Louis A June 6, 2024

    It’s a hard call. Filming in such places can be risky, but the payoff might be worth it.

  21. Jenny_B June 6, 2024

    Maybe they should have an independent environmental group oversee the project. That would add an extra layer of accountability.

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