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**Phuket Landslide Tragedy: 13 Dead and Dozens Missing After Torrential Downpours – August 2024 Update**

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Phuket: The relentless pursuit persists as the search for those still missing continues, following the devastating landslides triggered by torrential downpours that have claimed the lives of 13 individuals in this picturesque island province. The severe flash floods and landslides are the aftermath of unceasing heavy rain that began its downpour on Thursday morning, swallowing several areas within the province.

Caretaker Deputy Interior Minister Chada Thaised embarked on a tour of the island yesterday, setting foot in one of the most affected areas on Soi Patak 2 in Muang district’s tambon Karon. The scene was a stark reminder of nature’s fury with streets buried, homes shattered, and the lives of many turned upside down.

The catastrophic impact wasn’t limited to just one locality. Entire stretches, including Moo 1–4 in tambon Karon, Moo 12 in tambon Rawai, and Moo 8–10 in tambon Chalong, were declared disaster zones in the wake of the landslides. In what rescuers described as one of the gravest landslides Phuket has ever endured, over 50 homes, rental apartments, and four opulent villas were significantly damaged.

Demonstrating a keen sense of urgency, Mr. Chada has instructed local authorities to expedite the compensation process for the affected residents and initiate an extensive cleanup operation to restore some semblance of normalcy. His concerns aren’t just immediate but forward-thinking as well; he emphasized the need for Thai authorities to plant ground-cover flora to prevent soil erosion and manage water runoff more effectively.

Amid attempting to put things right, the deputy minister also turned his gaze towards future proactive measures, paying visits to ongoing construction projects on the hillsides that may face similar landslide hazards. Ensuring these projects are equipped to handle future natural calamities is paramount to preventing further devastation.

The larger scale of the issue was further underscored by Caretaker Deputy Prime Minister Phumtham Wetchayachai’s statement, indicating that Mr. Chada is set to supervise the disbursement of compensation to the landslide-impacted residents today.

Phuket’s provincial governor, Sophon Suwannarat, shared a lamentable tally of the recent calamity: 12 individuals, predominantly foreign nationals, lost their lives in the landslide. Among the deceased were six people from Myanmar, with authorities still in the process of confirming the identities of two unidentified victims—including a man in his 40s.

Contact has been made with the local Russian Consular Office and the Myanmar Embassy regarding their deceased nationals, Mr. Sophon added. Meanwhile, Dr. Muanprae Boonlorm, the deputy chief of the Provincial Public Health Office, reported that the landslides inflicted injuries on at least 29 people. Six of these individuals are currently receiving medical care at Vachira Phuket Hospital and Chalong Hospital, with three of them in critical condition.

In a bid to extend immediate relief, rescuers from the tambon Karon Subdistrict Administration Office have set up temporary shelters for the landslide victims at Wat Kata. Their efforts are geared towards providing a safe haven and some relief to those displaced by this tragic event, amidst the chaos and sorrow lingering in the island province.

With resilient spirits and a community determined to rebuild, Phuket embarks on the arduous journey of recovery. The memories of this disaster may linger, but so will the strength and solidarity of its people, echoing through their efforts to restore their beloved island paradise.


  1. EmmaJ August 24, 2024

    This is such a terrible tragedy. My heart goes out to all the victims and their families.

    • Mike84 August 25, 2024

      Agreed, Emma. But let’s not forget that these disasters could be mitigated if better urban planning was in place.

      • Chris P. August 25, 2024

        Absolutely, Mike. Phuket is a tourist hotspot, but it seems like the authorities need to do more in terms of disaster preparedness.

      • EmmaJ August 25, 2024

        You’re right, Mike and Chris. It’s heartbreaking that this happened, but hopefully, it will spur some long-term changes.

      • sarah_conner August 25, 2024

        Right! Maybe this will be a wake-up call for stricter building regulations too.

  2. tiger124 August 24, 2024

    I just hope they don’t use this as an excuse to push out more construction projects without considering environmental impacts.

    • Karen H. August 25, 2024

      Yes, tiger124! More development is the last thing they need, especially on unstable hillsides.

    • JohnD August 25, 2024

      Agreed. Overdevelopment is just inviting more disaster.

    • devilslayer August 25, 2024

      Sometimes it feels like the authorities care more about boosting tourism than preventing such tragedies.

  3. Dr. Smith August 25, 2024

    We must acknowledge the role of climate change in exacerbating such natural disasters. Action is needed on a global scale to mitigate these effects.

    • science_guru August 25, 2024

      Spot on, Dr. Smith. Ignoring climate change is like ignoring a ticking time bomb.

    • Katie33 August 25, 2024

      Climate change might be a factor, but shouldn’t the local governments also take responsibility for inadequate infrastructure?

    • Dr. Smith August 25, 2024

      Both are valid points, Katie. We need better local measures as well as global initiatives to address climate change.

    • Frank Z. August 25, 2024

      It’s all connected. Local measures are a band-aid if the bigger issue isn’t tackled.

  4. Jack August 25, 2024

    I was just in Phuket last month. Can’t believe this happened. Sending prayers.

    • Sophie August 25, 2024

      Same here, Jack. It’s gut-wrenching to see the devastation in a place that was so vibrant.

  5. Larry D August 25, 2024

    More funds should be allocated for relief and prevention, not just temporary solutions.

    • Robert August 25, 2024

      Larry D, couldn’t agree more. It’s like they only patch things up instead of fixing the root causes.

  6. green_thumb August 25, 2024

    Mr. Chada’s idea about planting ground-cover flora to prevent soil erosion is a good one. It’s about time we started thinking about sustainable solutions.

    • nature_lover August 25, 2024

      True, green_thumb! Reforestation and sustainable landscaping can go a long way in preventing landslides.

    • Penny August 25, 2024

      But will they actually follow through? So many good ideas get talked about but never implemented.

    • green_thumb August 25, 2024

      That is the million-dollar question, Penny. Let’s hope for once they do more than just talk.

  7. Tanya August 25, 2024

    This makes me wonder about the safety of other tourist hotspots during monsoon season. Are they prepared for similar events?

  8. Maya August 25, 2024

    What a tragedy! I hope the local authorities are held accountable for any negligence that worsened the situation.

    • Ben J. August 25, 2024

      Maya, it’s always a complex issue. Can we truly hold them accountable if it’s partially a natural disaster?

    • Lucy H. August 25, 2024

      I think accountability is key, Ben. Authorities should at least be questioned about their preparedness and response.

  9. Nina August 25, 2024

    So sad to hear that many of the victims were foreign nationals. Condolences to their families.

  10. George August 25, 2024

    Amazing how nature can turn paradise into a nightmare in just a few hours. My heart goes out to the people of Phuket.

  11. Amber August 25, 2024

    The efforts by the rescue team and local authorities sound commendable. They are the real heroes.

  12. Olivia August 25, 2024

    Let’s hope something positive can come from this tragedy in the form of better safety measures and preparations for the future.

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