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PM Paetongtarn Shinawatra Faces Intense Scrutiny Over Digital Wallet Handout in Upcoming Policy Debate

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Cabinet ministers pose for pictures on Friday.

The political arena is heating up as the opposition and Senate prepare to dissect the new government’s policy statement this week. With Pheu Thai Party’s digital wallet handout scheme under intense scrutiny, Prime Minister Paetongtarn Shinawatra is set to elaborate on the policy layout in parliament come Thursday and Friday. According to constitutional mandates, the government must detail its policy statement to parliament before diving into official duties.

Sirikanya Tansakun, a standout list MP of the opposition People’s Party—an entity rising from the ashes of the dissolved Move Forward Party—has announced that over 30 MPs are primed and ready for a spirited debate on the policy statement. “Brace yourselves for a heated exchange. The Pheu Thai-led coalition will face questions on whether they have honored their election promises,” Sirikanya declared on Sunday.

She highlighted that the new government’s policies bear a striking resemblance to those of the previous Srettha Thavisin administration. “We seek greater clarity, precise details, and tangible goals from the new administration to ensure that the opposition can vigilantly oversee them. Otherwise, these policies risk remaining mere pipe dreams,” Sirikanya added.

Senator Premsak Piayura has set his sights on the digital wallet handout scheme—Pheu Thai’s flagship policy—and the new government’s public health agenda. “Throwing cash is not a magic cure for poverty. However, given that it’s part of the government’s election manifesto, they are obligated to deliver,” emphasized Dr. Premsak, urging compliance with legal protocols.

Government insiders hint that the handout scheme aims for a rollout before the end of the 2024 fiscal year on September 30. A supplementary bill, proposing a budget increment of 122 billion baht to partly finance the scheme, has already secured parliamentary approval. Despite this, Deputy Finance Minister Julapun Amornvivat has pointed out that the program demands fine-tuning, including potential tweaks to offer cash in lieu of digital money to specific beneficiaries.

Dr. Premsak also emphasized the necessity for harmony between the new government and the Bank of Thailand (BoT) regarding fiscal policy, in order to avert the friction observed during the Srettha administration. Previously, Prime Minister Srettha had requested the BoT to lower interest rates to invigorate the economy. However, BoT Governor Sethaput Suthiwartnarueput maintained the central bank’s autonomy in policy decisions.

Warning against populist measures that might divert budgetary resources from other vital agencies, Dr. Premsak stressed, “These populist schemes seem geared toward gaining voter favor as we approach the 2027 election. The government must prioritize the country’s existing financial health.”

On the other side, Anusorn Iamsa-ard, a Pheu Thai list MP, urged the opposition to engage in a constructive policy debate. “We aim for a positive discourse. Let’s put past conflicts behind us and steer the nation forward,” he emphasized on Sunday.

When asked whether Pheu Thai plans to mobilize a team of MPs as “bodyguards” to shield cabinet ministers during the debate, Anusorn dismissed the notion. “If opposition MPs strayed beyond the bounds of government policy or became destructive, public opinion will scrutinize and judge them,” he asserted.

Wisut Chainarun, the chief government whip, echoed similar sentiments, cautioning the opposition against turning the policy statement discussion into a confidence vote scenario. “Let’s keep the focus on the policies at hand,” he advocated on Sunday.

According to a leaked draft policy statement, the government intends to launch a debt restructuring initiative that provides relief to car and home loan borrowers, alongside support for both mainstream and non-mainstream financial system debtors. Additionally, economic stimulus measures will be expedited to boost consumer confidence and spending, alleviate financial burdens, generate employment—especially for vulnerable groups—and propel forward the digital wallet handout.


  1. Alex G September 8, 2024

    I think the digital wallet handout is just a bandaid solution. It addresses the symptoms but not the root cause of poverty.

    • Sue September 8, 2024

      But it’s better than doing nothing! At least people get some immediate relief.

      • Mike T. September 8, 2024

        Immediate relief? More like instant gratification that leads to long-term dependency.

    • John Smith September 8, 2024

      Alex, you make a good point. Systemic changes are definitely needed, but we shouldn’t dismiss short-term help either.

      • Jesse September 8, 2024

        Exactly, John. It’s about finding a balance. You can’t just ignore people’s immediate needs.

      • HopeForFuture September 8, 2024

        Finally, someone who gets it. We need both immediate and long-term solutions.

  2. Brenda K September 8, 2024

    Why are we still talking about these digital wallets? Focus on creating jobs and economic stability first.

    • David L September 8, 2024

      Brenda, the digital wallet scheme is a step toward economic stability, by increasing spending power.

  3. politicaljunkie34 September 8, 2024

    It’s just a populist gimmick to win votes for the next election. Classic move.

    • Anna W. September 8, 2024

      You mean like every policy ever? Politicians always have elections in mind.

      • Joel September 8, 2024

        True, but some policies have more substance than others.

  4. Karen September 8, 2024

    Healthcare should be the priority, not giving away cash. What about the long wait times in hospitals?

    • Dr. Sam September 8, 2024

      Healthcare and financial aid can go hand in hand. Ignoring poverty’s impact on health is shortsighted.

      • Fred September 8, 2024

        Spot on, doc! Poverty and healthcare issues are deeply linked.

  5. TruthSeeker September 8, 2024

    I’m more concerned about the impact on the national budget. 122 billion baht is a lot of money.

    • BizMan September 8, 2024

      Economically speaking, increasing consumer spending can stimulate growth.

      • Jane Doe September 8, 2024

        But at what cost? Long-term debt isn’t worth short-term growth.

  6. HappyUser September 8, 2024

    I’m actually excited about this! Finally, a policy that helps regular people.

    • Cynic100 September 8, 2024

      Enjoy it while it lasts. These handouts are rarely a permanent solution.

  7. Tanya September 8, 2024

    How will this impact the fiscal relationship with the Bank of Thailand? Something tells me this will lead to more conflicts.

  8. Joe September 8, 2024

    This scheme could end up being more of a headache for the government than they realize. The logistics alone are mind-boggling.

    • Amber September 8, 2024

      That’s always the problem with grand schemes. Execution is where things often fall apart.

      • TechieGuy September 8, 2024

        Maybe they should hire more tech experts to handle the rollout. Could solve a lot of issues.

  9. Chang September 8, 2024

    Digital wallet handouts could revolutionize the economy. We need to be progressive, people.

    • Traditionalist September 9, 2024

      Not everyone is ready or able to adapt to digital money. We should be cautious.

  10. flipflop112 September 9, 2024

    Pheu Thai better deliver on these promises, or they’ll lose all credibility. Actions speak louder than words.

  11. Ashley M September 9, 2024

    Would be nice if the opposition spent more time proposing solutions rather than just criticizing.

    • Rob September 9, 2024

      Agreed. Constructive debate is necessary for progress.

      • OppositionVoice September 9, 2024

        Criticizing is part of their job to keep the government in check. It’s called democracy.

  12. GreenEarth September 9, 2024

    Has anyone talked about the environmental impacts of this policy? Increased consumerism isn’t always a good thing.

    • EcoWarrior September 9, 2024

      Thank you! Nobody thinks about the long-term environmental effects of these policies.

  13. Irene P September 9, 2024

    Just typical politics. Lots of promises, very little delivery. I’m not holding my breath.

    • PositiveThinker September 9, 2024

      Irene, change takes time. Let’s give them a chance before judging.

  14. Steve September 9, 2024

    People keep missing the big picture. Digital wallets may well be the future of our economy.

    • Naysayer September 9, 2024

      Not if people don’t trust the system. Security issues could derail the whole thing.

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