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Prime Minister Nominee Fights Back: An Epic Showdown Amid Explosive Allegations – Who Will Emerge Victorious?

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In anticipation of the upcoming Prime Minister elections, Yuttapong, a key figure within the chosen party, spoke on the allegations levelled against their chosen candidate, Srettha. The accusations mainly emanated from a known figure, Chuwit. According to Yuttapong, the party would remain unswayed in their support for Srettha. He maintained that these accusations should be treated as an issue for those within the ambit of the Pheu Thai-led coalition to address.

“This controversy is purely a concern for Pheu Thai and other supporting parties which have unitedly agreed to back Srettha as the successor for the Prime Minister’s role”, Yuttapong commented.

The whole fiasco transpired from Chuwit’s allegations, blaming Sansiri, the property company previously under Srettha’s management, for unscrupulous deals during Srettha’s tenure as CEO.

According to Chuwit, Sansiri conspired with the joint owners of a Bangkok-based Sarasin Road plot, located in the Lang Suan area, to evade substantial taxation. This was achieved by positioning individual plot sales to the company, thereby shunning the tax burden.

Further insinuations proposed that Srettha, during his leadership, schemed to drain millions of baht from Sansiri. This was executed through a nominee firm which purchased a plot of land on Soi Thonglor at a heavily inflated price.

Besides, Chuwit didn’t stop at throwing allegations. He went as far as threatening to uncover more alleged misconduct unless Srettha stepped down from the Prime Ministerial race.

However, things took an interesting turn on Saturday when Srettha struck back, alleging that Chuwit’s actions emanated from a personal vendetta against him. This was supposedly after Srettha refused to acquire land offered by Chuwit. Consequently, Srettha proceeded to file a defamation lawsuit against Chuwit, which was met with a countersuit from Chuwit’s side.

Yuttapong defended the chosen candidate, asserting that Srettha remains innocent until proven guilty. He added that Srettha would have the chance to defend himself in court, should the need arise. This would occur if the National Anti-Corruption Commission chose to initiate an investigation into the matter.

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