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Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin Defends Wissanu Krea-ngam Appointment Amid Party Tensions

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It was a sunny Wednesday when Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin made it abundantly clear he was ready to address any concerns within the ranks of the Pheu Thai Party. The buzz was all about his decision to bring on board Wissanu Krea-ngam as his adviser. Reports had surfaced that Pheu Thai leader, Paetongtarn Shinawatra, urged the party MPs during a meeting to stand firmly behind Mr. Srettha and back Wissanu’s appointment. She emphasized that their unequivocal support was vital for the coalition government’s stability.

Mr. Srettha, although not present at the meeting, was quick to dispel any notions of avoidance. He assured everyone that he was more than willing to clarify matters with the Pheu Thai MPs if necessary. His confidence radiated as he expressed that this issue would not drive a wedge between him and the party members.

The backstory to Wissanu’s appointment is a tale of political drama. The Constitution Court had accepted a petition aiming to unseat Mr. Srettha over his controversial choice of Pichit Chuenban as a PM’s Office minister. Mr. Pichit resigned just in the nick of time to avoid the court’s hammer, which then dismissed the case against him. However, the heat remained on Mr. Srettha.

Not all was rosy within the Pheu Thai Party when Wissanu’s name came up. Grumbles emerged from some MPs, unhappy due to Wissanu’s past role as the deputy prime minister in the previous administration of Prayut Chan-o-cha, the man behind the 2014 coup that had ousted the Pheu Thai-led government. The political waters were undeniably murky.

Amidst this swirling controversy, Mr. Srettha had approached Wissanu, given his legal wizardry, for advice on navigating the judicial storm. The premier informed that his defense, scheduled for submission by June 10, was still being meticulously reviewed. When quizzed about his concerns, Mr. Srettha candidly admitted he was worried about every possible issue.

Meanwhile, Pheu Thai secretary-general Sorawong Thienthong tried to cool the waters, emphasizing that no party MP had a beef with Wissanu’s appointment, rumors notwithstanding. Sorawong assured that Paetongtarn had not attempted to sway the MPs’ thoughts but rather urged them to maintain unity and avoid blowing the appointment matter out of proportion. The principle, he said, was simple – disunity could spell instability for the government.

In the end, it all boiled down to this: a coalition government thrives on unity. Both PM Srettha and Paetongtarn Shinawatra seemed to grasp this critical truth, navigating the tricky waters of politics with a balancing act. The stage was set for the coalition’s next move, eyes watching keenly.


  1. Anna Lee June 5, 2024

    I think Srettha is making a smart move by bringing Wissanu on board. His legal expertise could be invaluable.

    • politico_guru99 June 5, 2024

      Sure, but Wissanu has ties to the previous regime. It’s hard to trust him given his part in the 2014 coup.

      • Anna Lee June 5, 2024

        I get that, but sometimes political pragmatism is necessary. Srettha has a tough task ahead, and Wissanu can help navigate the legal complexities.

      • HistoryBuff June 5, 2024

        Or maybe this is just another example of politicians looking out for themselves rather than the people.

    • PheuThaiOptimist June 5, 2024

      Wissanu’s experience might help stabilize the government. Sometimes you need insiders to fix the mess they helped create!

      • skeptical_joe June 5, 2024

        That’s a pretty naive view. Wolves in sheep’s clothing don’t become sheep just because they’re needed.

      • Anna Lee June 5, 2024

        Everyone has a point to some degree. It’s going to take a delicate balance to keep things smooth.

  2. thinker23 June 5, 2024

    Just another classic case of political maneuvering. All these politicians are just trying to save their jobs, not serve the country.

    • RealPolitik June 5, 2024

      True, but isn’t that the nature of politics? It’s about power dynamics and survival.

      • thinker23 June 5, 2024

        It’s frustrating though. We need leaders who genuinely care about the people, not just their positions.

      • PhilosopherKing June 5, 2024

        Idealism is noble, but without power, you can’t implement change. You need both.

  3. Sam T. June 5, 2024

    Why is there even an issue? If Srettha needs legal advice, who better than Wissanu? His past shouldn’t be a deal-breaker.

    • PoliticalObserver June 5, 2024

      It’s not just about legal advice, it’s about political symbolism. His past associations bring skepticism.

    • Nina P. June 5, 2024

      Exactly. It’s not just about capability; it’s also about public perception and trust.

  4. JonnyBGood June 5, 2024

    This whole appointment reeks of desperation. If Srettha was truly confident, he wouldn’t need someone with such a controversial background.

    • Cynthia Mal June 5, 2024

      Desperate times call for desperate measures, Jonny. The situation is quite complex.

  5. Teera June 5, 2024

    I’m surprised by the disunity within Pheu Thai over this. They should be rallying together, not falling apart.

  6. LocalGuy June 6, 2024

    What’s the point of having a coalition government if it’s always on the verge of splitting?

  7. Pat P June 6, 2024

    Coalition politics is inherently tricky. It’s a balance of different interests and opinions.

  8. ScholarJo June 6, 2024

    Wissanu’s role could indeed be invaluable, especially given the constitutional nuances involved. His past is a double-edged sword.

  9. Chan444 June 6, 2024

    People need to look beyond the past and focus on the present challenges. Wissanu might be the help they need.

  10. concerned_citizen June 6, 2024

    I understand the need for expertise, but it’s important leaders remain ethical and transparent.

  11. Nidcha June 6, 2024

    Interesting how Paetongtarn is pushing for unity. Makes me wonder about her true influence within the party.

  12. yo_boi June 6, 2024

    Politics is just a game. Are these leaders even serious about solving real issues?

  13. EducatedGuess June 6, 2024

    Leadership is about making tough calls. Wissanu’s appointment might be controversial, but necessary.

  14. Nok568 June 6, 2024

    Totally agree. Leaders need to make decisions that aren’t always popular if they serve the greater good.

    • Teera June 6, 2024

      But if those decisions fracture the party, is it really serving the greater good?

    • Nok568 June 6, 2024

      A fractured party can come back stronger if it learns from its challenges. Unity isn’t always immediate.

  15. TruthSeeker24 June 6, 2024

    What’s the point of Wissanu advising Srettha on legal matters if it only makes people question the integrity of the government?

  16. Rita S. June 6, 2024

    Every administration has its challenges and controversies. It’s about how you handle them that matters.

    • HistoryBuff June 6, 2024

      True, but some choices have long-term repercussions that can’t just be brushed aside.

  17. Somsak T. June 6, 2024

    Srettha’s approach is pragmatic. It’s not about liking the person but about getting the job done effectively.

  18. Nina P. June 6, 2024

    Which is why there are so many mixed feelings. Pragmatism vs. principles is always a tough battle.

  19. faith_in_politics June 6, 2024

    In the end, a united coalition government can achieve more than a fragmented one. Wisdom and experience like Wissanu’s are necessary.

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