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Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin Reviews Key Insights from NSO Report: High Public Satisfaction and Urgent Priorities

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The Government House was bustling on May 7, with cabinet ministers posing for memorable photos. But behind those smiles, an intriguing narrative emerges, thanks to a recent study by the National Statistical Office (NSO). According to official spokesperson Chai Wacharonke, this study reveals that approximately 44% of respondents expressed satisfaction with the government’s performance during its initial six-month period in office.

The NSO didn’t just pull numbers from a hat—they meticulously tapped into the sentiments of 6,970 participants aged 16 and above, spanning the nation from April 22 to May 15. And when the NSO director, Piyanuch Wuttisorn, unveiled these numbers, it became clear: about 44.3% of participants felt highly satisfied, while 39.6% were moderately content, and 14.1% displayed slightly content demeanor.

Diving deeper into the data, it’s fascinating to observe how people keep tabs on government activities. A significant 83.9% of respondents said they primarily absorb government information through television (69.6%) and Facebook (46.2%). Clearly, traditional media and social platforms are pivotal avenues for public engagement.

When it comes to government initiatives, the 30-baht universal healthcare scheme emerged as a crowd favorite, with a substantial 68.4% rating it highly. Following closely, debt suspension for farmers garnered 38.9% approval, and tourism income measures notched up 33.1%, showcasing a diverse array of policies resonating with the public.

Public confidence swayed more on the optimistic side, with 41.9% of respondents feeling very confident in the government’s ability to tackle national issues. Meanwhile, 39.6% harbored moderate confidence, reflecting a generally hopeful sentiment.

Highlighting urgent priorities, a hefty 75.3% of those surveyed emphasized the pressing need to control consumer goods prices. Not trailing far behind, 46.6% highlighted the urgency of reducing energy costs. Clearly, these two issues strike a chord with the populace, demanding immediate attention.

Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin, not one to miss a beat, conveyed his heartfelt thanks to the citizens for their invaluable feedback. He assured that the government intends to use these insights to fine-tune its performance, aiming to meet public expectations. The Premier also expressed his gratitude for the public’s faith in his administration and reiterated his commitment to improving people’s quality of life continuously.

From there, the government plans to carry out an evaluation of its working guidelines, ensuring they align with the public’s needs and the ever-changing circumstances. This evolving approach aims to keep the administration responsive and effective, driving forward the goal of national progress and contentment.


  1. Alex Lee June 3, 2024

    It’s good to see the government getting decent approval ratings, but I still question the accuracy of these surveys.

    • Kim June 3, 2024

      Why do you doubt the surveys? They surveyed a significant number of people.

      • Alex Lee June 3, 2024

        Surveys can be manipulated or biased, especially if they are state-run. It’s just hard to trust them completely.

      • Sam T. June 3, 2024

        Not everything is rigged. Sometimes, things might just reflect what people actually think.

  2. MyraRose June 3, 2024

    TV and Facebook still holding strong for info? Isn’t that concerning in terms of misinformation?

    • David Oceans June 3, 2024

      True, Facebook is notorious for spreading fake news. TV isn’t much better sometimes.

    • Kim June 3, 2024

      Well, older generations still rely on these mediums. It’s just the reality.

  3. James White June 3, 2024

    The 30-baht healthcare is a great initiative, but is it really sustainable long-term?

    • Raj Singh June 3, 2024

      Exactly! These social benefits can drain the economy quickly if not managed well.

    • Kate June 3, 2024

      Better a million times than nothing and letting people die because they can’t afford care.

    • James White June 3, 2024

      Kate, I agree it’s crucial, but we need to ensure it’s financially feasible.

  4. Claire B. June 3, 2024

    Debt suspension for farmers is a short-term fix. We need more sustainable agricultural policies.

    • GreenThumb47 June 3, 2024

      Totally, you can’t just keep suspending debts, it only delays the inevitable.

    • Sara_82 June 3, 2024

      Sustainable policies need significant investment, which might not be politically favorable at the moment.

    • Claire B. June 3, 2024

      Long-term outlooks are necessary even if they’re not popular right now.

  5. Mia Sanchez June 3, 2024

    What about the environmental policies? The government seems to focus solely on economic issues.

    • Felix June 3, 2024

      Good point! Environmental sustainability should be a priority too.

    • Gina June 3, 2024

      Economics and quality of life improvements are pressing but yes, ignoring environment is shortsighted.

    • Mia Sanchez June 3, 2024

      Exactly, it’s all interconnected. Environmental degradation will hurt the economy in the long run.

  6. Liam June 3, 2024

    The focus on controlling consumer goods prices is a win for consumers everywhere.

  7. grower134 June 3, 2024

    Reducing energy costs should’ve been prioritized ages ago. Finally, someone’s listening!

    • Heather June 3, 2024

      Agreed. High energy costs affect every aspect of daily life.

  8. Eva D. June 3, 2024

    Public satisfaction is high, but is this just a honeymoon period for the government?

    • John Doe June 3, 2024

      Truth. Early days can be deceptive. Let’s see what happens in a year or two.

    • Anna L. June 3, 2024

      Or maybe they’re genuinely doing a good job?

    • Eva D. June 3, 2024

      I’m cautiously optimistic but politicians have a way of disappointing.

  9. Freddy June 3, 2024

    Great to see Prime Minister Thavisin listening to the public. Hope it’s not just lip service.

    • Oliver June 3, 2024

      Politicians often say what we want to hear without acting on it.

  10. Nina June 3, 2024

    Surveys like these tend to oversimplify complex issues.

  11. Chris June 3, 2024

    Totally support the current initiatives. Keep up the good work, Prime Minister!

    • TruthSeeker99 June 3, 2024

      Let’s hope they stay on this track.

  12. Leo June 3, 2024

    The government’s popularity can change overnight if they don’t address people’s real concerns.

  13. Ember June 3, 2024

    Reducing energy costs should benefit everyone, especially the lower-income groups.

    • Tommy June 3, 2024

      Exactly. It’s not just about the economy; it directly affects people’s lives.

  14. Avery S. June 3, 2024

    High approval ratings for universal healthcare show how crucial it is.

    • Joseph June 3, 2024

      Healthcare is a basic necessity. Glad it’s recognized.

  15. Lilly W. June 3, 2024

    Farmers’ debt suspension is great in theory, but implementation is key.

  16. Taylor J. June 3, 2024

    Consumer goods prices are skyrocketing everywhere. Relief can’t come soon enough.

    • Ben H. June 3, 2024

      Right? It’s getting harder to make ends meet.

  17. Ashley K. June 3, 2024

    Hope the government really uses these insights to make tangible changes.

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