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Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin’s Cabinet Meeting: Addressing Education, Debt, and Economic Growth

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Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin is set to attend an important cabinet meeting on Tuesday. According to a recent opinion survey by the National Statistical Office (NSO), the government, under his leadership, enjoys a significant support rate. Yet, Mr. Srettha acknowledges that there is more to be done to improve society, particularly in the sectors of education, combating drug issues, and reducing household debt.

“Education remains the country’s top concern and we must not lose sight of education development. As for household debt, we’ll come up with measures to reduce that. It’s also a priority task,” Prime Minister Srettha emphasized, underscoring the government’s commitment to addressing these core issues.

He further added that the government will continue its efforts to attract foreign investments, boost the economy, and generate more job opportunities. These strategic actions aim to create a sustainable and prosperous future for the nation.

The NSO survey, which gathered opinions from 6,970 participants aged 16 and above from April 22 to May 15, revealed interesting findings. A notable 44.3% of respondents expressed a high level of satisfaction with the government’s performance, 39.6% were moderately satisfied, and 14.1% were slightly satisfied. This snapshot of public opinion highlights a generally positive reception towards the current administration.

When asked about the specific policies or projects that garnered their approval, 68.4% of the respondents lauded the universal health care program. The debt suspension initiative for farmers followed with 38.9%, and tourism stimulus measures garnered the approval of 33.1% of the participants. These programs reflect the government’s efforts to cater to the pressing needs of the public.

However, when probed about the urgent issues they want the government to address, 75.3% of the respondents pointed to the rising prices of consumer goods, indicating a significant concern over cost-of-living pressures. Following this, 46.6% of the participants identified the need to lower power bills as a priority. These insights will likely shape the government’s forthcoming policy adjustments.

Meanwhile, Digital Economy and Society (DES) Minister Prasert Jantararuangthong addressed the skepticism surrounding the timing of the NSO survey. It was released shortly after a poll by King Prajadhipok’s Institute (KPI) and others which suggested a considerable dip in the popularity of the ruling Pheu Thai Party.

According to the KPI survey, if an election were to happen soon, the coalition-leading Pheu Thai Party could face a loss of 36 House seats, bringing their total to 105. In contrast, the opposition Move Forward Party would potentially secure 208 seats, up significantly from the 151 seats they won previously.

Minister Prasert clarified that the NSO survey was intended to evaluate the government’s performance after six months in office. He noted that the positive feedback from the public indicated that the government was indeed on the right track. These results will be instrumental in fine-tuning their strategies to better serve the nation’s needs.


  1. Emily June 4, 2024

    Improving the education system is always a good move. But why is no one talking about how to reduce household debt effectively? It’s not just about measures, it’s about sustainable change!

    • Frank J. June 4, 2024

      I agree, Emily. Debt reduction needs a comprehensive strategy, not just quick fixes.

      • John Smith June 4, 2024

        Education and household debt are intertwined. Better education means better job opportunities and better financial management.

      • Emily June 4, 2024

        Exactly, John. And good financial education should start in schools. Let’s not wait till adulthood to fix these issues.

  2. Amy June 4, 2024

    Foreign investment is crucial for economic growth, but there’s a fine line between boosting the economy and compromising national interests.

    • Pat June 4, 2024

      Absolutely, foreign investments should benefit the country, not exploit it. We need strict regulations.

  3. Leo June 4, 2024

    Prime Minister Srettha is doing a great job so far. The government has to keep up the momentum.

    • Sara D. June 4, 2024

      Leo, it’s easy to say he’s doing a great job with positive surveys, but remember, surveys can be manipulated.

    • Leo June 4, 2024

      You make a fair point, Sara. But we should give credit where it’s due.

  4. Markus June 4, 2024

    The rise in consumer goods prices is a global issue. We can’t solely blame the government for it.

    • Nina June 4, 2024

      Markus, but the government does have the power to control tax rates and implement subsidies to ease the burden on citizens.

    • Markus June 4, 2024

      True, Nina, but there’s a limit to what subsidies can do. Long-term solutions are needed.

  5. grower134 June 4, 2024

    Debt suspension for farmers is essential. It’s about time the government recognized the backbone of our economy.

    • Agronomist Dave June 4, 2024

      Speaking as someone from the field, I agree. But we also need better infrastructure and policies for sustainable agriculture.

  6. Joe June 4, 2024

    Why does the KPI survey show such a drop in popularity for the Pheu Thai Party? Something seems off.

    • politico45 June 4, 2024

      Politics is always tricky, Joe. The difference could be due to varying methodologies or even political bias in the surveys.

  7. Sam June 4, 2024

    Universal health care is getting the credit it deserves. Finally, a policy that benefits everyone!

  8. Anna B. June 4, 2024

    Economic growth should not come at the cost of the environment. Where are the green policies?

    • ecoWarrior June 4, 2024

      Right on, Anna! Sustainable economic growth should be the focus. We can’t ignore climate change.

  9. Mike1020 June 4, 2024

    Very skeptical about this NSO survey. Timing seems suspicious with the drop in popularity polls.

    • Tina H. June 4, 2024

      Mike, there’s always going to be some skepticism around timing. But let’s hope the surveys reflect reality.

    • Mike1020 June 4, 2024

      Hope isn’t enough, Tina. We need transparency and consistent methodologies.

  10. Jason Lee June 4, 2024

    Lowering power bills should be a priority too. Energy costs are hitting everyone hard.

    • Ellen June 4, 2024

      Couldn’t agree more, Jason. Renewable energy initiatives could help in the long run.

  11. Zara June 4, 2024

    Public satisfaction rates look promising, but how reliable are these surveys really?

    • Bob June 4, 2024

      Surveys can only tell part of the story. We need to look at actual policies and their implementation.

  12. Greg June 4, 2024

    Tourism stimulus measures are great, but what about the local businesses struggling amidst these initiatives?

    • Marcia P. June 4, 2024

      Greg, I think local businesses benefit indirectly from increased tourism, but they do need direct support too.

    • Greg June 4, 2024

      Direct support is crucial. The government should balance both, not just focus on one over the other.

  13. Nate June 4, 2024

    Glad to see rising consumer prices being addressed as a major concern. Let’s see some effective policies.

  14. Sarah W. June 4, 2024

    All these measures sound good on paper. The real test is in their implementation.

    • Ken June 4, 2024

      Exactly, Sarah. Implementation is key. Many good policies fail due to poor execution.

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